- P. LAMBIN . (1951). Problems of Medical Prophylaxis in Lead and Benzol Poisoning and in Silicosis. (pp. 3 - 7).
- G. AIELLO, G. PANCHERI . (1951). Provention of Labour Accidents. Human Factor and Technics. (pp. 73 - 75).
- CARLOS SANTOS . (1951). A Problem of Industrial Pathology: Strange Corps. (pp. 153 - 154).
- M. ALFONSO DE LA FUENTE CHAOS . (1951). The Entreprise Doctor. (pp. 365 - 374).
- WILFRID LEBLOND . (1951). Some Social Aspects of Vocational Rehabilitation in Industry. (pp. 471 - 474).
- RAFAEL PENALVER BALLINA . (1951). The use of BAL (British Anti Lewisite) in therapy. Abstract. (p. 9).
- J. W. LOOS . (1951). Important Advice in the Treatment of Victims of Intoxication Having Ceased to Breathe, i. e. in the State of Apparent Death: I – Consulting room pointer weighing machine, II – Substitution of Guilloz and Stoke, III – Treatment by the heart catheter. Abstract. (pp. 11 - 14).
- A. TZANCK, E. SIDI, C. AIBAHARI, R. LONGUEVILLE . (1951). Industria allergic dermatoses. Abstract. (pp. 15 - 17).
- E.W. BAADER . (1951). Chronic Cadmium Poisoning. Abstract. (pp. 19 - 21).
- FREDERIC RIEDERS, HEINRICH BRIEGER . (1951). Toxicity and Detoxication of Acrylonitrile. Abstract. (pp. 23 - 24).
- C. AMOUDRU . (1951). Treatment to Scorched-men at the «Houillères du Bassin du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais». Abstract. (pp. 25 - 26).
- C. AMOUDRU . (1951). The Medical Supervision of the Miner Apprenticeship. Abstract. (pp. 27 - 28).
- JULES NOPPIUS . (1951). Organisation of a training service for workman. Abstract. (pp. 29 - 31).
- F. PORTELA GOMES . (1951). Industrial Medicine and Industriai Hygiene, in a Factory Based on Chemical and Textile Industries. Abstract. (pp. 33 - 34).
- LEMOINE, SIEURIN . (1951). Management, armament engineering and Manufacturing Prototype of Medical Department for a concern employing more than 10.000 people. Abstract. (pp. 35 - 36).
- LEMOINE . (1951). An Essay on Workers Physiology. Abstract. (p. 37).
- G. SIEURIN . (1951). Industrial Medicine and Scientific Organization of Labour. Abstract. (pp. 39 - 40).
- LUIS ATAIDE . (1951). Social services of the Portuguese Post office Administration. Abstract. (pp. 41 - 43).
- CORDATO DE NORONHA . (1951). Health Organization, Social Medicine and Worker’s Health Programe in the Partuguese Overseas Territories. Abstract. (pp. 45 - 47).
- MARIA IRENE LEITE DA COSTA . (1951). Professionaf Orientation of the Irregular Individuals. Abstract. (pp. 49 - 50).
- HUGO H. DA S. GOMES, BALTAZAR R. DE SOUSA . (1951). Unitary conception of medical assistence in social insurance. Abstract. (pp. 51 - 53).
- ALICE DE MELO TAVARES . (1951). Industrial Mental Hygiene in Individuals Having Psychical Troubles. Abstract. (pp. 55 - 56).
- MANUEL FARMHOUSE . (1951). Rehabilitation in Industry. Abstract. (pp. 57 - 58).
- ERICH A. MULLER . (1951). Measurement and Reduction of Radiant Heat at the Working-place. Abstract. (p. 59).
- JOAQUIM GAMBOA . (1951). Rehabilitation o the Disabled Worker. Abstract. (pp. 61 - 63).
- FERNANDO WADDINGTON . (1951). Recovery through Professionat Exercise. Abstract. (pp. 65 - 67).
- MARIO JAQUET . (1951). Rehabilitation in Cases of Industrial Accidents. Abstract. (p. 69).
- ANTONIO MENDES MONTEIRO . (1951). Economic and Social Aspects of the Nourishment Problem of the Brazilian employee. Abstract. (pp. 77 - 78).
- RICCIARDO RICCIARDI-POLLINI . (1951). The Subjective and Objective Study of the Causes of Accidents to Workers. Abstract. (pp. 79 - 80).
- VITTORIO MAURO . (1951). The Refectory of the Factory and the Prevention of Industrial Accidents and Occupational Deseases. Abstract. (p. 81).
- DANTIN GALLEGO, M. LOPEZ ESTELLA . (1951). Technical-medical Problems in the Esparto-grass Industry. Abstract. (p. 83).
- L. BELLON . (1951). Hygienic-sanitary Aspects of the Polishing Workers in the Siderurgical-metallurgical Industry. Abstract. (p. 85).
- DANTIN GALLEGO, BELLON RENOVALES . (1951). Hygienic problems in the Foundries and Hints how to Resolve them. Abstract. (p. 87).
- M. ZABALA, T. GONZALEZ, J. PEDROSA . (1951). Number of work accidents in relation with the age of the workers. Abstract. (pp. 89 - 90).
- N. PERALES, L. BELLON . (1951). Medical Laboral Study of a Printing Type Foundry. Abstract. (p. 91).
- ARMINDO RODRIGUES, ANTONIO TEIXEIRA . (1951). The Industrial Medecine and the Organization of Social Providence in Portugal. Abstract. (pp. 93 - 94).
- AUGUSTO FRANCA MARTINS . (1951). Sanitary and Social Assistance to Workers at the Entarprises of Monapo, Meserepane, Muchelia, and Sisal Muaguide. Abstract. (p. 95).
- ALVARO DE CAIRES . (1951). Biotypological Aids for Labour Efficiency. Abstract. (pp. 97 - 98).
- LOPO DE CARVALHO CANCELLA . (1951). General Outline for the Organisation of an Anti-Tuberculosis Service in Commercial and Industrial Concerns. Abstract. (p. 99).
- ALMEIDA E SA . (1951). Monograph on the Statistics of accidents to Workmen. Abstract. (pp. 101 - 102).
- F. PORTELA GOMES . (1951). Contribution for the Study of Absentism for Illness in a Heterogeneous Industrial Center (C.U.F. Barreiro). Abstract. (pp. 103 - 104).
- L. DEROBERT, C. ALBAHARY, R. LE BRETON, R. MARTIN . (1951). Les Aresols d’huiles de coupes renfermant des metaux. Leur mode d’action. Leurs dangers. Abstract. (pp. 105 - 107).
- L. DEROBERT, C. ALBAHARY, R. LE BRETON, R. MARTIN . (1951). L’intoxication par le thiophosphate de diethylparanitrophenil. Abstract. (pp. 109 - 110).
- A. HANAUT, L. RUYSSEN, M. CARA . (1951). Maximum Ventilation and Vital Capacity with Regard to Normal Individuals and those who are Sillicosed. Abstract. (pp. 111 - 114).
- F. LAVENNE, D. BELAYEW . (1951). Radiographic and Tomographic studies of the pulmonary arteries in anthraco-silicosis. Abstract. (pp. 115 - 117).
- V. VAN MECHELEN . (1951). The importance of Anthraco-silicosis in Belgium and its prophylaxy. Abstract. (pp. 119 - 120).
- E. BALGAIRIES . (1951). Flocculation and Precipitation Researches in Silicosis. Abstract. (pp. 121 - 122).
- A. BÖHME . (1951). The Importance of Hygienic Measures in Order to Prevent Asbestose. Abstract. (pp. 123 - 125).
- A. UYTDENHOEF . (1951). Contribution to the Study of the Risks of Silicosis in Foundry Works. Abstract. (pp. 127 - 131).
- N.H. NEEP . (1951). The Preparation of the Nurse for Industry. Abstract. (p. 133).
- B.L. MORRIS . (1951). A Nursing Service to British Railways, Eastern Region. Abstract. (pp. 135 - 136).
- T.G. FAULKNER HUDSON . (1951). A Short Practical Instruction Course in Industrial Health. Abstract. (pp. 137 - 138).
- C.J. MANN . (1951). Industria Nursing in Great Britain. Abstract. (pp. 139 - 140).
- LEO NORO . (1951). Training in Occupationa Health in Finland. Abstract. (pp. 141 - 142).
- RUTH SAYNAJARVI . (1951). Industrial Nursing and Training of Industrial Nurses in Finland. Abstract. (pp. 143 - 145).
- PERTTI SUMARI . (1951). The Activity of the Medical Department of the Institute of Ocupational Health, Helsinki. Abstract. (pp. 147 - 148).
- SARA P. WAGNER . (1951). Nursing Expands to Meet Grealer Challenges. Abstract. (p. 149).
- SIBYL HORNER . (1951). Industrial Dermatitis in Great Britain. Abstract. (pp. 155 - 157).
- KURT CARRIE . (1951). Work substances and lipoids of the skin surface. Abstract. (pp. 159 - 160).
- H.E. TEBROCK . (1951). Recent Progress in Management of Chronic Berylliosis with A.C.T.H. and Cortisone. Abstract. (pp. 161 - 164).
- ANNA M. BAETJER, FREDERICK I. VINTINNER . (1951). Effect of Coal Dust and Smoke on the Lungs With Special Reference to Susceptibility to Lobor Pneumonia. Abstract. (pp. 165 - 166).
- A.L. COCHRANE . (1951). The Epidemiology of Simple Pneumoconiosis in Coal Workers. Abstract. (pp. 167 - 169).
- A.L. COCHRANE . (1951). The Epidemiology of Complicated Pneumoconiosis in Coal-Workers. Abstract. (pp. 171 - 172).
- FORTUNATO MARIA TROISI . (1951). Silicatosis of a micronodular type among women employed in glaze spraying to metal objects. Abstract. (pp. 173 - 174).
- FERNANDO DA C. ROCHA FARIA . (1951). Nourishment and Labour – Refectories for Workers. Abstract. (pp. 175 - 176).
- DE VERICOURT . (1951). Hygiene and Security in the French Steel Industry. Abstract. (pp. 177 - 178).
- ANIBAL COUTO NOGUEIRA . (1951). Bathrooms in Industrial Plants. Abstract. (pp. 179 - 180).
- LOPO DE CARVALHO CANCELLA . (1951). Results of a Campaign against Tuberculosis in Two large Industrial Concerns. Abstract. (p. 181).
- DERVILLEE, LAZARINI . (1951). The Use of Mask against the Dust and Steam in Industrial Medicine. Abstract. (pp. 183 - 184).
- DERVILLEE, PHILIPPON . (1951). The Hygiene of Work in a Wolfram Mine. Technical and Medical Prevention. Abstract. (pp. 185 - 186).
- ALFONSO DE LA FUENTE CHAOS, A. PARADA . (1951). Traumatism and Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Abstract. (p. 187).
- N. PERALES, B. PIGA, FERNANDEZ ARMAYOR . (1951). Professional Stigma of Women Fillers of Safety Match Boxes. Abstract. (p. 189).
- DANTIN GALLEGO, SANGRE TORRES, AUDEN, RIESCO . (1951). Prevention of the Professional Dermatitis. Abstract. (p. 191).
- ALFONSO DE LA FUENTE CHAOS, N. PERALES, M. AGUIRRE, F. LOREDO, J. LEAL, J. PENA, T. GONZALEZ, M. RUBIO, J. RIESCO, M.P. SOCASAU . (1951). The Professional lead-poisoning in the lead Foundries. Abstract. (p. 193).
- M. ALFONSO DE LA FUENTE CHAOS, BELLON RENOVALES, GERVAS CABRERA . (1951). Maxillary-facial Alterations of Glass Blowers. Abstract. (p. 195).
- DANTIN GALLEGO, FERNANDEZ ARMAYOR, RIESCO . (1951). Syndromes by Exotic Woods. Abstract. (p. 197).
- SYDNEY CRAWCOUR . (1951). Workers’ Compensation in Australia. Abstract. (pp. 199 - 200).
- ROBERT T. LEGGE . (1951). Progress of American Industrial Medicine in the First Half of the Twentieth Century. Abstract. (p. 201).
- E. RICHARD WEINERMAN, HERBERT K. ABRAMS . (1951). New Patterns in Industrial Health and Medical Care Programs in California. Abstract. (pp. 203 - 205).
- RUY DE LACERDA . (1951). The Work ot Clinical Assistance carried on in Portugal by the Medical Social Services-Federation of Provident Funds. Abstract. (pp. 207 - 208).
- NICOLAU JORGE NADER . (1951). Medical Assistance Rendered to the «Comerciàrios» (Commercial Workers) in Brazil. Abstract. (pp. 209 - 210).
- OCTAVIO DE SOUSA . (1951). Brazilian legislation of Protection to Maternity. Abstract. (p. 211).
- JOAO PORTO . (1951). Heart Patients and their place in Industrial Medicine. Abstract. (pp. 213 - 216).
- SOCIEDAD DE MEDICINA DEL TRABAJO . (1951). Social Prevision of Workers Assistance. Scientific Organisation of labour and Management in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. Abstract. (pp. 217 - 219).
- C. SOLER DOPFF . (1951). The Persistence of Professional Qua lifications. Abstract. (pp. 221 - 222).
- JULJAN GUTIERREZ DEL OLMO . (1951). Radiographic Identification. Abstract. (p. 223).
- BONIFACIO PIGA SANCHES ROMATE . (1951). The «Medicine of Health» in its Medical Laboral Aspect. Abstract. (p. 225).
- BONIFACIO PIGA SANCHES ROMATE . (1951). Bibliographic Medical Laboral Classification. Scheme. Abstract. (p. 227).
- PEDRO SANGRO TORRES, J, L. GUTIERREZ DE ALLES . (1951). Project of Planning of Different Tutelage Services for Children and Minors under the Sign of the Social Biology Aiming the Establishment of an Office for Biologic Pre-work Control. Abstract. (pp. 229 - 230).
- AUGUSTO FRANCA MARTINS . (1951). Outline of IndustrialAccidents and ProfessionalDiseases amongst African Natives as Workers of a Sisal Plantation (Fields and Factories). Abstract. (pp. 231 - 233).
- ALFRED HAUM . (1951). The Periodical Physical Examination of Workers as Efficient Method of Controlling Occupational Diseases. Abstract. (pp. 235 - 237).
- LEMOINE . (1951). Mercury Fulminate. Abstract. (pp. 239 - 240).
- CARLOS ANDRESEN COSTA . (1951). Some Remarks about Industrial Accidents. Abstract. (pp. 241 - 242).
- C. DE PAIVA RAPOSO, CUSTODIO FERNANDES, LOPO DE CARVALHO CANCELLA . (1951). The Irnportance of Mass Radiography (Abreugraphy) in the Tarly Diagnosis of Tuberculosis. Results Obtained in the Power and Gas Amalgamate Companies of Lisbon. Abstract. (p. 243).
- BRANKO KESIC, VERA HAUSLER . (1951). Hematological Investigation on Workers Exposed to Mercury Vapour. Abstract. (pp. 245 - 247).
- V.B. VOUK, M. FUGAS, Z. TOPOLNIK . (1951). Respiratory Protective Devices for Mercury Vapour. Abstract. (pp. 249 - 250).
- A. LOBO DA COSTA, H. SILVA PINTO, R. D'ALMEIDA ROQUE . (1951). Value of the Anti-malarie Struggle in Portugal. Abstract. (p. 251).
- AUGUSTO PASTOR FERNANDES . (1951). Dosemitry of X and Gamma Radiations for the Protection of the Worknig Staff. Abstract. (p. 253).
- ADELINO DIAS AREDE . (1951). Glass-makers’ Cataract in two Portuguese Industrial Centers. Abstract. (pp. 255 - 256).
- AUGUSTO SAIAZAR LEITE, JOAO V. BASTOS DA LUZ . (1951). Industrial Medecine among Tropical Natives. One of its Facets. Abstract. (pp. 257 - 258).
- FERNANDO SIMOES DA CRUZ FERREIRA . (1951). Industrial Medicine Controle of Sleeping Sickness and Tropical Endemies, in Africa. Abstract. (pp. 259 - 261).
- CARLOS TRINCAO, FRANCO AIMEIDA, EGIDIO GOUVEIA . (1951). Prophylaxis of Ancilostomiase in the Workers of Guinea. Abstract. (p. 263).
- DIOGO FURTADO, ORLANDO CARVALHO . (1951). Importance of Electroencephalography in Cranial Trauma. Abstract. (pp. 265 - 266).
- MICHEL MOSINGER, RENATO TRINCAO . (1951). On the Pathology of Silicosis and Silicotuberculosis of the Lung. Abstract. (pp. 267 - 268).
- MOSINGER, G. JULIEN, E. VALCALLE, J. BOUVEYRON, M. LEANDRI . (1951). On Pulmonary Reactions due to Inhalation of Aluminium Hydrate. Abstract. (pp. 269 - 271).
- MICHEL MOSINGER . (1951). Agressology, Correlative and Arelative Pathology and Occupational Medicine. Abstract. (pp. 273 - 274).
- M. MOSINGER, G. JULLIEN, J. BOUVEIRON, M. LEANDRI, E. VALLECALLE . (1951). Comparative Experimental Pulmonary Pathology of Agressive Origin. Abstract. (pp. 275 - 277).
- HEINRICH BRIEGER, WILLIAM A. HODES . (1951). Toxic Effects of Exposure to Vapors of Aliphatic Amines. Abstract. (pp. 279 - 280).
- A.U. JORDI . (1951). Acute Poisoning by Methyl Bromide by Cutaneous Resorption. Abstract. (pp. 281 - 282).
- A.U. JORDI . (1951). Poisoning by “Ethyl Gasoline”. Abstract. (pp. 283 - 285).
- SYMANSKI . (1951). Less Known Diseases Caused by the Nitroglycol in the Industry of Explosives. Abstract. (pp. 287 - 288).
- DERVILLEE, L'EPEE, GLACHET, LAZARINI . (1951). Professianal Pathology of the Industry af Cold and its Prevention. Abstract. (pp. 289 - 290).
- BOUSSER, CL. ALBAHARY, TARA . (1951). Atypical Aspects o Benzolic Hemopathie. Abstract. (pp. 291 - 293).
- JULIAN GUTIERREZ DEL OLMO . (1951). Importance of the Tomographic Study of the Spine in Work Pathology. Abstract. (p. 295).
- JULIAN GUTIERREZ DEL OLMO . (1951). Total Radiological Survey on Lead Workers. Abstract. (p. 297).
- DANTIN GALLEGO PIGA, RIESCO, MARTINEZ GELLA . (1951). Industrial Origin of Intaxication by Carbon Oxide. Abstract. (p. 299).
- ESTEVAO SAMAGAIO . (1951). Post-traumatic Reflex Nervous Syndromes. Abstract. (pp. 301 - 302).
- JORGE D. MINEIRO . (1951). Infections of the Hand. Abstract. (p. 303).
- ANIBAL DO COUTO NOGUEIRA . (1951). Sketch of a Programe on Industrial Medicine. Abstract. (pp. 305 - 307).
- AFONSO MORBEY . (1951). Treatment of Infected Fingers with Perforating Wounds. Abstract. (p. 309).
- AYRES DE SOUSA, ANTONIO VEIGA . (1951). Calcification of the Coraco-clavicular Ligaments after Acromio-clavicular Luxation. Abstract. (p. 311).
- AYRES DE SOUSA, ANTONIO VEIGA . (1951). Calcification of the Coraco-clavicular Ligaments, Acromio-clavicular Post-luxation. Abstract. (p. 313).
- L. CHRISTIAENS, G. FONTAINE, M. MARCHAND-ALPHANT . (1951). Toxicity of Methoxyethylmercuric Salts – Pathological Extranervous Findings. Abstract. (p. 315).
- ANTONIO JOSE SEABRA . (1951). The Pyodermitis of flshermen. Abstract. (p. 317).
- C.J. FORTUIN . (1951). How to Improve the Visibility of Industrial Tasks. Abstract. (pp. 319 - 320).
- T.G. FAULKNER HUDSON . (1951). Metal Fume Fever. Abstract. (pp. 321 - 322).
- F. FRIEND . (1951). Occupational Trends in Duodenal Ulcer. Abstract. (pp. 323 - 324).
- EINAR CARLBORG . (1951). Training of Supervisors in Safety Work. Abstract. (pp. 325 - 327).
- E. CARLBORG . (1951). Safety Work in the Finnish Insurance Companies. Abstract. (pp. 329 - 332).
- J. DE GROOT . (1951). Air Temperature and Sickness-Absenteeism. Abstract. (pp. 333 - 334).
- EDGAR MAYER . (1951). Functioning of a Three Man Committee of Impartial Expert Consultants on Dust Inhalation Diseases to New-York State. Abstract. (pp. 335 - 338).
- A. PEDROSO FERREIRA . (1951). Preventive Measures against Accidents and Professional Diseases in the lncomati Estates Ld. (Mozambique). Abstract. (p. 339).
- FERNANDEZ ARMAYER, DANTIN GALLEGO . (1951). Some Cases of Saturnism o not Customary Origin. Abstract. (p. 341).
- THALINO BOTELHO . (1951). The Social Organization of Alimentation in Brazil. Abstract. (pp. 343 - 344).
- JUAN KAPLAN . (1951). Some Aspects o the Prevention of Accidents. Abstract. (pp. 345 - 346).
- T.S. SCOTT . (1951). Preplacement Medical Examination in the Dyestuffs Industry (A Urinary Factor as a Cause for Rejection). Abstract. (p. 347).
- F. PALOMAR COLLADO . (1951). Valuation af the Efficiency of Professional Sigth, and Its Deficiencies by Means of Centesimal Optometry. Abstract. (pp. 349 - 350).
- NARCISO PERALES, M. RUBIO . (1951). Bucal Professional Pathology on Lead and Mercury Workers. Abstract. (p. 351).
- NARCISO PERALES, M. AGUIRRE . (1951). The sign of Atkinson on Mercury Workers. Abstract. (p. 353).
- NARCISO PERALES, JULIAN PENA, MANUEL RUBIO . (1951). Professional Buccal Pathology of Workers of the Sugar Industry. Abstract. (p. 355).
- L. GARCIA-TORNEL, D.J. DARGALLO REVENTOS . (1951). Pancreatic Pseudocyst of traumatic origin. Abstract. (p. 357).
- BONIFACIO PIGA SANCHEZ ROMATE . (1951). Considerations on the Post-traumatic Neurosis. Abstract. (p. 359).
- J. RIESCO . (1951). The Determination of Metallic Toxics in the Practice of the Medicine of Work. Abstract. (p. 361).
- BONIFACIO PIGA SANCHEZ ROMATE . (1951). Possibie Bases for the Physical Education of the Worker. Abstract. (p. 375).
- M. ALFONSO DE LA FUENTE CHAOS, N. PERALES, E. PELAZ, M. AGUIRRE, J. PENA, J.D. LLORENA, J. RIESCO, M. RUBIO, M.P. SOCASAU, JUAN DANTIN GALLEGO . (1951). The Mercurialism in the Mines of Almaden. Abstract. (pp. 377 - 378).
- M. ALFONSO DE LA FUENTE CHAOS, BELLON RENOVALES . (1951). Digitation of the Hand by Loss of the Four Last Fingers. Abstract. (p. 379).
- K. MULVANY . (1951). The Natural Acquisition of Radioactivity in the Body and the Possible Sequelae. Abstract. (pp. 381 - 383).
- G. DECLERCQ . (1951). The Rehabilitation of Injured Workers at the «Houillères du Bassin du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais». Abstract. (pp. 385 - 386).
- ALMEIDA E SA . (1951). Present aspect of the aid to injured workers (recuperation). Abstract. (pp. 387 - 388).
- G. LEHMANN . (1951). Physiological Measurements as an Implement for Work Organization. Abstract. (pp. 389 - 390).
- EDMUNDO CURVELO . (1951). Factors Theory. Abstract. (pp. 391 - 392).
- MICHAEL BAUER . (1951). The German legislation Concerning Occupational Diseases. Abstract. (pp. 393 - 395).
- MARIO MOREIRA DA SILVA . (1951). Protection aux jeunes travailleurs, victimès des accidents du travail et des maladies professionelles. Abstract. (pp. 397 - 400).
- DIRECTEUR DE LA SOCIETE AGRICOLE DU CASSEQUEL – ANGOLA . (1951). Medical and Social Assistance to Workers of the Agricultural Society of Cassequel. Abstract. (pp. 401 - 402).
- JUAN KAPLAN . (1951). Welfare and Medical Services of Compañia Argentina de Electricidad S.A.. Abstract. (pp. 403 - 404).
- DIRECTEUR DE LA COMPAGNIE DU SUCRE D'ANGOLA . (1951). Medical and Social Assistance to the Workers of Angola Sugar Co.. Abstract. (pp. 405 - 406).
- DIRECTEUR DU SERVICE D'HYGIENE ET DE SANTE DES TRAVAILLEURS DU CHEMIN DE FER DE BENGUELA . (1951). Workers’ Hygiene and Health Services at the Railway Company of Benguela. Abstract. (pp. 407 - 408).
- JOAO BAPTISTA DUARTE PIMENTA . (1951). The Protection to the Fields Workers in São Tomé. Abstract. (pp. 409 - 410).
- DIRECTEUR DES ORGANISATIONS CHIBENA D' ANGOLA . (1951). Medical and Social Assistance to Chibera Organizations. Abstract. (pp. 411 - 412).
- MANUEL DA COSTA MONTEIRO . (1951). Sanitary Organisation and Industrial Medecine.at Cabo Verde. Abstract. (p. 413).
- DIRECTEUR DES SERVICES DE SANTE D'ANGOLA . (1951). Assistance to Workers by Health Services of Angola. Abstract. (p. 415).
- ALCIDE BEUCHAT . (1951). Mission of Chicumbane (Gaza-Mozambique). Abstract. (p. 417).
- D. TEODOSIO DE GOUVEIA . (1951). General Organisation of the Social Sanitary Services in the Catholic Missions in Mozambique. Abstract. (p. 419).
- VITTORIO MAURO . (1951). The industrial Medical Officer and the Social Insurance. Abstract. (p. 421).
- DIRECTEUR DES SERVICES MEDICAUX DE LA C.A.D.A. ANGOLA . (1951). Medical Services of the C.A.D.A.. Abstract. (p. 423).
- ARMANDO GONCALVES MOURISCA . (1951). Medical Help to the Workers of the Colonial Company of Nangorro (Mozambique). Abstract. (p. 425).
- MEMORIE DE LA DIRECTION DE SENA SUGAR ESTATE . (1951). Medical and Social Assistance to Workers of Sena Sugar Estates, Ltd.. Abstract. (p. 427).
- MEMORIE DU BUREAU DES SERVICES DE SANTE ET DU BUREAU DE L'ADMINISTRATION CIVILE DE LA PROVINCE DE MOZAMBIQUE . (1951). Sanitary Assistance and Sociat Protection to Workers of Mozambique. Abstract. (p. 429).
- F. PORTELA GOMES . (1951). Social Action among Working Youth – and Children of Workers as Best Means of Preventive Medicine, Having in View the Industrial Medicine and Industrial Hygiene. Abstract. (pp. 431 - 432).
- ROLANDO SUCENA DE SOUSA . (1951). Brief Report on the Assistance to European and Native Personnel of the Angola Diamond Company. Abstract. (pp. 433 - 434).
- ARMINDO RIBEIRO . (1951). The Socia Protection of the Worker. Abstract. (pp. 435 - 436).
- JUAN KAPLAN . (1951). Experiences and Results on Industrial Psychotechnic. Abstract. (pp. 437 - 438).
- DANIEI LUIS BRANDAO REIS . (1951). The Accessment of industrial Accidents, the Organization of Medico-Social Services and Prevention of Accidents at Mazda Factory of the General Electric, S.A.. Abstract. (pp. 439 - 440).
- CORREIA PINTO . (1951). Medical Aid to the Workers of the Agricultural Society of Madal (Mozambique). Abstract. (p. 441).
- RAUL SATURIO PIRES . (1951). Medical Work in the Boror Company (Mozambkiue). Abstract. (p. 443).
- MEMOIRE DE LA DIRECTION DE LA SOCIETE "CHA ORIENTAL" DE MILANGE . (1951). Medical and Social Assistance to Workers of “Chà Oriental” Milange Enterprise. Abstract. (p. 445).
- VICTOR HUGO VELEZ GRILO . (1951). The Medical Work of the Lourenço Marques Municipality. Abstract. (p. 447).
- MEMOIRE DE LA DIRECTION DE L'USINE DE CEMENTS DE MATOLA . (1951). Medical Assistance to Workers of Matola Cement Factory. Abstract. (p. 449).
- HEDWIG S. KUHN . (1951). Eye Injuries in Industry. Abstract. (pp. 451 - 452).
- VEIKKO PIRILA . (1951). Studies on Occupational Diseases of the Skin in Finland in 1948-1950. Abstract. (p. 453).
- J.C. GAGE . (1951). Experimental methods for the toxicological investigation of atmospheric contaminants. Abstract. (pp. 455 - 456).
- C.N. DAVIES . (1951). Dust Sampling and Lung Disease. Abstract. (pp. 457 - 459).
- P. HUGH - JONES, J.C. GIBSON . (1951). The Relation between Disability and Radiological Change in Coal-Workers’ Pneumoconiosis. Abstract. (pp. 461 - 462).
- B.M. WRIGHT . (1951). The Effect of the Inhalation and Retention of Dust in Rots. Abstract. (pp. 463 - 464).
- B.M. WRIGHT . (1951). A Technique for studying the Sampling Characteristics of the Animal Respiratory Tract. Abstract. (pp. 465 - 467).
- RAFAEL PENALVER BALLINA . (1951). The importance of physical examination in the selection of drivers. Abstract. (p. 475).
- MARIO AZZOLINI . (1951). Considerations on a factory doctor in Italy with particular regard to the national legislation. Abstract. (pp. 477 - 478).
- MAZEL . (1951). Psychological Requirements of Industrial Medicine. Abstract. (pp. 479 - 481).
- MAZEL . (1951). Scope of Industrial Medicine. Duties of an Industrial Doctor. Abstract. (pp. 483 - 485).
- MAZEL, BOURRET, ROCHE . (1951). The Teaching of Industria Medicine. Abstract. (pp. 487 - 489).
- THELMA J. DURHAM . (1951). The Industrial Nurse as a World Citizen. Abstract. (p. 491).
- JEAN SPENCER FELTON . (1951). The Unusual in Health Education Activities at an Atomic Energy Research Laboratory. Abstract. (p. 493).
- L.G. NORMAN . (1951). The Organisation of Medical Services in the Road Transport Industry. Abstract. (pp. 495 - 496).
- SANGRO TORRES, VILLALOBOS . (1951). Repercussion of the previous examination on the absentism in the industry. Abstract. (p. 497).
- J.A. NEIVA VIEIRA . (1951). Pellegrini-Stieda’s Syndrome, Rheumatic Fever, Baker’s Cyst and Periarthritis of Shoulder in the Same Clinical Case. Abstract. (p. 499).
- ARMINDO RIBEIRO . (1951). Organizatipn of the Medical Services of the Company. The Work of the Company’s Doctor.. Abstract. (pp. 501 - 502).
- ARSENIO CORDEIRO . (1951). Cardiological Assistance in the Portuguese Telegraph and Telephone Company. Abstract. (pp. 503 - 504).
- MARCEL BALLERIN . (1951). O.R.L. & Industrial Medicine. Abstract. (pp. 505 - 506).
- J.A. DE CAMPOS HENRIQUES . (1951). Traumatic Deafness and Professiona1 Deafness. Abstract. (pp. 507 - 508).
- HEITOR DA FONSECA . (1951). Some Considerations Concerning Cases of Sillicose Verified in Workers of Ceramic Industry. Abstract. (pp. 509 - 511).
- ASSUNACAO TEIXEIRA . (1951). Rheumatism and Profession. Abstract. (pp. 513 - 514).
- LOUIS DE PAP . (1951). Work and Rheumatism. Abstract. (pp. 515 - 517).
- A. PARADA . (1951). Radiodiagnostic Orientations in Pneumoconiosis. Abstract. (p. 519).
- A. PARADA . (1951). Talcosis. Abstract. (p. 521).
- A. PARADA . (1951). Prevention of Incapacity due to Pneumoconiosis. Abstract. (p. 523).
- JULIAN GUTIERREZ DEL OLMO . (1951). Penetrating Radiography in the Diagnosis of the Silicosis of the Lung. Abstract. (pp. 525 - 526).
- JULIAN GUTIERREZ DEL OLMO . (1951). Tomographic Study of the Bronchial Tree in Lung Silicosis. Abstract. (p. 527).
- DANTIN GALLEGO, G. DEL OLMO . (1951). Radiographic Study of the thorax on Esporto-grasso Workers. Abstract. (p. 529).
- NARCISO PERALES . (1951). Medical Laboral Study of the Beetroot Sugar Manufacture. Abstract. (p. 531).
- NARCISO PERALES, M. AGUIRRE . (1951). Opacities of the Lens of Emerald Green Coloration on Workers Exposed to Mercury. Abstract. (p. 533).
- PENA YANEZ, DANTIN GALLEGO, PARADA BARROS . (1951). The Brucellosis in Spain and the Professional Factor. Abstract. (p. 535).
- AUGUSTO BRAGA DE CASTRO SOARES . (1951). Some Elements Concerning the trachome and Industrial Medicine in Portugal. Abstract. (pp. 537 - 538).
- RODIET, CHANTEGREIL . (1951). Lung Cancers and Industrial Oils. Abstract. (p. 539).
- P.A. JAENSCH . (1951). Symptoms and Etiology of Miners’ Nystagmus. Abstract. (pp. 541 - 542).
- T.S. SCOTT . (1951). Vesical Tumours in Dyestuffs Manufacture (a review of 67 cases). Abstract. (pp. 543 - 544).
- GIORGIO DI MAIO . (1951). Necessity, Possibility and Difficulty of Cystoscopy in Workers Exposed to the Action of Cancer-generating Aromatic Amines. Abstract. (pp. 545 - 547).
- W.H. HUEPER, T.F. MANCUSO . (1951). The Methodology of Occupatíonal Cancer Surveys in the United Sta tes. Abstract. (pp. 549 - 551).
- Final section / indexes