Year |
Venue |
Title |
Date |
1906 |
Milan |
Atti del primo Congresso Internazionale per le Malattie del Lavoro |
June 9-14, 1906 |
1910 |
Bruxelles |
Actes du Deuxieme Congres International des Maladies Professionnelles |
September 10-14, 1910 |
1918 |
Wien |
Schriften des 3. Internationales Kongresses für Gewerbekrankheiten |
September 21-26, 1914 |
1925 |
Amsterdam |
Vierde Internationaal Congres voor Ongevallengeneeskunde en Beroepsziekten |
September 7-12, 1925 |
1928 |
Budapest |
Opera Collecta Congressus 5. Internationalis Medicorum pro Artificibus Calamitate Afflictis Aegrotisque |
September 2- 8, 1928 |
1931 |
Genève |
Sixieme Congres International des Accidents et des Maladies du Travail |
August 3-9, 1931 |
1935 |
Bruxelles |
Septieme Congres International des Accidents et des Maladies du Travail |
July 22-26, 1935 |
1938 |
Frankfurt A.M. |
Bericht über den 8. Internationalen Kongress für Unfallmedizin und Berufskrankheiten |
September 26-30, 1938 |
1948 |
London |
The Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Industrial Medicine |
September 13-17, 1948 |
1951 |
Lisbona |
X Congres International de Medecine du Travail |
September 9-15, 1951 |
1954 |
Napoli |
Atti dell’XI Congresso Internazionale di Medicina del Lavoro |
September 13-19, 1954 |
1957 |
Helsinki |
XII International Congress on Occupational Health |
July 1-6, 1957 |
1960 |
New York |
Proceedings 13. International Congress on Occupational Health |
July 25-29, 1960 |
1963 |
Madrid |
XIV Congreso Internacional de Medicina del Trabajo |
September 16-21, 1963 |
1966 |
Wien |
XV Internationaler Kongress fur Arbeitsmedizin |
September 19-24, 1966 |
1969 |
Tokyo |
XVI International Congress on Occupational Health |
September 22-27, 1969 |
1972 |
Buenos Aires |
XVII Congreso Internacional de Medicina del Trabajo |
September 17-23, 1972 |
1975 |
Brighton |
XVIII International Congress on Occupational Health |
September 14-19, 1975 |
1978 |
Dubrovnik |
Proceedings of the 19. International Congress on Occupational Health |
September 25-30, 1978 |
1981 |
Cairo |
XX International Congress on Occupational Health |
September 25-October 1, 1981 |
1984 |
Dublin |
XXI International Congress on Occupational Health |
September 9-14, 1984 |
1987 |
Sydney |
Work for Health: 22. International Congress on Occupational Health |
September 27-October 2, 1987 |
1990 |
Montreal |
XXIII Congres International de la Medecine du Travail |
September 22-28, 1990 |
1993 |
Nice |
XXIV Congres de la Commission Internationale de la Sante au Travail |
September 26-October 1, 1993 |
1996 |
Stockholm |
XXV International Congress on Occupational Health |
September 15-20, 1996 |
2000 |
Singapore |
Healthy Worker, healthy Workplace: a New Millennium 26. International Congress on Occupational Health |
August 27-September 1, 2000 |
2003 |
Iguassu Falls - Brasil |
The Challenge of Equity in Safety and Health at Work 27. International Congress on Occupational Health |
February 23-28, 2003 |
2006 |
Milan |
Renewing a century of committment to a healthy, safe and productive working life |
June 11-16, 2006 |
2009 |
Cape Town |
29th ICOH, International Congress on Occupational Health |
March 22-27, 2009 |
2012 |
Cancun - Mexico |
30th International Congress on Occupational Health |
March 18 - 23, 2012 |
2015 |
Seoul - Korea |
31st International Congress on Occupational Health |
May31 - June 5, 2015 |
2018 |
Dublin - Ireland |
32nd Triennial Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) |
April 29 – May 4, 2018 |