- Introductory section
- LEO NORO . (1975). International Occupational Health. Abstract. (p. 5).
- M.A. EL BATAWI . (1975). The work of the Word Health Organization in Occupational Health. Abstract. (p. 7).
- ERNEST MASTROMATTEO . (1975). The ILO and International Occupational Health. Abstract. (pp. 8 - 9).
- BRIAN L. REES . (1975). Trench injuries. Abstract. (p. 10).
- JEAN HALEWYCK DE HEUSCH . (1975). Les lesions graves par accidents du travail dans l’industrie de la construction Belge. Abstract. (p. 11).
- M. AMPHOUX, A. SEVIN . (1975). Etude experimentale des lesions dues au bruit dans les traumatismes craniens moderes. Abstract. (p. 12).
- P.M. GAGEY . (1975). Interet de l’examen de la posture en medecine du travail. Abstract. (p. 13).
- JEAN HALEWYCK DE HEUSCH . (1975). Le vertige, consequence de l’accident du travail. Abstract. (p. 13).
- L. CONDE-SALAZAR . (1975). Eczema en los obreros de la construccion (revision de 100 casos). Abstract. (p. 14).
- BASIL BAZAS, G. KANELLOPOULOS, M. SARIVALASSIS, H. KOUTSELAPOULOU . (1975). The effect of the long term inhalation of cement dust on the respiratory system of cement workers in Greece. Abstract. (pp. 15 - 16).
- METODI I. MIKOV . (1975). The influence of occupational factors on the prevalence of chronic bronchitis. Abstract. (p. 17).
- MARKO ŠARIC, ANKICA HOLETIC . (1975). A follow-up study of forced expiratory volumes in cement workers. Abstract. (pp. 18 - 19).
- R. FECCI, J. MAGNOUAT, J.F. MARTIN, M. SIGNOURET, J. GHIONE, A. MATHIAS, O. POYEN, A. BOTTA, G. JULLIEN . (1975). Etude de la penibilite d’un poste de travail de la construction: l’ouvrier de prefabrication lourde. Abstract. (p. 20).
- M. SIGNOURET, R. FECCI, J.F. MARTIN, J. HEDOU, D. POYEN, A. BOTTA, A. MATHIAS, G. JULLIEN . (1975). La penibilite physique du poste de macon de prefabrication. Abstract. (p. 20).
- R. FECCI, J. GHIONE, M. SIGNOURET, D. POYEN, A. BOTTA, A. MATHIAS, G. JULLIEN . (1975). Incidences sur la fonction respiratoire des poussieres et vapeurs irritantes rencontrees dans les industries de la construction. Abstract. (p. 21).
- ALF ASKERGREN, MONICA MELLGREN . (1975). Changes in the nasal mucosa after exposure to copper salt dust. Abstract. (p. 21).
- J.P. POLI, J. ROBIN, M. AMPHOUX . (1975). Sensibilite cutanee au ciment chez les porteurs de dermite. Abstract. (p. 22).
- GUSTAV WICKSTRÖM, JUHANI NUMMI, HILKKA RIIHIMAKI, MATTI WIIKERI . (1975). Arthrosis of knee in concrete armouring workers. Abstract. (p. 23).
- HILKKA RIIHIMAKI, JUHANI NUMMI, GUSTAV WICKSTRÖM, MATTI WIIKERI . (1975). Symptoms, clinical signs and X-ray findings in upper limb joints of concrete armouring workers. Abstract. (p. 24).
- JEAN CATOIR . (1975). Les aspects pathologiques des travailleurs immigres dans l’industrie de la construction. Abstract. (p. 24).
- JEAN HALEWYCK DE HEUSCH . (1975). Travailleurs migrants et accidents du travail en Belgique. Abstract. (p. 26).
- M. SIGNOURET, A. MATHIAS, D. POYEN, A. BOTTA, G. JULLIEN . (1975). Etude ergonomique du poste de grutier. Abstract. (p. 26).
- R. FECCI, M. SIGNOURET, J.F. MARTIN, J. HEDOU, F. DURANC, D. POYEN, A. BOTTA . (1975). Le ferrailleur d’atelier. Abstract. (p. 26).
- A. MATHIAS, M. SIGNOURET, D. POYEN, A. BOTTA . (1975). La pathologie rhino-sinusienne chez les travailleurs du bois. Abstract. (p. 27).
- GÖRAN ENGHOLM, ANDERS ENGLUND, ERIC ÖSTLUND . (1975). Information processing in Occupational Health for Swedish Construction Industry. Abstract. (p. 27).
- ERIC ÖSTLUND, MARTIN HALEN, ALF HASSEL . (1975). A descriptive system for the working environment in the Swedish Construction Industry. Abstract. (p. 28).
- R. FECCI, G. JULLIEN . (1975). Le dossier de medecine du travail pour ordinateur. Son interet dans la recherche medicale et professionnelle. Resultat de deux annees d’exploitation. Abstract. (p. 29).
- JORGE DA ROCHA-GOMES, DIOGO PUPO-NOGUEIRA, EDGAR PEREIRA DA SILVA, CESAR A. BORDA ANEIVA . (1975). Preliminary survey of small textile industries in the city of Americana, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Abstract. (p. 30).
- ENRIQUE GUERRERO-MEDINA . (1975). Health conditions in small industrues. Colombia 1974. Abstract. (pp. 31 - 32).
- MATTI TOLONEN . (1975). Occupational health service in communal health centres in Finland. Abstract. (p. 33).
- CORNUAU, SABATIER . (1975). Les services interentreprises en France. Abstract. (pp. 34 - 35).
- J.R. BRESSON, J. DUROUX . (1975). Modalites et resultats de la medicine du travail appliquee aux petites entreprises. Abstract. (pp. 36 - 37).
- N. PARDON, P. DUBRULLE . (1975). Progres en cours dans le cadre de la medicine du travail appliques aux petites entreprises. Abstract. (p. 38).
- R. TOKUNAGA, G. ICHINOSE, K. TODA, Y. BABA, S. INUI . (1975). The role and the status of occupational health activities in the private cooperative organizations of minor enterprises in Japan. Abstract. (p. 39).
- KYU SANG CHO, SEUNG HAN LEE . (1975). A study of occupational health prublems in small-scale industries. Abstract. (pp. 40 - 41).
- YOUSIF OSMAN . (1975). Studies on occupational health problems in the Sudan. Abstract. (pp. 42 - 43).
- BERIT YDREBORG . (1975). On a model for occupational health service for small industries. Abstract. (pp. 44 - 45).
- P.M. ELLIOTT . (1975). An evaluation of the contribution made by a Group Occupational Health Service to the Health and Safety needs of small industries. Abstract. (p. 46).
- EDGAR F. SEAGLE . (1975). The design of occupational safety and health programs for small businesses. Abstract. (p. 47).
- WILLIAM Y. CHEN . (1975). A demonstration project in coordinating community occupational health resources for small businesses. Abstract. (pp. 48 - 49).
- ALISON D. MCDONALD, J. CORBETT MCDONALD . (1975). Estimates of mesothelioma incidence. Abstract. (p. 50).
- H.E. AYER, J.R. BURG . (1975). Cumulative asbestos exposure and forced vital capacity. Abstract. (p. 51).
- S. HOWARD, L.J. KINLEN, H.C. LEWINSOHN, J. PETO, R. DOLL . (1975). A mortality study among workers in an English asbestos factory. Abstract. (p. 52).
- MURIEL L. NEWHOUSE, G. BERRY . (1975). The risk of developing mesothelial tumours among workers in an asbestos textile factory. Abstract. (p. 53).
- L. RUSSO, I. GHEZZI, D. ZANNINI . (1975). Mortality and causes of death among industrial workers of the port of Genoa. Abstract. (p. 54).
- WILLIAM J. NICHOLSON . (1975). The comparative mortality experience of three cohorts of asbestos workers. Abstract. (p. 55).
- BENVENUTO PERNIS, MARIO GOVERNA . (1975). Cell effect of asbestos. Abstract. (p. 56).
- ROMAN SMOLIK, ANDRZEJ LANGE, WITOLD ZATONSKI . (1975). Some aspects of pathogenesis and clinical symptomatology of asbestosis. Abstract. (p. 57).
- M.D. ATTFIELD, S.T. BECKETT, W.H. VALTON . (1975). An international comparison of counts of asbestos fibres sampled on membrane filters. Abstract. (p. 58).
- G.W. GIBBS, R.S.J. DUTOIT, P. BARON, R. ROBOCK . (1975). A summary of asbestos fibre counting experience in eight countries. Abstract. (p. 59).
- JOEL H. SANDERSON, MARY F. MAGEE . (1975). A new method of carboxyhaemoglobin measurement. Abstract. (p. 60).
- SOUHEIL LAHAM, MARC POTVIN, KARL SCHRADER . (1975). Etudes biochimiques sur le dichloromethane, un solvant simulant l’intoxication par l’oxyde de carbone. Abstract. (p. 61).
- JOACHIM LINDNER, HANS ZORN . (1975). Die bedeutung der xenometabolischen zwischenstufen und endprodukte der dihalomethane. Abstract. (p. 62).
- C.L. HAKE, R.D. STEWART, A. WU, S.A. GRAFF . (1975). Carboxyhemoblogin levels of humans exposed to methylene chloride. Abstract. (p. 63).
- PERTTI SUMARI . (1975). Causes of death of patients suffering from Carbon monoxide poisoning during the years 1940-47. Abstract. (p. 64).
- ANNETTE WEBER, CARLO JERMINI, ETIENNE GRANDJEAN . (1975). Experimental studies of low carbonmonoxide exposures on flicker fusion frequency and on subjective feelings. Abstract. (p. 65).
- J. GRAHAM JONES . (1975). Environmental standards, alarm levels and control procedures for protection against carbon monoxide at work. Abstract. (p. 66).
- JØRGEN JAHR . (1975). Some consequences of legalizing the threshold limit values. Abstract. (p. 67).
- DOROTHY RADWANSKI . (1975). An experiment in teaching occupational health nursing. Abstract. (p. 68).
- PETER HOLGATE, BRENDA SLANEY, ELIZABETH TYRER . (1975). A review of part time education for occupational health nurses in the United Kingdom for the period 1964-75. Abstract. (p. 69).
- JUNE HOMEWOOD . (1975). The role of the occupational health nurse in education within the occupational health team. Abstract. (pp. 70 - 71).
- MARY LOUISE BROWN . (1975). Implications for occupational health nursing practice of research findings. Abstract. (p. 72).
- CHRISTINE HUNT . (1975). The cause and effect of stress on young people at work. Abstract. (p. 73).
- IRIS EVANS . (1975). The medico social work of the occupational health nurse. Abstract. (pp. 74 - 75).
- YUKIKO OKUI . (1975). Health counselling by the occupational health nurses. Abstract. (pp. 76 - 77).
- A.M. MARSHALL, M.K. TURVEY . (1975). The influence of the occupational health nurse as a health educator. Abstract. (pp. 78 - 79).
- HELEN CRAW, ALMA HUMPHRIES . (1975). Occupational health nursing in new south wales. Abstract. (pp. 80 - 81).
- DIANA M. STEWART . (1975). The role of an information officer in an occupational health service. Abstract. (pp. 82 - 83).
- ELAINE NELSON . (1975). A visiting nurse service to small industries. Abstract. (p. 84).
- M.E.M. OXER . (1975). Establishment of a part-time nursing service for small enterprises in Australia. Abstract. (pp. 85 - 86).
- R.C. BROWNE . (1975). The work of the occupational health nurse in the english electricity generating industry. Abstract. (p. 87).
- L. PARMEGGIANI . (1975). Observations sur l’absenteisme dans l’ industrie italienne. Abstract. (p. 88).
- J.T. CARTER . (1975). Absence attributed to sickness in oil tanker crews. Abstract. (p. 89).
- GERHARD PRESSEL . (1975). Arbeitsumweltfaktoren und Krankenstand in den ausbesserungswerkstätten der Deutschen Bundesbahn. Abstract. (pp. 90 - 91).
- MALCOLM HARRINGTON, HARRY SHANNON . (1975). Sickness absence in medical laboratories. Abstract. (pp. 92 - 93).
- KAZUHO MAEDA, SHIGERU TANAKA, MASAJI ONO . (1975). A. Contribution to the interpretation of absenteeism in view of the way workmen use their sick pay. Abstract. (pp. 94 - 95).
- PETER TAYLOR . (1975). Sickness absence and its relationship with rates of disablement and death. Abstract. (p. 96).
- J.T. METS . (1975). Absenteeism in a developing industrial area. Socio-cultural factors influencing non-attendance patterns in a multiracial working population. Abstract. (pp. 97 - 98).
- MIKLOS TIMAR, MARGIT CSUKAS, LASZLO MAKKAI . (1975). Investigation of sickness absence among coal miners.Estimation of methods. Abstract. (p. 99).
- ROLF KARL JECH . (1975). Vorschläge zur Absentismusprophylaxe. Abstract. (p. 100).
- HUBERT ANTWEILER, RENEE FELBERG . (1975). New findings about biologically active substances in cotton dust. Abstract. (p. 101).
- RAGNAR RYLANDER, MARIE-CLAIRE SNELLA . (1975). Pulmonary cell reactions after exposure to extracts of cotton bract. Abstract. (p. 102).
- FRIGYES F. CINKOTAI . (1975). The size-distribution and protease content of airborne particles in the cardrooms of ten Lancashire cotton mills, with reference to byssinosis. Abstract. (p. 103).
- RITVA HARJULA . (1975). Functional characteristics of byssinosis. Abstract. (pp. 104 - 105).
- EUGENIJA ZUSKIN, FEDOR VALIC . (1975). Measurements of respiratory function in wool workers. Abstract. (p. 106).
- CHARLES F. MARTIN . (1975). A study of a pulmonary function testing program involving 6,631 cotton textile workers. Abstract. (p. 107).
- MUSTAFA KHOGALI . (1975). Byssinosis: a follow-up study of cotton ginnery workers in the Sudan. Abstract. (p. 108).
- A. BOUHUYS, C.A. MITCHELL, J. ORTEGA, J.B. SCHOENBERG, E. ZUSKIN . (1975). Disabling byssinosis in textile workers. Abstract. (p. 109).
- SUSAN M. DAUM, HERBERT SEIDMAN, HARRY HEIMANN, IRVING J. SELIKOFF . (1975). Mortality experience of cotton textile wcrkers in the United States. Abstract. (p. 110).
- FEDOR VALIC, DUNJA BERITIC, DRAGAN BUTKOVIC . (1975). Respiratory response to tobacco dust exposure. Abstract. (pp. 111 - 112).
- W.T. SINGLETON . (1975). Stress – the conceptual approach. Abstract. (pp. 113 - 115).
- R.T. WILKINSON . (1975). Methodology of research on stress problems. Abstract. (p. 116).
- LOUIS B. ARNOLDI . (1975). Measures of stress in an employee population. Abstract. (p. 117).
- WILHELM HUNTING, JAN NEMECEK, ETIENNE GRANDJEAN . (1975). Die physische Belastung von Arbeitern an der Gesenkschmiede. Abstract. (p. 117).
- E.N. CORLETT . (1975). Posture and industrial work. Abstract. (p. 118).
- H. ZUIDEMA . (1975). Measuring spinal work load. Abstract. (pp. 119 - 120).
- TOSHIO ENDO, KAZUTAKA KOGI . (1975). Monotony aspects of motormen’s work in the high-speed train system. Abstract. (pp. 121 - 122).
- GUNN JOHANSSON, GUNNAR ARONSSON . (1975). Monotony and mental overload: case study of a sawmill. Abstract. (p. 123).
- ANTHONY JOHN FOX . (1975). Health of asbestos workers in the Unitited Kingdom: a study by the employment medical advisory service and HM factory inspectrate. Abstract. (p. 124).
- PAUL VERSEN . (1975). Arbeitsmedizinische Vorsorgeuntersuchung Asbeststaubgefährdeter Arbeitnehmer in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Abstract. (pp. 125 - 126).
- JURAJ FERIN, LEONARD J. LEACH . (1975). The effect of amosite and chrysotile asbestos on the clearance of Ti02 particles from the lung. Abstract. (p. 127).
- C.E. ROSSITER, P.G. HARRIES . (1975). Choice of size of radiograph for assessing effects of asbestos exposure. Abstract. (pp. 128 - 129).
- J.C. GILSON, P.G. HARRIES, K.P.S. LUMLEY, F.A.F. MACKENZIE, G. SHEERS, C.E. ROSSITER . (1975). The use of the I.L.O. U/C 1971 classification of radiographs on full sized and 100 mm films in a survey of asbestosis in dockyard employees. Abstract. (pp. 130 - 131).
- P. ELLIS, E. OCCELLA, M. PATRONI, R.E. RENDALL, M. SKIKNE, E.C. VIGLIANI . (1975). Asbestos fibres in the urban atmosphere of Milan. Abstract. (p. 132).
- FRITZ BAUNACH . (1975). Analysis of asbestosis cases certified during the period April 1, 1968 to March 31, 1973 in terms of the S.A. pneumoconiosis compensations acts 57/1956 and 64/1962. Abstract. (p. 132).
- IAN WEBSTER, ELLIOTT KAGAN . (1975). Treatment of mesothelioma of the pleura. Abstract. (p. 133).
- J.A. BONNELL, J.R. BOWKER, R.C. BROWNE, J.F. ERSKINE, R.H.P. FERNANDEZ, P.M.O. MASSEY . (1975). A review of the control of asbestos processes in the Central Electricity Generating Board. Abstract. (p. 134).
- ALF S. FISCHBEIN, ARTHUR N. ROHL, IRVING J. SELIKOFF, WILLIAM J. NICHOLSON . (1975). Asbestos exposure in dry wall construction. Abstract. (p. 135).
- WILLIAM V. LORIMER, ARTHUR N. ROHL . (1975). Asbestos exposure of brake repair workers in the United States. Abstract. (p. 136).
- MARCUS WASSERMANN, DORA WASSERMANN, CURT LEMESCH . (1975). Geographical occupational health. Abstract. (p. 137).
- W.O. PHOON . (1975). Occupational health in the Tropics. Abstract. (p. 138).
- DONALD M. MACKAY . (1975). Disease patterns in tea garden workers in Bangladesh. Abstract. (pp. 139 - 140).
- HERBERT E. CHRISTENSEN . (1975). Occupational health needs of Nepal. Abstract. (p. 141).
- N. KAVOUSSI . (1975). Occupational health problems in Iran. Abstract. (p. 142).
- JEREMIAH R. LYNCH, MADBULI H. NOWEIR . (1975). Guidelines for Industrial Hygiene Practice by Health Inspectors in Developing Countries. Abstract. (p. 143).
- H. SYMANSKI . (1975). Geography, ethics and occupational health. Abstract. (p. 144).
- GEOFFREY FFRENCH . (1975). The geography of occupational lung disease. Abstract. (p. 145).
- JOHN R. GOLDSMITH . (1975). Detection and interpretation of data relevant to occupational cancer: role of geographic pathology. Abstract. (p. 146).
- MURIEL L. NEWHOUSE . (1975). The geographical pathology of mesothelial tumours. Abstract. (p. 147).
- CURT LEMESCH, RUTH STEINITZ, MARCUS WASSERMANN . (1975). Epidemiology of mesothelioma in Israel. Abstract. (p. 148).
- SHINYA WATANABE, YASUMA FUKUCHI . (1975). An epidemiological survey on lung cancer in workers of a ceromate-producing industry in Hokkaido, Japan. Abstract. (pp. 149 - 150).
- R. GILIOLI, C. BULGHERONI, L. CAIMI, V. FOA, A. BOIARDI, G. FILIPPINI, M. QUARTI, R. BOERI . (1975). Clinical and neurophysiological findings in workers of a chlorine-sodium plant. Abstract. (p. 151).
- KAJ HUSMAN, ANNA MARIA SEPPALAINEN, PAULI KARLI, SVEN HERNBERG, LEENA ESKELINEN . (1975). The neurological and psychic effects of solvents on car painters. Abstract. (p. 152).
- B. KNAVE, H.E. PERSSON, J.M. GOLDBERG, P. WESTERHOLM . (1975). Chronic exposure to jet fuel: an investigation on the nervous system of occupationally exposed workers in an air-plane factory. Abstract. (p. 153).
- EDGAR PEREIRA DA SILVA . (1975). Acute, toluene poisoning. Abstract. (p. 154).
- M. FORZI, M.G. CASSITTO, C. BULGHERONI, V. FOA . (1975). Psychological measures in workers occupationally exposed to mercury vapours: a validation study. Abstract. (p. 155).
- M. HORVATH, E. FRANTIK, K. KOPRIVA . (1975). Laboratory assessment of the hazard of chemical agents with respect to alertness in monotonous conditions. Abstract. (p. 156).
- MITSUO MORIOKA, TOSHIO ENDO . (1975). Effect of moderate hypoxia on cortical activity in dual tasks. Abstract. (pp. 157 - 158).
- V.P. BELAJEV, V.A. KABANOV, I.A. SYTINSKY . (1975). Treatment and labour rehabilitation of alcoholics under the conditions of industrial enterprise. Abstract. (p. 159).
- KATJA WILHELM . (1975). Variations in blood cholinesterase activities in nonexposed humans. Abstract. (p. 160).
- D. LIŠKA, L. ROSIVAL . (1975). Professional exposure of the air-crew, to the pesticides from the view-point of occupational medicine. Abstract. (pp. 161 - 162).
- RAPHAEL ISRAELI, ASSA MAYERSDORF . (1975). Toxic effect of chlorinated hidrocarbon insecticides on the human E.E.G., as found in Islael. Abstract. (pp. 163 - 164).
- C.F. OTTEVANGER, D.V. ROBERTS . (1975). Peripheral nerve conduction velocity in organophosphorus pesticide factory-workers. Abstract. (pp. 165 - 166).
- C.E.D. HEARN . (1975). Pestlcide incidents in agrlculture in the United Kingdom 1952-1974. Abstract. (pp. 167 - 168).
- JAMES SELWYN TAYLOR . (1975). Occupational chloracne. A new cause. Abstract. (p. 169).
- YOSHIO SAITO, MASAAKI YAMAGUCHI, KAZUTAKA KOGI . (1975). Influence of biased observing patterns on performance deterioration in a dual visual monitoring task. Abstract. (pp. 170 - 171).
- MURAKO SAITO, TSUNEO TANAKA . (1975). A study on bottle inspection efficiency by different positions of mark. Abstract. (p. 172).
- HIROSHI OHARA, HIDEYASU AOYAMA, TORU ITANI . (1975). Health hazards among the cash register operators. Abstract. (pp. 173 - 174).
- JANUSZ BIELSKI, ANNA SAWINSKA, WITOLD GRUSZKA, JULIA PIANOWSKA . (1975). Neuro-psychic load of the operators working at the long-distance telephone exchange and suggestions towards ergonomic organization of work of these employees. Abstract. (p. 175).
- DAVID FERGUSON, JOAN DUNCAN . (1975). Work position comfort, work place design, body size and job satisfaction in telephonists. Abstract. (p. 176).
- G.A. HARTEN . (1975). A new, ergonomic lathe. Abstract. (p. 177).
- P. VAN GENDEREN STORT . (1975). A rule of thumb. Abstract. (p. 178).
- STUART A. LEVY, IRWIN MARGOLIS, CARL ZENZ . (1975). An ergonomic study on the influence of full-body protective suits on energy expenditure. Abstract. (p. 179).
- JAN NEMECEK, PHILIPPE HOTZ, ERNST MARTIN . (1975). Ergonomical analysis of a strenous work in female textile employees. Abstract. (p. 180).
- TAKEICHIRO INOUYE . (1975). Method for quantitative evaluation on the protective performance and other characteristics of respiratory protective devices. Abstract. (p. 181).
- ROMAN GORNY . (1975). The effect of CS2 on vitamin B6 dependent metabolic processes in rats. Abstract. (p. 182).
- STANISLAW TARKOWSKI . (1975). Energy metabolism in the brain of rats intoxicated with CS2. Abstract. (p. 183).
- VERA KUJALOVA . (1975). Carbon disulphide induced latent impairment of carbohydrate metabolism. Abstract. (pp. 184 - 185).
- FRANCESCO DE MATTEIS . (1975). Importance of metabolism of carbon disulphide for its liver toxicity. Abstract. (p. 186).
- A.M. CIRLA, T. JACOVONE, C. GRAZIANO, F. MERLUZZI, M. TOMASINI, A. VILLA . (1975). Comparative cross-sectional and retrospective study on viscose rayon workers. Preliminary reports.. Abstract. (p. 187).
- R. GILIOLI, C. BULGHERONI . (1975). Rapid screening of nerve fiber damage in workers exposed to CS2 by means of electrophysiological parameters. Abstract. (p. 188).
- MASAKO KUSUMOTO . (1975). Mathematical modelling of working environment and health effects in viscose rayon industries in Japan.. Abstract. (pp. 189 - 190).
- IVAN GUT, JAN KOPECKY, JANA NERUDOVA . (1975). Acrylonitrile, its metabolism and toxicology. Abstract. (pp. 191 - 192).
- JANA NERUDOVA, IVAN GUT, JAN KOPECKY . (1975). A study of acrylonitrile metabolism and distribution. Abstract. (p. 193).
- DAVID L. SWIFT, FRANK SHANTY, JOHN T. O'NEILL . (1975). Human respiratory deposition patterns of fume-like particles. Abstract. (p. 194).
- PETER J. HEWITT, DAVID S. ROSS . (1975). Parameters of welders’ health. Abstract. (pp. 195 - 196).
- HELENA WOŽNIAK . (1975). The fibrogenic activity of quartz and its crystalline forms. Abstract. (p. 197).
- MORRIS GREENBERG . (1975). Respiratory disease in the pottery industry. Abstract. (p. 198).
- E.S. BLACKADDER, J. FOX, M. GREENBERG, W. BLYTH, I.W.B. GRANT . (1975). Extrinsic allergic alveolitis in Scottish maltworkers. Abstract. (p. 199).
- TZATCHO CHOYKOV, PETER PLOSHTAKOV, LILIA NIKOLOVA, NAYDEN DODOV . (1975). Sanitary-technical problems of labour proeection and occupational diseases in coal industny in South-west Bulgaria. Abstract. (p. 200).
- W. CLARK COOPER, GEORGE JACOBSON . (1975). A 21-year radiographic follow-up of workers in the diatomite industry. Abstract. (pp. 201 - 202).
- BERTRAM D. DINMAN, MILES O. COLWELL . (1975). Fluoride metabolism with reference to osteosclerosis in aluminum smelter workers. Abstract. (p. 203).
- CARLO JERMINI, ANNETTE WEBER, ETIENNE GRANDJEAN . (1975). Indoor air pollution caused by cigarette-smoke. Abstract. (p. 204).
- SATISH JOSHI, RANE URS WANNER, ETIENNE GRANDJEAN . (1975). Indoor dust and domestic heating. Abstract. (p. 205).
- F. ROBERT ROLLE, JOHN P. SCHELZ, DAVID HAMER . (1975). The analysis of talc and associated minerals. Abstract. (p. 206).
- MATHS BERLIN, JOHN C. GAGE, ANDERS TUNEK . (1975). A survey of exposure to benzene during the handling of motor fuels. Abstract. (p. 207).
- FEDOR VALIC, ZDENKA SKURIC, ZELJKO BANTIC . (1975). Respiratory function in exposure to propellants. Abstract. (p. 208).
- HERMANN ENGELHARD, LUTZ HOPF, GERALRD BITTERSOHL . (1975). Beitrag zur pathogenese der akuten butylisozyanatvergiftung. Abstract. (p. 209).
- ROMAN SMOLIK, WITOLD ZATONSKI, ANDRZEJ LANGE . (1975). On the usefulness of non-specific early exposure tests in the population as exemplified by exposure to benzene. Abstract. (p. 210).
- NAYDEN DODOV, PETER PLOSHTAKOV, LILIA NIKOLOVA . (1975). The effect of some factors of the environment on diseases with temporary incapacity of workers in the fodder production. Abstract. (p. 211).
- RUTH SAIYNAJARVI . (1975). How can the occupational health nurse contribute with measures to reach a good working environment?. Abstract. (p. 212).
- MARGARET WILLIAMS, PAUL GARTON . (1975). Environmental control: why the nurse is involved. Abstract. (pp. 213 - 214).
- D. HUNT . (1975). The nurses contribution to the control of the working environment in the hospital. Abstract. (pp. 215 - 216).
- S. FOLKARD, MARY C. LOBBAN, R.C. NESSLING, SUSAN M. HAINES . (1975). A field study of thermal comfort, performance efficiency, and feelings of well being in shift working nurses. Abstract. (p. 217).
- A.J. CHAUMONT, A. LAPORTE, A. REINBERG . (1975). Circadian temporal structure of 20 shift-workers (8-hour shift weekly rotation) – an autometric field study. Abstract. (pp. 218 - 219).
- FRANCIS W. MEICHEN, SHAWN C. BATEMAN . (1975). Evaluation of time-zone changes in airline personnel. Abstract. (p. 220).
- PETER KNAUTH, JOSEPH RUTENFRANZ . (1975). Experimental studies on slowly and swiftly rotating shifts. Abstract. (p. 221).
- SIMON FOLKARD, PETER KNAUTH, TIMOTHY MONK, JOSEPH RUTENFRANZ . (1975). The effect of memory load on variations in performance efficienty under a rapidly rotating shift system. Abstract. (p. 222).
- TIMOTHY H. MONK, SIMON FOLKARD . (1975). The adjustment to and from daylight saving time. Abstract. (p. 223).
- OGNJAN ADUM . (1975). Shiftwork of engine-drivers. Abstract. (p. 224).
- KAZUTAKA KOGI, TAKEO OHTA . (1975). The relation of drowsiness to near accidents of railway vehicle drivers. Abstract. (pp. 225 - 226).
- TAKEO OHTA, HIDEYASU AOYAMA, MASAHIKO OHIRA . (1975). A study on the working condition of electric-locomotive drivers. Abstract. (p. 227).
- EERO SILTANEN . (1975). Survey of the dust situation in finnish foundries. Abstract. (p. 228).
- RIITTA-SISKO KOSKELA, RISTO KARAVA, SVEN HERNBERG, TIMO PARTANEN . (1975). Mortality, disability and turnover among foundry workers. Abstract. (pp. 229 - 230).
- MATTI KOPONEN . (1975). The effect of foundry size on the dust concentration of different work phases. Abstract. (p. 231).
- ANTTI TOSSAVAINEN . (1975). An industrial hygiene study of metal fumes in foundries. Abstract. (p. 232).
- RISTO KARAVA, RIITTA-SISKO KOSKELA, EERO VAHERI, MATTI WIIKERI, SVEN HERNBERG . (1975). Health survey of foundry workers. Abstract. (pp. 233 - 234).
- ALVARO DURAO, T.G. VILLAR, TELLES DE ARAUJO, CLARA HEITOR, I. MAULIDE . (1975). Epidemiologic survey of respiratory pathology in iron and steel works in Portugal. Report number 1 – methodology employed in the study. Abstract. (p. 235).
- T.G. VILLAR, M. FREITAS E COSTA, A. DURAO, CLARA HEITOR, EURICO MENDES . (1975). Epidemiologic survey of respiratory pathology in iron and steel works in Portugal. Report number 2 – the relation between radiological aspects. Symptoms and signs among workers in iron and steel industry. Abstract. (p. 236).
- G. LUCAS, M. AGAREZ, EURICO MENDES, IBRAIMO MAULIDE, BUGALHO DE ALMEIDA . (1975). Epidemiologic survey of respiratory pathology in iron and steel works i n Portugal. 3st Report. Patterns of ventilatory functin. Abstract. (p. 237).
- M. FREITAS E COSTA, TELES DE ARAUJO, G. LUCAS, BUGALHO DE AIMEIDA, MANUELA AGAREZ, ALVARO DURAO . (1975). Epidemiologic survey of respiratory pathology in iron and steel works in Portugal. 4th. Report – Correlation between ventilatory changes and radiologicai findings. Abstract. (p. 238).
- T.G. VILLAR, M. FREITAS E COSTA, A. DURAO, TELES DE ARAUJO, G. LUCAS, CLARA HEITER, M. AGAREZ, BUGALHO DE ALMEIDA, I. MAULIDE, E. MENDES . (1975). Epidemiologic survey of respiratory pathology in iron and steel works in Portugal. 5th Report – Overall results and conclusion. Abstract. (p. 239).
- P. GERVAIS, M. GAULTIER, A. REINBERG . (1975). Chronobiologie et facteurs ecologiques en medecine du travail. Abstract. (p. 240).
- RYUTARO OHTSUKA . (1975). Fishing time and catchers among hand-line fishermen. Abstract. (pp. 241 - 242).
- KAZUE INOUE . (1975). Geographical conditions of living schedules of Japanese farmers and effects of mechanization. Abstract. (pp. 243 - 244).
- OSWALDO PAULO FORATTINI, DIOGO PUPO NOGUEIRA . (1975). Effects of tropical infections diseasas on the working capacity. Abstract. (pp. 245 - 246).
- DIOGO PUPO NOGUEIRA . (1975). The transamazonic route and the health of its workers: a challenge. Abstract. (pp. 247 - 248).
- FRANCISCO P. PINHEIRO, G. BENSABATH, AMELIA P.A.T. ROSA, RALPH LAINSON, J.J. SHAW, R. WARD, HABIB FRAIHA, MARIO A.P. MORAES, ZOENIO M. GUEIROS, ZEA C. LINS, R. MENDES . (1975). Sanitary repercussions of hand labour migration in Transamazonica. Abstract. (pp. 249 - 250).
- U.K. BRINKMANN . (1975). The epidemiology of bancroftian filariasis in the coaster zone of Liberia. Abstract. (p. 251).
- RENE MENDES . (1975). Effects of occupational lead exposure on workers with schistosomiasis. Abstract. (pp. 252 - 253).
- P.K. GHOSH . (1975). Leprosy among factory workers. Abstract. (p. 254).
- I. NATARAJAN . (1975). Mortality study of Malaysian armed forces personnel for the period 1946 – 1974. Abstract. (p. 255).
- SEIYA YAMAGUCHI . (1975). A background of geographical pathdlogy of mercury in the East Pacific Area. Abstract. (p. 256).
- METODI I. MIKOV . (1975). Human environment and the role of occupational medicine in its protection. Abstract. (p. 257).
- SUZETTE GAUVAIN . (1975). The relationship between the medical advisory service and other health services in Great Britain. Abstract. (p. 258).
- SIMON EKEMEZIE ASOGWA . (1975). The place cf occupational health in community health in Nigeria. Abstract. (pp. 259 - 260).
- SYLVIA B. COPPERSMITH . (1975). Prepaid health plans and national health insurance in the United States. Abstract. (p. 261).
- S.K. MEHTA . (1975). Concept of industrial medicine in developing countries. Abstract. (p. 262).
- LORRAINE STITH BOYKIN . (1975). The significance of occupational health through nutritional adequacy in the community. Abstract. (p. 263).
- DIOGO PUPO NOGUEIRA . (1975). The relationship between occupational and general health services. Abstract. (pp. 264 - 265).
- JOHN LEANARD WEEKS . (1975). The biological costs of industrial activity. Abstract. (p. 266).
- JUAN C. CHANS CAVIGLIA . (1975). The occupatìonal medicine: the place it occupies in the community’s health. Abstract. (p. 267).
- DOUGLAS J.W. TAYLOR . (1975). A comparison between environments in Zambia and England during the introduction by industry of new health services. Abstract. (pp. 268 - 269).
- H.J. DOCTER . (1975). The place of occupational medicine in health care. Abstract. (p. 270).
- GIUSEPPE POZZI . (1975). Systeme ecologyque et technologie. Abstract. (pp. 271 - 272).
- ROGER RICHARD . (1975). De la medecine du travail a la medecine du sport. Abstract. (pp. 273 - 274).
- ROBERT AUDRAN, DANIEL ROHR, JEAN SZEKELY, MICHEL MONTEAU . (1975). The industrial medical officer and accident prevention. Abstract. (p. 275).
- LIDIA FAILLA . (1975). Risk from ionization radiations in the transport of radioactive materials. Abstract. (pp. 276 - 277).
- GUNNAR F. NORDBERG . (1975). Effects and dose-response relationships of toxic metals – a report from an international meeting. Abstract. (p. 278).
- ROBERT LEUWERYS, JEAN-PIERRE BUCHET, HARRY ROELS . (1975). Une etude de la fonction pulmonaire et renale de travailleurs exposes au cadmium. Abstract. (pp. 279 - 280).
- MAGNUS PISCATOR, EJDA ADAMSSON, CARL-GUSTAF ELINDER, BRITT PETTERSSON, PER STENINGER . (1975). Studies on cadmium-exposed women. Abstract. (pp. 281 - 282).
- HANS WELINDER, STAFFAN SKERFVING . (1975). Cadmium in blood and urine during and after inhalation exposure. Abstract. (p. 283).
- AKIRA HARADA, YASUHISA YOSHIDA, KOICHI KONO, YASUYUKI SHIBUYA . (1975). Relationship between beta-microglobulin content in the urine and other cadmium-induced signs of cadmium workers. Abstract. (p. 284).
- GEORGE KAZANTZIS . (1975). Abnormalities of calcium metabolism following prolonged exposure to cadmium. Abstract. (p. 285).
- KENZABURO TSUCHIYA . (1975). Proteinuria of cadmium workers and observation of a period of ten years after the decrease or cessation of exposure. Abstract. (p. 286).
- KENZABURO TSUCHIYA . (1975). Proteinuria of cadmium workers. Abstract. (p. 287).
- SHOSUKE SUZUKI, CHIUNG-CHEN LU . (1975). A balance study of cadmium – An estimation of daily input, output and retained amount in two subjects. Abstract. (pp. 288 - 289).
- KRISTA KOSTIAL, DINKO KELLO, SLOBODAN JUGO, NEVENKA GRUDEN . (1975). The effect of milk diet on toxic trace element absorption in rats. Abstract. (p. 290).
- JUETYNA M. WISNIEWSKA-KNYPL . (1975). Organ specificity, and the mechanism of cadmium-induced synthesis of metallothionein in rat. Abstract. (p. 291).
- M. WEBB, L. MAGOS . (1975). The role of cadmium-induced metallothionein in the protection by Cd2+-ions against the nephrotoxicity of mercury. Abstract. (p. 292).
- OLOF VESTERBERG, GUN NISE, LARS HANSEN . (1975). Urinary protein after occupational exposure to chemicals and in diseases. Abstract. (p. 293).
- DUŠAN DJURIC . (1975). The carbon disulfide metabolism. A review. Abstract. (p. 294).
- SVEN HERNBERG . (1975). Carbon disulphide and coronary heart disease: a review of recent epidemiologic studies. Abstract. (pp. 295 - 296).
- ANNA MARIA SEPPALAINEN . (1975). Carbon disulphide and the nervous system: a review of recent research. Abstract. (pp. 297 - 298).
- E. LUKAS, V. KUJALOVA, F. KOCINOVA . (1975). Activity of ceruloplasmin in the serum of rats with experimental carbon disulphide neuropathy. Abstract. (pp. 299 - 300).
- LASZLO MAGOS . (1975). The interactions of carbon disulphide with catecholamines or catecholamine receptors. Abstract. (p. 301).
- ROLF LENICH, GERHARD BITTERSOHL . (1975). Zum toxischen Wirkungsmechanismus von Schwefelkohlenstoff. Abstract. (p. 302).
- K. SUGIMOTO, S. GOTO, H. TANIGUCHI, T. BABA, S. HERNBERG, M. TOLONEN, CH. RAITTA, K. TIITOLA . (1975). A comparative epidemiological study on angiopathy due to carbon disulphide. Abstract. (p. 303).
- ALFRED M. THIESS . (1975). Problems in the investigation of occupational cancer. Abstract. (pp. 304 - 305).
- HENRY A. ANDERSON, JACK SNYDER, RUTH LILIS . (1975). Levels of carcinoembryonic antigen among vinyl chloride exposed workers. Abstract. (p. 306).
- E. BOYLAND . (1975). Biochemistry of occupational cancer. Abstract. (p. 307).
- JOAN C. MCEWAN . (1975). A study of sputum cytology in two industrial groups. Abstract. (p. 308).
- ROBBERT KUMMER . (1975). Phenylbetanaphtylamine, (PBNA), another carcinogenic substance?. Abstract. (pp. 309 - 310).
- NOZOMI TAKEMURA, CHISE HASHIDA, HIDESUKE SHIMIZU . (1975). Carcinogenicity of 5-nitroacenaphthene and Tetrachlorobenzidine. Abstract. (pp. 311 - 312).
- DONALD M. SMITH . (1975). Ethylene thiourea – Study of possible teratogenicity and thyroid carcinogenicity. Abstract. (p. 313).
- PAUL VERSEN . (1975). Entwicklungstendenzen des Berufskrankheitengeschehens in der Chemischen Industrie der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Abstract. (p. 314).
- RICHARD HENDERSON . (1975). Significance of short time exposures to high concentrations vs. long time exposures to low concentrations of elemental mercury vapor. Abstract. (p. 315).
- KENJI NAKAAKI . (1975). On biologic evaluation.of inorganic mercury exposure by urinary levels.. Abstract. (pp. 316 - 317).
- TSUGUYOSHI SUZUKI, KAZUYO HONDA . (1975). Urinary mercury excretion and body weight on workers exposed to mercury vapour. Abstract. (p. 318).
- V. FOA, G. TETTAMANTI, L. CAIMI, LUISA AMANTE, CARLA ANTONINI, A. GATTINONI . (1975). Patterns of some lysosomial enzymes in the blood and of proteins in urine in workers esposed to inorganic mercury.. Abstract. (p. 319).
- BARBARA TROJANOWSKA, JANINA OSINSKA . (1975). Application of unithiol for diagnostic mobilization of mercury in peoples exposed in industry. Abstract. (p. 320).
- MATHS BERLIN, CHRISTIAN BLOMSTRAND, CRAWFORD GRANT, ANDERS HAMBERGER . (1975). Distribution and levels of mercury in the brain after exposure to methylmercury. Abstract. (p. 320).
- SEIYA YAMAGUCHI, SHUNSUKE KAKU, NOBUBIRO SHIMIOJO, YOSHIO HIROTA . (1975). Toxicological interaction of mercury and selenium – a preliminary study. Abstract. (pp. 321 - 322).
- KIICHI UEDA . (1975). Reduction of methylmercury toxicity by selenium and significance of mercury levels in hair. Abstract. (p. 323).
- JAN AASETH, TOR NORSETH . (1975). The effect of n-acetyl-dl-penicillamine on mercury excretion in mice and monkeys after methyl mercury exposure. Abstract. (p. 324).
- ALBERICO BORGHETTI, INNOCENTE FRANCHINI, ANTONIO MUTTI, GIANCARLO PASETTI . (1975). Indices renaux d’exposition aigue et d’impregnation chronique par le chrome. Abstract. (pp. 325 - 326).
- TOR NORSETH . (1975). Urinary excretion of nickel as an index of nickel exposure in welders and nickel refinery workers. Abstract. (p. 327).
- ISTVAN PINTER . (1975). Noise monitoring in industries. Abstract. (pp. 328 - 329).
- RAYMOND A. YERG . (1975). Inter-industry noise study. Abstract. (p. 330).
- A. TARNOPOLSKY, F. GATTONI, S. BARKER, E. MCLEAN . (1975). Noise and mental hospital admissions. Abstract. (p. 331).
- JAMES A. DICK . (1975). Paper on hearing levels in the British coal mining industry. Abstract. (p. 332).
- GEORGE DERLEA, ROMAN PETRU . (1975). Le bruit dans les charbonnages. Abstract. (pp. 333 - 334).
- JOHN RICHARD BOWKER . (1975). Techniques for assessing and controlling the exposure to noise of personnel moving between working areas having significantly different sound levels. Abstract. (p. 335).
- GERARD D. BOS . (1975). Some results of personal noise-monitoring. Abstract. (p. 336).
- WIESLAW SULKOWSKI, MACIEJ GRYCZYNSKI . (1975). Results of some audiological tests in occupational noise-induced hearing loss. Abstract. (p. 337).
- STOJAN DZELAJLIJA, VERA JOCIC, DANICA KALIC-FILIPOVIC, BRANISLAV JOVICIC . (1975). Rheographical investigation of peripheral and cerebral vascular disturbances in vibration diseases. Abstract. (pp. 338 - 339).
- GÖSTA GONNE, AKE SWENSSON . (1975). Thermography in the diagnosis of traumatic vasospastic disease. Abstract. (p. 340).
- H. MIKOLAJCZYK . (1975). Urinary output of glycosaminoglycans in workers professionally exposedto hand-trasmitted vibrations. Abstract. (p. 341).
- MASAHIKO OHIRA, HIDEYASU AOYAMA . (1975). Vibration syndrome due to chain saw operation among the farmers being engaged in part time works of forest industry. Abstract. (pp. 342 - 343).
- YOSHIO TOMINAGA . (1975). Follow-up studies on relation between individual records of chain-saw operation, environmental conditions, and onset of vibration hazards of forestry workers. Abstract. (pp. 344 - 345).
- JOHN C. GAGE, VERNER LAGESSON, ANDERS TUNEK . (1975). The determination of low concentration of organic vapours in air and expired breath. Abstract. (p. 346).
- MASAYUKI IKEDA, ISAMU KANEKO, TSUYOSHI MIURA, TATSURO HIRAO . (1975). An automated method for the determination of total trichloro-compounds in human urine. Abstract. (pp. 347 - 348).
- OLOF VESTERBERG . (1975). Exposure to trichloroethylene followed by analysis of metabolites in blood and urine. Abstract. (p. 349).
- MARIA GLUSZCZ, ZDZISLAW MYSLAK, JERZY NOFER . (1975). Excretion of mucopolysaccarides in urine of workers exposed to vinyl chloride in the process of polymerization. Abstract. (p. 350).
- MASANORI KURATSUNE, JUNYA NAGAYAMA, YOSHITO MASUDA . (1975). Chlorinated dibenzofurans in commercial brands of polychlorinated biphenyls and in rice oil consumed by “yusho” patients. Abstract. (p. 351).
- YASUHISA YOSHIDA, AKIRA HARADA, KOICHI KONO . (1975). Studies on the toxicity of polycarbon monofluoride. Abstract. (p. 352).
- KOICHI KONO, YASUHISA YOSHIDA, AKIRA HARADA . (1975). Studies on the toxicity of pyrolytic products of fluorocarbon elastmer. Abstract. (p. 353).
- R.B. DOUGLAS . (1975). The relative merits of bronchoconstriction and eye irritation in defining TLV’s for irrìtant gases and vapours. Abstract. (pp. 354 - 355).
- MICHAEL UTIDJIAN, LEE HUSTING . (1975). Impact of occupational epidemiology on ambient air quality standards. Abstract. (p. 356).
- RONALD HERBERT, PETER FERNANDEZ . (1975). Controlling persons working in heat. Abstract. (pp. 357 - 358).
- MICHAEL B. CARSON . (1975). A previously unrecognised cause of dermatitis. Abstract. (p. 359).
- THOMAS TAYLOR . (1975). The formulation of a code of practice for the safe use of laser devices in a research laboratory. Abstract. (pp. 360 - 361).
- WERNER SCHUTTMANN . (1975). Radiation protection in the GDR as an example of the effective comibination of occupational and environmental hygiene. Abstract. (pp. 362 - 363).
- SOMCHIT VIRIYAONONDHA . (1975). A poor working environment, the commonest cause of occupational disease among Thai workers. Abstract. (p. 364).
- TATSUYA KIUCHI, HACHIRO OHTAKE, YASUHEI FUKUDA, YUTAKA MAEDA, TADAO KURIHARA, YUTAKA HOSODA, MASARU HAYASHI, YOSHIBUMI NAKANO, TAKAHISA SUGISHITA . (1975). Pneumoconiosis in raílway workers and the practicability of the 1971 ILO U/C internationai classification of radiographs of pneumoconiosis. Abstract. (p. 365).
- MALCOLM HARRINGTON, HARRY SHANNON . (1975). Safety and health standards in medical laboratories. Abstract. (pp. 366 - 367).
- YOUSIF OSMAN . (1975). Preliminary studies on early health impairment in exposure to wood dust. Abstract. (p. 368).
- T.C. CHAO, W.O. PHOON, W.P. WAN . (1975). Fatal cases of compression illness in Singapore fishermen and other divers. Abstract. (p. 369).
- H.K. ABRAMO . (1975). Role of a medical advisor to a Labor Union. Abstract. (p. 370).
- TOSHIO HIGASHIDA . (1975). The training of Trade Union for safety and health. Abstract. (p. 371).
- DOREEN M. MILLER, MADELEINE PINKERTON, O.A.N. HUSAIN . (1975). Cervical cytology screening as part of an occupational health service. Abstract. (p. 372).
- ADAM WILLIAM BLYTH LAWSON . (1975). Factors influeacing return to work after myocardial infarction. Abstract. (pp. 373 - 374).
- KYOU CHULL CHUNG, KYU SANG CHO . (1975). Problems of pulmonary tuberculosis for working population in Korea. Abstract. (pp. 375 - 376).
- T.H. PATTERSON, C.R. ROSS . (1975). Occupational health hazard control programs for Canadian federal employees. Abstract. (p. 377).
- M. KILIBARDA, D. POPOVIC . (1975). Experiences and a current concept of post-graduate ccupational health training in Beograd. Abstract. (pp. 378 - 379).
- DONALD J. THOMAS . (1975). The relationship between occupational and other health services. Abstract. (pp. 380 - 381).
- MICHAEL H. ALDERMAN, ELLIE E. SCHOEABAUM . (1975). Successful control of hypertension among Labor Union members: an occupationally based model for care of chronic disease. Abstract. (pp. 382 - 383).
- KLAUS DROR . (1975). Experiments in undergraduate teaching of occupational health. Abstract. (p. 384).
- . (1975). Industrial medical testing – a statistical study of worker health and exposure. Abstract. (p. 385).
- ALFRED M. THIESS . (1975). Occupational medical prevention and technical safety measures in the major chemical indusrtry handling cancerogenous substances. Abstract. (pp. 386 - 387).
- ROBERT E. ECKARDT, ROBERT A. SCALA . (1975). Experimental carcinogenesis of a formulated lubricating oil. Abstract. (p. 388).
- M.A. COOKE, M.D. KIPLING . (1975). Occupational skin cancer in Great Britain. Abstract. (p. 389).
- R. FARES, K.E. SHAWKY, O. ATTIA . (1975). Cancer and pre-cancerous lesions of the skín among Tar workers in Egypt. An epidemiological study. Abstract. (p. 390).
- JAN E. WAHLBERG . (1975). Occupational and non-occupational scrotal cancer in Sweden, 1958-1970. Abstract. (p. 391).
- H.A. WALDRON . (1975). Second primary tumours in men with scrotal cancer. Abstract. (p. 392).
- A.M. BAETJER, A.M. LILIENFELD, M.L. LEVIN . (1975). Cancer and occupational exposure to inorganic arsenic. Abstract. (p. 393).
- RAGNAR RYLANDER, RIKARD BERGSTRÖM . (1975). Inhalation toxicity testing of airborne industrial compounds. Abstract. (p. 394).
- MASANORI KURATSUNE, SHINKAN TOKUDOME . (1975). An epidemiologic study on occupational lung cancer among copper smelters. Abstract. (p. 395).
- ALFRED P. WEHNER, GARY M. ZWICKER, WILLIAM C. CANNON, CHARLES R. WATSON . (1975). Inhalation of baby talc powder by hamsters. Abstract. (p. 396).
- GIOVANNI RUBINO . (1975). Mortality study of talc miners and milliers. Abstract. (p. 397).
- RUTH LILIS, HENRY A. ANDERSON, SUSAN DAUM, IRVING J. SELIKOFF . (1975). Liver function among 1,177 vinyl chloride polylmerization workers. Abstract. (pp. 398 - 399).
- DAVID POTTER . (1975). Causation of injuries in a new steel works. Abstract. (pp. 400 - 401).
- A. GRIECO, G. MOLTENI, G.C. CESANA, B. PICCOLI, I. RED, P.L. ZAMBELLI, C. BARLASSINA, L. BODINI, F. MERLUZZI . (1975). Theramal stress and strain in two steel plants. Abstract. (p. 402).
- DANICA KALIC-FILIPOVIC, MILAN JOVANOVIC . (1975). The late pneumoconiosis in metal and coal miners in Yugoslavia. Abstract. (p. 403).
- GUNTHER WORTH, UDO SMIDT, HANNS SCHNEIDER . (1975). Beziehungen zwischen der Staubexposition und bronchopulmonalen Symptomen und Befunden. Untersuchungen an 3000 Hüttenarbeitern. Abstract. (p. 404).
- N. BARRACLOUGH, J. FOLWELL . (1975). Dust measurements in foundry dressing shops. Abstract. (p. 404).
- NOBURU ISHINISHI, YASUSHI KODAMA, EIZABURO KUNITAKE . (1975). An experimental study on carcinogenicity of dusts collected from open hearth furnace of iron. Abstract. (pp. 405 - 406).
- JOHN R. BROWN . (1975). The contributory factors to the development of low back pain in industry. Abstract. (p. 407).
- JANINA ADAMIAK-ZIEMBA, ALEKSANDRA CIOSEK, JAN GROMIEC . (1975). Evaluation of the exposure to coal tar pitch volatiles 3,4-benzpyrene, fluorine compounds and other harmful substances in aluminium reduction plants. Abstract. (p. 408).
- ALVARO DURAO, ESTELA DURAO, ARMANDO TORRES ABRINTES . (1975). Quelques caracteristiques biologiques (valeurs prises sur un echantillon des travailleurs Portugais). Abstract. (p. 409).
- SANTIAGO F. BO, RAUL A. QUIJANO . (1975). Evolution study of Chagas’ disease in steelworkers. Abstract. (p. 410).
- A.M. ROBERTS, M.A. EDMONSTON . (1975). The treatment of hydrofluoric acid burns using cold water only. Abstract. (p. 411).
- R.J. PAGE-SHIPP, P.P. ROETS, A.T. HOLMES . (1975). Dust measurements in the steel industry: mass vs surface area. Abstract. (p. 412).
- VALIOLLAH YOUSEFI . (1975). The use of piezoelectric crystal as sensors in monitoring the foundry air contaminant. Abstract. (pp. 413 - 414).
- E. MARTIN, A. WEBER, E. GRANDJEAN . (1975). The effects of monotony on critical flicker frequency and subjective feelings under laboratory conditions. Abstract. (p. 415).
- EIMATSU TAKAKUWA, HIROSHI HOMMA, KAZUO SAITO . (1975). Changes of the physiological fuctions due to sleep-deprivation in relation to the function of maintenaining concentration (TAF). Abstract. (p. 416).
- Ž. STOJILJKOVIC, V. POTKONJAK . (1975). The traffice marks as a factor of the behaviour of heavy vehicle drivers. Abstract. (pp. 417 - 418).
- NANCY WANSBROUGH, P.J. COOPER . (1975). Relapse at work. Abstract. (p. 419).
- A.G. WATTS . (1975). Counselling in work settings in Britain – practice and problems. Abstract. (p. 420).
- ALAN MCLEAN . (1975). Psychosocial stressors – a framework for analysis. Abstract. (pp. 421 - 422).
- P.K. CHOW . (1975). Some features of mass hysteria in industries. Abstract. (p. 423).
- SHOTARO NOMURA . (1975). Problems in the life-long employment and seniority pay system of Japan and occupational mental health. Abstract. (p. 424).
- J.F. ERSKINE, A. BROOK . (1975). A method of developing the psychatric resources of an occupational health team. Abstract. (p. 425).
- BERTIL GARDELL . (1975). Psycho-social aspects of industrial technology. Abstract. (pp. 426 - 427).
- BRUCE A. FOWLER . (1975). The ultrastructural and biochemical effects of ingested arsenate on the kidney. Abstract. (p. 428).
- KEITARO NISHIYAMA, YASUO SUZUKI, NOBUO FUJII, HITOSHI YANO . (1975). Effects of inhalati4n of manganese dioxide dusts on respiratory organs in monkeys and mice. Abstract. (p. 429).
- ANDREW L. REEVES, NEIL D. KRIVANEK, MATTHEW J. PALAZZOLO . (1975). Cutaneous hypersensitivity to beryllium and pulmonary berylliosis. Abstract. (p. 430).
- R.I. MCCALLUM, G.L. LEATHART . (1975). Pneumocontosis in zirconium process workers. Abstract. (pp. 431 - 432).
- EVA REICHRTOVA, LUDOVIT TAKAC, GERTRUDA URBANKOVA . (1975). Elimination of magnesite dust from lungs. Abstract. (pp. 433 - 434).
- SAKARI TOLA, SVEN HERNBERG . (1975). Occupational lead exposure in Finland. Abstract. (p. 435).
- ANDREJS SCHUTZ, STAFFAN SKERFVING . (1975). A study of lead and ala-d in blood and lead, ala and cp excretion in urine after a short heavy exposure to lead oxide dust. Abstract. (p. 436).
- J.J. CHISHOLM . (1975). A dose-effect relationship for lead. Abstract. (p. 437).
- R.E.G. RENDALL, P. BAILY . (1975). The relationship between airborne lead concentration and blood lead. Abstract. (p. 438).
- KOICHI USHIO, TADASHI SAKAI, SUSUMU YANAGIHARA, HIDEKO WATANABE . (1975). Properties of ala-d and new method for evaluation of lead exposure. Abstract. (pp. 439 - 440).
- MIRA CIGULA, TOMISLAV JAKOVCIC, ZDENKA SKURIC, FEDOR VALIC . (1975). Some biological consequences of mercury exposure. Abstract. (p. 441).
- S.C. ANG, W.O. PHOON . (1975). The epidemiology and rehabilitation of occupational hand injuries. Abstract. (p. 444).
- PER BAKKE, HEINRICH EGLI, ETIENNE GRANDJEAN, SILVIA HUSER, BRIGIT WEHRLI . (1975). Noise annoyance in dwellings. Abstract. (p. 444).
- A. BONG, T.C. CHAO, W.O. PHOON . (1975). Deaths from industrial accidents in Singapore. Abstract. (p. 445).
- P.K. CHOW, M. CHAN . (1975). A survey of health conditions in the shipbuinding and shiprepairing industry. Abstract. (p. 446).
- G.W. CROCKFORD, D.F. DYER . (1975). A mortality study of commercial divers. Abstract. (p. 447).
- JUAN DANTIN–GALLEGO . (1975). Revision de las dificultades del diagnstico etiolgico en medicina del trabajo. Abstract. (pp. 448 - 449).
- DOSILJKA DŽAKULA . (1975). Scope of work of the psychologist in occupation, rehabilitation and replacement of the occupationally disabled. Abstract. (p. 450).
- DONALD K. GRANT . (1975). Control of industry’s hangover. Abstract. (p. 451).
- GARETH GREEN . (1975). Comparative evaluation of the pulmonary function and chest x-ray changes in tale miners and a non mining population. Abstract. (p. 452).
- KAZUO HASHIMOTO, KATASHI ANDO . (1975). Studies on the percutaneous absorption of acrylamide. Abstract. (p. 453).
- H.F. HENNING . (1975). Problems of an industrial hygienist. Abstract. (pp. 454 - 455).
- L. IVANOVA-CHEMISHANSKA, T. VERGIEVA-PETROVA . (1975). Some long term effects of dithiocarbamates and their hygienic importance. Abstract. (pp. 456 - 457).
- V. LACHNIT, H. TASCHNER . (1975). Alcoholic damages and their socialmedical importance. Abstract. (p. 458).
- V.M. LLINARES . (1975). Training of technical teams in occupational and environmental hygiene in agricoltural medicine. Abstract. (p. 459).
- GEOFFREY H. LORD . (1975). The toxicology studies on talc – a literature review. Abstract. (p. 460).
- A. MAGLIO, M. MAZZELLA DI BOSCO, F. GALASSO . (1975). A’ propos de dermites professionnelles de contact. Abstract. (p. 461).
- A. MAGLIO, M. MAZZELLA DI BOSCO, P. GALASSO . (1975). La polynevrite des chausseurs. Abstract. (p. 462).
- ENRIQUE MALBOYSSON . (1975). Organisation de la medecine du travail dans l’ entereprise hidroelectrica española. Abstract. (pp. 463 - 464).
- HIROSHI MOMOTANI, SUMIKO ISHIZU, MANABU HASHIDA, HARUO KONDO . (1975). Significance of gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase ( gamma-gtp) test in health examination. Abstract. (p. 465).
- VLASTA MUCIC . (1975). Scope of work of the occupational hygienist in vocational rehabilitation and replecement of the occupationally disabled. Abstract. (p. 466).
- DAVID MURRAY-BRUCE . (1975). A study comparing the health and life style of bank employees before and after retirement. Abstract. (p. 467).
- . (1975). A five year study of ventilatory function in proteolytic enzyme workers. Abstract. (p. 468).
- HAJIME ODA, HIROSHI NOGAMI, SHIGEKO KUSUMOTO, TAICHI NAKAJIMA . (1975). Animal exposure study of nitric oxide. Abstract. (p. 469).
- PEKKA OJA, KALEVI PYÖRALA, SVEN PUNSAR, TIMO PARTANEN . (1975). Physical conditioning and coronary heart disease risk factors among Helsinki executives. Abstract. (pp. 470 - 471).
- RADOVAN PLEŠTINA, MARCELA PIUKOVIC-PLEŠTINA, STJEPAN HORVAT . (1975). Ophthalmological examination of workers exposed to pesticides. Abstract. (p. 472).
- PETER PLOSHTAKOV, LILIA NIKOLOVA, NAYDEN DODOV . (1975). Labour conditions and professional risk in copper producing industry in People’s Republic of Bulgaria. Abstract. (p. 473).
- RAYMOND ROUTLEDGE . (1975). Medico-legal aspects of computerised data especially referring to occupational health. Abstract. (pp. 474 - 475).
- GRADIE R. ROWNTREE . (1975). The troubled employee in industry. Abstract. (pp. 476 - 477).
- YOSHIMICHI SAKAI . (1975). Multiphasic health examination for telephone workers in Tokyo. Abstract. (p. 478).
- JOEL H. SANDERSON, FREDERICK W. BEST, PHILIP A. COLLIER . (1975). Pitfalls in determining if a site is at risk. Abstract. (p. 479).
- MIROSLAW J. STASIK . (1975). Socio-medical aspects on some occupational diseases in chemical industry. Abstract. (p. 480).
- DAVID L. SYLWESTER, FRANK L. BABBOTT, BRIAN V. MACPHERSON, GARETH M. GREEN . (1975). A comparative survey of pulmonary status among workers from talc and several non-mineral industrries in Vermont. Abstract. (p. 481).
- E. TELFORD . (1975). Food poisoning and health education. Abstract. (p. 482).
- PREMJI VALJI THACKER . (1975). Industrial health programme of Tata services. Abstract. (p. 483).
- NANCY WANSBROUGH, P.J. COOPER . (1975). Psychiatric diagnosis in relation to some aspects of employment. Abstract. (p. 484).
- YUKIO YAMAMURA . (1975). Metalic mercury poisoning in small workshops. Abstract. (pp. 485 - 486).
- QUER-BROSSA . (1975). Professional dermatosis caused by caviuna vermelha wood. Abstract. (pp. 494 - 495).
- Final section / indexes