ICOH History
The congress proceedings along its first 100 years of life

The ICOH Heritage Repository is a large digital archive created to preserve and share at the same time a precious heritage in the field of international occupational health, also relevant from the historiographical point of view. It consists of all the congress proceedings of the 32 ICOH Congresses, starting from ICOH foundation in 1906 to the present time.
The Repository includes more than 20,000 scientific papers available for download in Acrobat Reader format and more than 50,000 authors listed. Therefore, the Repository represents the most complete collection of scientific contributions in Occupational Medicine available today.
Searches can be carried out by crossing between three search keys: “author”, “title”, and “year” of the scientific contribution. Additionally, the "body content" field allows searching for the words within the whole text of the papers of all the conferences. This makes the Repository an extremely complex and innovative tool, based on an effective indexing able to provide results in a more systematic way compared to the majority of similar archives already existing.
The ICOH Heritage Repository aims at offering a readily accessible and effective tool for scholars and researchers. Priority has been given not only to the information storage as a form of protection, but also to digitisation as a means to increase accessibility to research assets.
The Repository project was carried out in collaboration with the Italian Workers’ Compensation Authority (INAIL), the University of Bologna, and the University of Milan.