- Introductory section
- ENRIQUE ESCARRA . (1957). Normas de Higiene Industrial. (pp. 33 - 39).
- CHARLES R. WILLIAMS . (1957). Hygienic standards in the field of occupational health. (pp. 40 - 52).
- Z.W. SMELYANSKY . (1957). Higienic limits allowed concentration oƒ toxic gases, fumes and dust in the air of industrial premises. (pp. 53 - 54).
- THEODORE F. HATCH . (1957). Human engineering: Introduction. (pp. 55 - 62).
- OWEN MCGIRR . (1957). Jet engine noise and human hearing loss. (pp. 57 - 58).
- I.I. SLAWIN . (1957). Gesetzliche Lärmnormativsystem in der Siwjetunion und ihre Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen. (pp. 58 - 62).
- LARS FRIBERG, BERTIL JOHANSSON, BENGT KYLIN . (1957). A survey af noise levels in Swedish industries. (pp. 62 - 63).
- B. DIJK, H.A. LEEUWEN . (1957). The appraisal of the degree of damage to the hearing of noise workers. (pp. 63 - 65).
- W.T. SINGLETON . (1957). The application of experimental psychology to man/machine systems. (pp. 63 - 64).
- LEO WADE . (1957). The incidence of “invalidity” or permanent disability as a measure of employee health. (pp. 65 - 68).
- ARNE LUNDERVOLD . (1957). Muscolar work in man. An experimental investigation. (pp. 65 - 66).
- A.L. SCHLEISNER . (1957). Posture and seating. (pp. 67 - 68).
- ROBERT F.L. LOGAN . (1957). Incapacity for work as the problem of invalidity in Britain. (pp. 68 - 70).
- E. MULLER . (1957). The best way to use muscolar force. (pp. 69 - 70).
- JOSEF DEDEK . (1957). Aerztliche Begutachtung der Invaliditat in der CSR. (pp. 70 - 71).
- GODEHARD GORALEWSKI . (1957). Die Funktionsdiagnostik in der invaliden- und unfallbegutachtung. (pp. 71 - 74).
- F. BONJER . (1957). Physiological responses to environmental stress. (pp. 71 - 72).
- W. ZAHORSKI . (1957). Les Cardiopathiés et le Travail. (pp. 73 - 96).
- K.H. SOMMER . (1957). Über einschätzung und Beurteilung der Invalidität bei der Arbeitenden frau vom Standpunkt des Gynäkologen. (pp. 74 - 75).
- LEO NORO, PERTTI SUMARI . (1957). Evaluation of working capacity of employees applying for pension. (pp. 75 - 78).
- ANTONINO PIO GAETA . (1957). Sur l’evaluation de l’invalidite au travail des ex-tuberculeux dans le systeme legislatif italien. (pp. 78 - 80).
- S.B. SMELJANSKY . (1957). Hygienische Begründung der normativvorschriften bezüglich maximalzulässiger Konzentrationen toxischer Stoffe in der Luft der Betriebsräume. (pp. 80 - 83).
- KURT WINTER . (1957). Arbeitshygienische Normen bei Jugendlichen. (pp. 83 - 87).
- G.C.E. BURGER, R. FRANT . (1957). Work of a committee on technical hygiene (C.T.H.) in an occupational health service. (pp. 87 - 90).
- CH. FRIEBERGER . (1957). Die Beurteilung Technischer Angaben in der Arbeitshygiene durch den Arzt. (pp. 90 - 92).
- PAUL THOMASCHEWSKI . (1957). Arbeitsmedizinische Grenzdosen. (pp. 92 - 94).
- JON GLÖMME . (1957). Threshold limit values. Remarks on some basic problems. (pp. 94 - 96).
- O.H. SHAHBASYAN . (1957). hygienic standards of production microclimate. (pp. 96 - 100).
- EYV THIIS-EVENSEN . (1957). Shift work and health. (pp. 97 - 105).
- JANOS BONTA . (1957). Über hygenische Normen Ungarns. (pp. 100 - 101).
- ARNE LUNDERVOLD . (1957). On myalgia and electromyograms. (pp. 101 - 106).
- LENNART HULT . (1957). Industrial back syndromes in different occupational and age groups. (pp. 106 - 121).
- T. HATCH . (1957). The human factors in Engineering. (pp. 108 - 110).
- F.H. BONJER . (1957). The role of the work environment in the concept of human engineering. (pp. 110 - 111).
- F.H. BONJER . (1957). A diagram of interrelationships in human engineering. (pp. 111 - 112).
- G.C.E. BURGER, G.A. HARTEN . (1957). A heartworkindex (H.W.I.) for the evaluation of workingcapacity. (pp. 113 - 118).
- M.J. KARVONEN . (1957). Vigorous exercise and the heart. (pp. 118 - 119).
- MARIO GIROMINI, FRANCESCO FERRARO, LUIGI CANDIA . (1957). Les absences au travail provoquees par des cardiopathies chez les travailleurs de l’industrie, de l’agriculture et du commerce. (pp. 120 - 123).
- JAMES CYRIAX . (1957). Lumbar disc-lesions. (pp. 122 - 127).
- P. DERVILLEE, P. BROUSTET . (1957). L’aptitude des jeunes cardiaques aux carrieres administratives. (pp. 123 - 124).
- MILOS NOSAL . (1957). Employment of cardiacs and their job placement. (pp. 124 - 126).
- G.C.E. BURGER, M.R. VAN ALPHEN DE VEER, A.TH. GROOT WESSELDIJK, H.K. VAN DER GRAAF, A. DOORNBOSCH . (1957). Human problems in shift work. (pp. 126 - 128).
- P. DERVILLEE, H.J. LAZARINI . (1957). Considerations sur le travail par roulement et ses repercussions sur la sante. (pp. 128 - 130).
- ERLAND MINDUS . (1957). Psychiatric evaluation as an aid in screening employees. (pp. 128 - 140).
- H. LOSKANT . (1957). Erfahrungen über den Gesundheitlichen Einfluss verschiedener Schichtformen in einem Werk der chemischen Industrie. (pp. 130 - 131).
- K.H. SCHUNCK . (1957). Ein neues Schichtsystem in seiner Auswirkung auf den Krankenstand, das Unfallgeschehen und die Freizeitgestaltung. (pp. 131 - 134).
- OLAVI ERANKÖ . (1957). 25-hour day: one solution to the shift-work problem. (pp. 134 - 135).
- E. JÖRGEN ANDERSEN . (1957). The main results of the Danish medico-psycho-social investigation of shiftworkers. (pp. 135 - 136).
- E.H. SCHIÖTZ . (1957). Manipulation of the spine in the history of medicine. (pp. 137 - 138).
- P. MICHAUX, J. THIODET . (1957). Les lombalgies d’effort problemes poses a l’expert et au medecin du travail. (pp. 138 - 140).
- M. NIEMI, A. VOUTILAINEN . (1957). Back troubles among Finnish post-men. (p. 141).
- OHTO OKSALA . (1957). Angewandte Psychologie und Arbeitsmedizin. (pp. 141 - 156).
- CEDOMIR LAINOVIC, BOSKO MILIJIC . (1957). Contribution à la connaissance de la maladie du caisson. (pp. 142 - 144).
- CHARLES SOLER-DOPFF, JOAQUIM ALIER . (1957). Techniques and the man. (pp. 145 - 147).
- M.R. VAN ALPHEN DE VEER . (1957). Maladjustment in industry a mental health problem. (pp. 147 - 149).
- M.J.M. DANIELS, H.J.M. KUYER . (1957). Psychological screening and psychiatric diagnosis in industry. (pp. 149 - 151).
- FORTUNATO MARIA TROISI . (1957). Statistical study of correlation between jobs and mental diseases based on 14395 new psychiatric cases admitted to hospital. (pp. 151 - 154).
- ANTTI TAMMINEN . (1957). Some aspects on the assessment and guidance of the physically handicapped. (pp. 154 - 156).
- SAULI HAKKINEN . (1957). Psychological tests and traffic accident frequency. (pp. 156 - 160).
- MARCEL MARCHAND . (1957). Pneumopathies professionnelles non sclerogenes. Essai de Classification. (pp. 157 - 191).
- JOHAN WECKROTH . (1957). Psychological tests predicting absence. (pp. 160 - 161).
- Y.A. LEHTI, L. RAUHALA . (1957). Aspects on the use of attitude and personality tests by the selection of nurse trainees. (pp. 162 - 163).
- JYRKI JUURMAA . (1957). On the influence of the loss of sight upon mental abilities. (pp. 163 - 165).
- JON GLÖMME, AKE SWENSSON . (1957). Non-silicotic pneumoconiosis. (pp. 165 - 167).
- H.E. TEBROCK, WILLARD MACHLE . (1957). Advances in the management of chronic berylliosis. (pp. 167 - 169).
- O. HAGLIND . (1957). Lung changes in electric welders. (pp. 169 - 171).
- R. FABRE, R. TRUHAUT, C. BOUDENE, C. ALBAHARY . (1957). Le rapport erythroplasmatique du plomb au cours des intoxications chroniques chez l’homme et chez l’animal. Influence de l’E.D.T.Ca. (pp. 173 - 176).
- GIOVANNI DI GUGLIELMO, ANGELO IANNACCONE . (1957). Inhibition of mitosis and regressive changes of erythroblasts in acute erythropathy caused by occupational benzene poisoning. (pp. 177 - 178).
- A. FERRARA, W. BALBO . (1957). Les syndromes hemolytiques et les hydrocarbures aromatiques. (pp. 178 - 179).
- ALFREDO BALDI . (1957). Hemocytologic studies of workers in a petroleum refinery. (pp. 179 - 180).
- SUSUMU HARASHIMA . (1957). Distribution and state of lead in different components of blood. (pp. 180 - 183).
- AKE SWENSSON . (1957). Changes in blood, bone marrow and spleen in chronic cadmium poisoning. (pp. 183 - 184).
- TIHOMIL BERITIC, ZVONIMIR GRGIC, ANICA SIREC . (1957). Iron containing blood cells in human lead poisoning. (pp. 184 - 185).
- M. WASSERMANN, G. BUGEAG MIHAIL, V. COJOCARU . (1957). Recherches hematologiques dans l’intoxication saturnine experimentale des animaux homeotermes, a l’aide du microscope a contraste de phases. (pp. 185 - 189).
- A.A. LETAVET . (1957). Protective measures for industrial workers manipulating with radioactive substances. (pp. 189 - 192).
- SCIPIONE CACCURI . (1957). Hemopathies dans la toxicologie industrielle. (pp. 192 - 206).
- CARL-ERIC HOLMQUIST . (1957). Health and safety problems in planning a full size nuclear power plant. (pp. 192 - 194).
- P. DERVILLEE, R. MICHON . (1957). Necessite d’une prevention adaptee a chaque type d’emploi des radioelements dans l’industrie et mise en oeuvre de cette prevention. (pp. 195 - 196).
- L.B. BOURNE . (1957). X-ray hazards during the manufacture of cathode ray tubes and television sets. (pp. 196 - 200).
- H. MARJORTIE SIMPSON . (1957). Education and the occupational health nurse. (pp. 201 - 205).
- DERVILLEE, ADISSON, BERNHARD . (1957). L’education sanitaire en milieu industriel. activite conjuguee du medecin du travail et de la conseillere sociale. (pp. 206 - 207).
- RENE MICHON . (1957). Les isotopes dans la recherche toxicologique. (pp. 207 - 219).
- M.E.M. HERFORD . (1957). Health education in industry (With special reference to “wholeness” in the adolescent). (pp. 207 - 209).
- VIOLET I. ELLIOTT . (1957). Industrial nursing in Australia. (pp. 210 - 211).
- M. BECHETOILLE, O. CHATELAIN, J. CLERY, G. JOURDE . (1957). La contribution du service social a la medecine du travail en France. (pp. 212 - 215).
- H. WILLMAN . (1957). The work of the industrial nurses at the institute of occupational health, Helsinki. (pp. 215 - 216).
- AINO VINHAVA . (1957). On the work of the out-patient department for occupational skin-diseases. (pp. 216 - 217).
- HELVY KONTKANEN, KYLLIKKI LAATTO . (1957). On the activities of the Helsinki and Turku health departments of Finland’s Post and Telegraph Service. (pp. 217 - 219).
- JAN MULLER . (1957). Problems of internal contamination with radioactive substances. (pp. 220 - 228).
- SUSUMU HARASHIMA . (1957). Hematological studies in Japan of industrial toxic substances (A Report of a Special Committee of the Japan Association of Industrial Health). (pp. 220 - 222).
- THOMAS W. NALE, HENRY F. JR. SMYTH, CHARLES P. CARPENTER . (1957). Fifteen years’ experience with the range-finding toxicity test. (pp. 222 - 225).
- A.M. BAETJER, C. DAMRON, J.H. CLARK . (1957). Experiments on the relation of chromium to bronchogenic carcinoma. (pp. 226 - 227).
- CHRISTO HADJIOLOFF . (1957). Intoxications professionnelles chroniques par l’arsenic et le cuivre parmi les travailleurs agricoles (Recherches cliniques et expérimentales). (pp. 228 - 229).
- J. RODIER . (1957). Aspects toxicologiques de la pathologie du travail chez les mineurs d’arseniure de cobalt au Maroc. (pp. 229 - 231).
- ERNST VON HOLSTEIN . (1957). Beanspruchungs- und Überlastungsschäden durch berufliche Tätigkeit. (pp. 231 - 242).
- SVEN-GÖSTA SJÖBERG . (1957). Occupational hazards from vanadium-containing dust. (pp. 231 - 232).
- M. VANDEKAR . (1957). The persistence of the inhibitor in the body after injection with some organo-phosphorus compounds. (pp. 232 - 233).
- ELSA REINER, B. SVETLICIC, M. VANDEKAR . (1957). Effects of some oximes in diethyl-p-nitrophenylthiophosphate (parathion) poisoning. (pp. 233 - 235).
- IMRICH KLUCIK . (1957). Benutzung Histochemischer Identifikation der Acetylcholinesterase zum nachweis der inhibierenden Wirkung Organischer Phosphorverbindungen und der Schutzwirkung von Antidoten. (pp. 235 - 241).
- FRANCISCO LANCIS, RAFAEL PENALVER . (1957). Tratamiento del manganesismo. (pp. 241 - 242).
- WITOLD ZAHORSKI, ZDZISLAW MYSLAK . (1957). L’application du Ca-EDTA dans une action organisee contre le saturnisme dans l’industrie. (pp. 242 - 243).
- A.L. BRAVO . (1957). Health education in industry. (pp. 243 - 252).
- H. BASTENIER, P. DESLYPERE, DE GRAEF-MILLET . (1957). Un test utile pour le diagnostic du saturnisme. (pp. 243 - 245).
- KLAUS DROR . (1957). Parathion-poisoning after cotton-spraying in Israel. (pp. 246 - 247).
- T. DUTKIEWICZ, I. KESY, J. NOFER, J. PIOTROWSKI, J. SALM, B. TROJANOWSKA . (1957). L’absorption, le metabolisme et l’élimination de l’aniline chez l’homme. (pp. 247 - 249).
- TOYVO A. PIHKANEN, YRJÖ TEMMES . (1957). Some electroencephalographical observations in a group of chronic benzene intoxications. (pp. 249 - 250).
- K. BATTIG, L. ROSSI, E. GRANDJEAN, J. RICKENBACHER . (1957). Klinische und toxikologische Sstudien über Trimethylbenzol. (pp. 250 - 252).
- STIG TEJNING, RAGNAR VESTERBERG, HARRY ÖHMAN, PER ÖVRUM . (1957). Toxicity risks from exposure to mercury and chlorine in the manufacture of chloralkali. (pp. 252 - 254).
- HELENA SAVOLAINEN . (1957). The industrial nurse with and without medical direction. (pp. 253 - 256).
- SVEN FORSSMAN, NILS MASRELIEZ, G. JOHANSSON, G. SUNDELL, O. WILANDER, G. BOSTRÖM . (1957). Medical examination of workers engaged in the manufacture of nitroglycerine and ethylene glycol dinitrate in the Swedish explosives industry. (pp. 254 - 258).
- GERTRUDE A. STEWART . (1957). Health interviews in connection with physician’s examinations. (pp. 257 - 262).
- M. SAVICEVIC, D. KENDA-JELICIC, B. MILIJIC, M. STANKOVIC, A. STEFANOVIC . (1957). Contribution a la connaissance de l’intoxication professionnelle par les vapeurs du trichlorethylene (Action des vapeurs de trichloréthylène sur les ouvriers de l’Hotel des Monnaies à Beograde). (pp. 259 - 261).
- J. NOFER, Z. KOWALSKI, K. SZYMCZYKIEWICZ, K. KNOBLOCH . (1957). La toxicite de certaines huiles volatiles. (pp. 261 - 263).
- J. CAMERON . (1957). The industrial health nurse in a generalized public health nursing programme. (pp. 263 - 265).
- A. VALLAUD . (1957). L’utilisation industrielle des solvants chlores. Risques et Prévention. (pp. 263 - 266).
- MARY BLAKELEY . (1957). Meeting the needs of the small firms. (pp. 266 - 275).
- L. DEROBERT, J. LAFUMA, J. VACHER, Z. DARWICHE . (1957). Intoxication experimentale par le silicate d’ethyle. (p. 266).
- JEAN SICE, PHILIPPE SHUBIK, ROBERT FELDMAN . (1957). Epithelial tumors induced by normal paraffins and derivatives. (pp. 266 - 267).
- C.H. HINE, H.H. ANDERSON, ROBERT LEGGE . (1957). Toxicological evaluation of epoxy resins. (pp. 268 - 271).
- KAMEO HASEGAVA . (1957). Diagnosis of chronic sulphur dioxide intoxication. (p. 271).
- MOTOHISA FUJIMOTO . (1957). Studies on the urinary excretion of carbon disulfide. (pp. 272 - 273).
- J. LINIECKI, K. SZYMCZYKIEWICZ, K. KNOBLOCH . (1957). The influence of vitamins C and B1 on the course of a chronic carbon disulphide poisoning in the animals. (pp. 273 - 274).
- M. SAVICEVIC, P. MILIJIC, M. STANKOVIC . (1957). A contribution to the knowledge of chronic poisoning with carbon monoxide. (p. 275).
- MILDRED I. WALKER . (1957). The role of the industrial nurse in rehabilitation. (pp. 276 - 282).
- HANS ZORN . (1957). Die Beziehungen zwischen der kohlenmonoxyd-konzentration im Gewebe, Blut und Aatemluft bei Gasvergiftungen. (pp. 276 - 278).
- J. TEISINGER . (1957). Influence du sel monocalcique de l’acide -èthylène-diamine tetra-acetique sur quelques liaisons. (pp. 278 - 280).
- FRANCISCO LANCIS, RAFAEL PENALVER . (1957). Valor de la coproporfirinuria III en la determinacion de la exposicion al plomo. (pp. 280 - 281).
- R. EGLI, H. KAPP, J. MARMET, E. GRANDJEAN . (1957). Relationship between lead exposure and lead excretion in man and clinical symptoms. (pp. 281 - 283).
- V.B. VOUK, KRISTA KOSTIAL, BLANKA HEFER-SLAT . (1957). A comparison of the effects of mercury and lead ions on synaptic transmission. (pp. 283 - 284).
- E. J. KING . (1957). Recent research in infective pneumoconiosis. (pp. 283 - 302).
- MACIEJ WEBER, STEFAN OPALKO, MACIEJ ROBAKIEWICZ . (1957). L’administration du compose calcique du sel disodique de l’acide ethylenediaminotetracetique (Ca-Na2-EDTA) dans les cas cliniques du saturnisme. (pp. 284 - 287).
- H. DESOILLE, C. ALBAHARY, R. TRUHAUT, C. BOUDENE . (1957). Le test de la plomburie provoquee par l’edathamil-calcium-disodium. (pp. 287 - 290).
- R.L. ZIELHUIS . (1957). Methods of counting basophil punctated erythrocytes in lead intoxication. (pp. 290 - 292).
- MILOS STANKOVIC . (1957). A polarographic method for the determination of lead in blood. (pp. 292 - 294).
- AURELIA MERLI . (1957). Considerations concernant l’emploi de sero-albumine dans la prophylaxie de l’intoxication derivant du plomb. (pp. 294 - 295).
- KRISTA KOSTIAL, H. LORKOVIC, V.B. VOUK . (1957). Acetylcholine sensitivity of sympathetic ganglia and striated muscles in presence of lead ions. (pp. 295 - 297).
- M. WASSERMANN, G. SANDULESCU, H. BERINZON, V. SAVA . (1957). L’effet protecteur de l’acide nicotinique sur le rat blanc dans l’intoxication chr,onique avec B.H.C. (benzenhexacloride). (pp. 297 - 301).
- I. PACSERI, L. MAGOS . (1957). Determination the degree of exposure in plants using aromatic nitro and amido compounds. (p. 302).
- OTTO-ERICH LUND . (1957). Histologische Befunde bei experimentellen, akuten Kohlenoxydvergiftungen. (pp. 302 - 304).
- GINO BERGAMI . (1957). Vocational rehabilitation, evaluation of invalidity and assessment of benefit. (pp. 303 - 311).
- G. BALDI, N. ZURLO . (1957). Studies on the hazard of mercury poisoning in the felt hat industry. (p. 304).
- EARL J. KING, D. JAMROG, D. ADER . (1957). A study on the benzidine and 2-naphthylamine resorption in industry. (pp. 304 - 305).
- ENRICO C. VIGLIANI, BENVENUTO PERNIS . (1957). Immunological factors in the pathogenesis of the hyaline tissue of silicosis. (pp. 305 - 308).
- H. BOHLIG, G. JACOB . (1957). Die Häufigkeit des Lungenkrebses bei Deutschen Asbestarbeitern. (pp. 308 - 309).
- H. BOHLIG . (1957). Schwere Mischstaubstlíkose bei einem Schwerspatmüller. (pp. 310 - 311).
- F. PORTELA-GOMES . (1957). La reaction de l’alvéole pulmonaire à quelques produits industriels. (pp. 311 - 315).
- C. CLAEYS, E. QUINOT . (1957). Etude physico-chimique des liquides de ponction de masses pseudotumorales pneumoconiotiques. (p. 315).
- H.T. MÖNNICH . (1957). Entstehung schwerer silikosen trotz gleichzeitiger Inhalation von Quarzstaub und Gipsstaub. (pp. 316 - 318).
- JON GLÖMME, AKE SWENSSON . (1957). The importance of structure and size of silica particles to the acute toxicity, the urinary excretion and fibrogenetic tendency. (pp. 318 - 320).
- CH. GUYOTJEANNIN . (1957). Contribution a l’etude des proteines sanguines dans la silicose. (pp. 320 - 321).
- SUSUMU ISHINISHI, TADATOSHI MIYASAKI . (1957). A study on immunity to experimental silicosis. (pp. 322 - 323).
- E. BALGAIRIES, E. SAVINEL, L. LENOIR, M. GRAILLES . (1957). Anomalies des glandes tracheobronchiques chez les silicoses. (pp. 323 - 324).
- I. DJURICIC, V. SAVIC . (1957). La microhematurie des ouvriers dans une mine et une usine d’asbeste. (pp. 324 - 325).
- S. SARAI, K. UENO . (1957). Electron microscopic views of dust produced in electric steel melting. (pp. 325 - 327).
- A.N. STEFANOVIC, V.M. SIMIC . (1957). Determination of quartz content in the mines of P.R. Serbia by chemical and rapid X-ray diffraction methods. (pp. 327 - 330).
- G.L. LEATHART . (1957). The mechanical properties of the lungs in pneumoconiosis of coal-workers. (pp. 330 - 334).
- H. GATTNER . (1957). Die Differenzierung des Lungenstaubes am Lebenden. (pp. 334 - 335).
- ANDREW MEIKLEJOHN . (1957). Carbon and pneumoconiosis. (pp. 335 - 337).
- R.I. MCCALLUM . (1957). The epidemiology of pneumoconiosis of coal miners in North Eeast England. (pp. 338 - 340).
- A. UYTDENHOEF . (1957). Les risques de pneumoconiose dans les carrières de porphyre. (pp. 340 - 342).
- G. MONTESANO . (1957). Aspects de la silicose dans une mine de charbon. (pp. 342 - 343).
- H. GATTNER . (1957). Die Staublungenerkrankung (Silikose III) bei einem Braunkohlenheizer. (pp. 343 - 344).
- P.J. CHAPMAN . (1957). Pneumoconiosis field research in Great Britain. (pp. 344 - 346).
- O.A. SANDER . (1957). Diagnostic criteria and preventive control of silicosis in United States foundries. (pp. 346 - 347).
- ANTERO VOUTILAINEN . (1957). The direct enlarged x-ray picture by silicosis and asbestosis. (pp. 348 - 350).
- F. LAVENNE, J. PATIGNY . (1957). Comparaison de la radiographie et de la radiophotographie sur formats 10×12 cm et 7×7 cm pour le diagnostic de la pneumoconiose simple. (pp. 350 - 354).
- P. LERZA, G. ODAGLIA . (1957). Contribution a l’etude radiologique du médiastin dans la silicose. (pp. 354 - 355).
- H. GATTNER . (1957). Die russ-lunge in ihrer Abgrenzung von der Anthrakose. (p. 356).
- J.L. NICOD, E. GRANDJEAN . (1957). Les lesions récentes dans la silicose pulmonaire ancienne. (pp. 357 - 358).
- A. BRINA, M. MAGISTRETTI, E. SARTORELLI . (1957). Effets de l’oxygénothérapie à pression positive intermittente sur la circulation pulmonaire des silicotiques et des emphysémateux. (pp. 358 - 360).
- ALFRED RABER . (1957). Über die Ansicht der Experten, wie die Erwerbsminderung bei silikose einzuschätzen ist. (pp. 360 - 362).
- PREMYSL PELNAR . (1957). Analysis of dyspnea in a group of silicotics followed over an 11 years period. (pp. 362 - 365).
- AXEL AHLMARK, TORSTEN BRUCE, AKE NYSTRÖM . (1957). Pneumoconiosis in iron foundries. A study of 333 cases. (pp. 365 - 367).
- F.H. TYRER, G.A. STEELE . (1957). The investigation and control of a silicosis hazard in the gas industry. (pp. 367 - 370).
- DRAGOMIR KARAJOVIC . (1957). Pneumokoniosen bei Arbeitern einer Antimonhütte. (pp. 370 - 374).
- M. WASSERMANN, G. MIHAILET, S. IOSUBAS . (1957). Recherches experimentales concernant “la maladie des fileurs et des tisseurs de chanvre”. (pp. 374 - 378).
- J. DANTIN GALLEGO . (1957). Lesiones pulmonares silicoticas y no silicoticas en las neumopatias por el polvo. (pp. 378 - 380).
- A. PARADA BARROS, G. COMBA EZQUERRA, M. BASELGA-MONTE . (1957). La repercusion funcional respiratoria de las neumoconiosis. (pp. 380 - 384).
- E.C. ANDREEVA-GALANZNA . (1957). La maladie vibratoires, ses etiologie, pathogenie et prophylaxie. (pp. 385 - 386).
- D. ZANNINI . (1957). A propos de la “fievre des cereales” des travailleurs des silos. (pp. 386 - 387).
- C.P. BENOIST, R. FRANT . (1957). Medical experiences with argon-arc welding. (pp. 387 - 389).
- HANS SCHILLER . (1957). Veranderungen des Processus Styloideus Ulnae. (pp. 389 - 390).
- BLASIUS BUGYI . (1957). Beitrage zu den beruflichen Knochenveränderungen der Pressluftwerkzeugearbeiter. (pp. 390 - 394).
- VEIKKO PIRILA, OLAVI KILPTIÖ . (1957). The causes and distribution of occupational dermatoses among various trades in Finland. (pp. 394 - 398).
- G. FARRIS, G. ODAGLIA, G. POZZI . (1957). Recherhes sur les dermatoses professionnelles dans l’industrie savonnière. (pp. 398 - 400).
- VEIKKO PIRILA, EERO SILTANEN . (1957). On the eczematogenic agent in oil of turpentine. (pp. 400 - 402).
- R.E.W. FISHER . (1957). The effect of age upon the incidence of tar warts. (pp. 402 - 404).
- L.B. BOURNE . (1957). Percutaneous penetration of barrier creams and its application to skin protection. (pp. 404 - 407).
- G. FARRIS, G. POZZI . (1957). Sur la possibilite de developpement des mycètes dans les produits cosmetiqes a base de detergents ioniques. (pp. 407 - 408).
- G. FARRIS, G. POZZI . (1957). Manifestations cutanées causées par embolie gazeuse dans les ouvriers des caissons. (pp. 408 - 409).
- C. HURIEZ, M. MARCHAND . (1957). Incidences sociales des dermathoses professionnelles. (pp. 409 - 411).
- ALEJANDRO CARLOS GYÖRKÖ . (1957). Estudio sobre el origen y tratamiento del eczema profesional. (pp. 411 - 414).
- HEDWIG S. KUHN . (1957). Recent advances in industrial ophthalmology. (pp. 414 - 417).
- Y. MARIA, J. VACHER, R. MARTIN . (1957). Ophtalmologie et medecine du travail. (p. 417).
- P. SUMARI . (1957). Experiences on “sight-screening” in Finland. (p. 418).
- ETIENNE GRANDJEAN, ROBERT EGLI . (1957). Physiological and medical investigations on occupational fatigue. (pp. 418 - 420).
- MARIA BOGUSZEWSKA . (1957). Untersuchungen über einige Reak tionen des Organismus in Külen Arbeitsbedingungen. (pp. 420 - 423).
- VEIKKO SUOPANKI . (1957). On changes in the ecg due to the Finnish ‘sauna’ bath. (pp. 423 - 424).
- ERKKI HAAPANEN . (1957). Effects of the Finnish sauna on the renal and adrenocortical functions. (pp. 424 - 427).
- K. LANGE ANDERSEN, H. ANDERSEN . (1957). Respiratory recovery from moderate short durative exercise. (pp. 428 - 430).
- R. RUOSTEENOJA . (1957). Physiological adaptation at the beginning of heavy work. (pp. 430 - 431).
- PENTTI RAUTAHARJU, P. HARJOLA . (1957). “high voltage electrocardiogram” caused by vigorous training. (pp. 431 - 433).
- P. DUBRULLE, C. CLAEYS, E. BALGAIRIES . (1957). L’evolution des secretions endocriniennes au cours d’efforts intenses. La liaison entre les hormones et la mucoproteinurie. (pp. 433 - 435).
- J.J. JARRY, E. BALGAIRIES, C. CLAEYS, M. GUILLEMENT . (1957). Le test de Donaggio en milieu minier. (pp. 436 - 437).
- GH. CADARIU, V. CRISAN . (1957). Les modifications des réactions vasculaires comme indicateurs des phénomènes d’adaptation, par rapport aux brusques variations du microclimat, chez les ouvriers travaillant dans des ateliers chauds. (pp. 437 - 439).
- GH. CADARIU, C. URSONIU, S. BOJIN . (1957). Recherches sur un moyen de protection de la face des ouvriers, contre les radiations caloriques, dans le milieu industriel. (pp. 439 - 442).
- SUSUMU ISHINISHI . (1957). Endogenous factors affecting accidents. (p. 442).
- S. JENKIN EVANS . (1957). British industrial medical units – their function and design. (pp. 443 - 445).
- M. GIROMINI, F. FERRARO, M.L. CASSANDRO . (1957). Nouvelles adresses dans l’assu rance de maladie en Italie. (pp. 445 - 448).
- J. BOS . (1957). Investigations into the reasons of sickness-absence of workers in a factory. (pp. 448 - 450).
- JAAKKO KIHLBERG . (1957). Statistical observations on absenteeism. (pp. 450 - 454).
- ESTER MYERS STEPHENSON . (1957). Principles and practices of treating respiratory emergencies in industry. (pp. 454 - 456).
- A. CLAASS . (1957). De l’action de la haute autorite de la CECA en matere d’hygiene et de medicine du travail. (pp. 457 - 459).
- R.C. BROWNE . (1957). The teaching and practice of industrial health in Durham University, England. (pp. 459 - 460).
- K. RENKER . (1957). Die Wissenschaftliche Grundlage des Betriebsgesundheitsschutzes in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. (pp. 460 - 462).
- H.J. FRIEND . (1957). The medical examination of persons going to the tropics. (pp. 462 - 463).
- A. BALMES, P. CAZAMIAN, J. CHAMPEIX, P. VINCENT . (1957). Resultat d’une enquete sur la tuberculose dans les charbonnages. (pp. 463 - 466).
- JORGE BANDEIRA DE MELLO . (1957). As impurezas do ar. polução atmosferica conceitos e definições. (pp. 466 - 467).
- ZEY BUENO . (1957). Quelques aspects de la legislation bresilienne concernant l’hygiene et la sécurité du travail. (pp. 467 - 471).
- NARCISO PERALES HERRERO . (1957). Legislacion espanola sobre los medicos de fabrica. (pp. 471 - 473).
- ERKKI VARPELA . (1957). Die umsiedlungsbewegung Infolge der Industrialisierung und Urbanisierung und die Tuberkulose. (pp. 473 - 480).
- RUBENS DE SIQUEIRA . (1957). Bócio endemico em menor trabalhador no Rio de Janeiro. (pp. 480 - 483).
- MICHEL MIKAELIAN . (1957). La medecine du travail chez les hommes des quais de Marseille. (pp. 483 - 484).
- MICHEL MIKAELIAN . (1957). L’alcoolisme dans le milieu des ouvriers des quais. (pp. 484 - 485).
- K.O. VARTIA . (1957). Proposed disease statistics of an industrial establishment. (pp. 485 - 486).
- A.J. CHAUMONT . (1957). La medecine du travail dans les ports. (pp. 487 - 489).
- A.H. JONES . (1957). Some human aspects of electric power distribution. (pp. 490 - 491).
- H. DESOILLE, S. ILL, J. VACHER . (1957). La pathologie de la confection. (pp. 491 - 492).
- SVESTKA BEDRICH, KLIMA TOMAS . (1957). Einige Probleme des Betriebsgesundheitswesens und der Arbeitsunfähigkeit in der Hüttenindustrie. (pp. 492 - 496).
- A. GRANATA, F. CRICENTI . (1957). Dépistage des formes cardiopathiques par examen radiophotographique dans une grande industrie électromécanique. (p. 496).
- MICHEL MIKAELIAN . (1957). La tuberculose pulmonaire chez les dockers nord-africains au port de Marseille. (pp. 497 - 498).
- PAULO MONTEIRO MENDES . (1957). Proposal to the XII International Congress on Occupational Health, that it should recommend to the heavy industries, all over the world, to create the “Department for the aggrandizement of the human being”. (pp. 498 - 499).
- A. BRUUSGAARD . (1957). Introduction to the round table discussion on team work in occupational health. (p. 500).
- FR. HANSEN . (1957). The industrial health service in Norway. (pp. 500 - 502).
- TURE FLYBOO . (1957). Team work in occupational health. (pp. 502 - 504).
- G.C.E. BURGER . (1957). Teamwork in occupational health. (pp. 504 - 506).
- E. GRANDJEAN . (1957). Le travail d’equipe en medecine du travail; son importance particuliere pour l’enseignement et les recherches. (pp. 506 - 507).
- V.B. VOUK . (1957). Contribution to the round table discussion on team work in occupational health. (pp. 507 - 508).
- VEIKKO NIEMI . (1957). Rehabilitation. (pp. 509 - 510).
- JON BJØRNSSON . (1957). Public health. (p. 510).
- RUTH SAYNAJARVI . (1957). The part of industrial nurse in the team work in occupational health. (pp. 510 - 511).
- JAAKKO S. LUMIO . (1957). Kernprobleme des Industrielärms. Abstract. (p. 3). (pp. 7 - 20).
- H. KOCH . (1957). Der Industrielärms; Gewerbehygienische Probleme und technische Lösungen. Abstract. (pp. 4 - 5). (pp. 21 - 32).
- S. KATSUKI . (1957). Research on occupational deafness in Japan. Abstract. (pp. 5 - 6). (pp. 54 - 57).
- A. ESPRIT . (1957). Evaluation de l’invalidité en securite sociale. Abstract. (p. 11).
- A.S. ARCHIPOW . (1957). Über hygienische Normative fur das Werkgelände von Industriebetrieben. Abstract. (p. 18).
- G. TERUOKA . (1957). Work form and work organization based upon human nature. An example of typical Japanese traditional work-organizations. Abstract. (p. 23).
- A.I. ZIKIN . (1957). Worker’s rational “seat”. Abstract. (pp. 23 - 24).
- ADOLF ZELENY . (1957). Calorimetric studies of human work in forestry. Abstract. (pp. 24 - 25).
- LUIGI GALEAZZI . (1957). The hemocardiodynamic of the myocardium infarction, as it relates to bed-rising establishing its functional remaining efficiency. Abstract. (p. 27).
- T. SESSA, M. FUSCO . (1957). Cardial pathology from electricity. Abstract. (p. 28).
- A. MASTURZO . (1957). Professional standpoint of discal protrusion. Abstract. (pp. 37 - 38).
- A. MUNGO . (1957). Alterations in the vertebral column of lorry drivers. Abstract. (p. 38).
- DRAGOLJUB KARAJOVIC, MARTA HUSSER, NADEZDA ANDJELKOVIC-STANKOVIC . (1957). Pain in the lumbar region of the women industrial workers due to the gynecologic diseases and standing position while working. Abstract. (pp. 38 - 39).
- L. DEROBERT, A. HADENGUE, R. LE BRETON, H. GIROULLE, J. ABRIC, J.C. FEVRE . (1957). La pneumoconiose due a l’etain. Abstract. (p. 47).
- JOSEF HAGEN . (1957). Fatal fibrosis of the lungs of doubtful derivation. Abstract. (pp. 47 - 48).
- A. NUNZIANTE CESARO . (1957). L’hemocytochimie qualitative et quantitative dans la pathologie industrielle. Abstract. (p. 49).
- M. CREPET, G.C. CORSI . (1957). Iron-staining normoblastic inclusions in the study of lead poisoning anemia. Abstract. (pp. 50 - 51).
- S. CACCURI, L. PECORA, S. FATI, C. SECCHIONE . (1957). Researches on the porphyrinogenesis in the lead-poisoning. Abstract. (p. 51).
- G. GRAZIANI, F. CALABRO . (1957). The biochemical setting of the anemia by lead. Abstract. (pp. 51 - 52).
- A. NUNZIANTE CESARO . (1957). autolyse cellulaire des leucocytes causee par des agents physiques, chimiques et biologiques. Abstract. (pp. 52 - 53).
- A. NUNZIANTE CESARO, A. GRANATA . (1957). Etude cytochimique des leucocytes pycnotiques dans les intoxications experimentales du sang “in vitro”. Abstract. (p. 53).
- A. GUARINO, C. GIORDANO . (1957). Etude des fractions alcali-stable et alcali-labile de l’hemoglobine dans les anemies saturnines. Abstract. (p. 55).
- R. CATALDI, G. ODAGLIA . (1957). The blood coagulation in acute lead poisoning. Abstract. (p. 56).
- A. NUNZIANTE CESARO, G. SAITTA, S. D'URSO . (1957). Etude cytochimique de l’acide ascorbrique dans les etements cellullaires du sang peripherique chez les malades professionnels. Abstract. (pp. 56 - 57).
- E.B. KURLANDSKAYA . (1957). Data on the chronic effects of radioactive isotopes on the body. Abstract. (p. 62).
- IRENE H. CHARLEY . (1957). A contribution to occupational health by an insurance company. Abstract. (p. 72).
- HEINRICH BRIEGER . (1957). Synergistic and antagonistic physiologic effects of exposure to multiple air contaminants. Abstract. (p. 75).
- L. AMBROSIO, C. SERRA, V. MAZZA . (1957). Electromyographic study in occupational poisoning. Abstract. (pp. 75 - 76).
- L.I. MEDVED . (1957). On the toxicology of newer pesticides. Abstract. (p. 79).
- S. BIONDI . (1957). Use of serum-albumins in cherotinized capsules in the prevention of saturnism. Abstract. (pp. 81 - 82).
- P. PICCOLI, G. ROZERA . (1957). The seroproteins in the chronic human poisoning by carbon disulfide. Abstract. (p. 90).
- RENE FABRE, RENE TRUHAUT . (1957). Effets biologiques de l’exposition prolongee a de tres petites doses d’oxyde de carbone, chez le cobaye et chez le lapin. Abstract. (pp. 90 - 91).
- L. VITACCA, R. PAGANO . (1957). Activite transaminasique dans l’intoxication experimentale par Co. Abstract. (p. 92).
- R. DE ROSA . (1957). L’activite rhodanase dans l’intoxication experimentale par l’oxyde de carbone. Abstract. (p. 92).
- S. MANTOVANO, A. GUARINO . (1957). La thyroide dans l’intoxication par l’oxyde de carbone (Recherches chimiques et histopathologiques). Abstract. (pp. 92 - 93).
- A. GUARINO, S. BIONDI, A. MUNGO, F. BOCCALATTE . (1957). Observations sur l’activite enzymatique erytrocytaire dans l’intoxication aigue experimentale par Co. Abstract. (p. 93).
- G. MAJORCA . (1957). Alterations morphologiques initiales du rein dans le saturnisme experimental. Abstract. (p. 98).
- OTTO A. WEBER . (1957). Determination of small amounts of cobalt in biological material. Abstract. (p. 100).
- G. ROMBOLA . (1957). L’asbestose en Italie. Abstract. (p. 102).
- L. BOLIS . (1957). Study of the action of serum and chorionic gonadotrophin on the experimental silicosis. Abstract. (p. 106).
- H. BASTENIER, A. ASSOIGNON, P. DESLYPERE, DE GRAEF-MILLET . (1957). La technique d’agrandissement radiographique direct appliqué au diagnostic des formes initiales des silicoses non anthracosiques. Abstract. (p. 115).
- L.H. BREITENIECKER . (1957). Concerning the diagnosis of the silicosis. Abstract. (pp. 115 - 116).
- F. LAVENNE, F. THERASSE . (1957). Fonction pulmonaire a l’effort dans la pneumoconiose des houilleurs. Abstract. (p. 117).
- D. ZANNINI . (1957). A contribution to the study of the cardiac and pulmonary functional alterations in the chronic occupational bronco pulmonary diseases, silicosis excepted. Abstract. (p. 117).
- MARIE REJSKOVA . (1957). Therapeutic breathing exercises in patients with lung silicosis. Abstract. (p. 118).
- PIERRE DUBRULLE, P. FOUBERT . (1957). Etude correlative des epreuves fonctionelle respiratoires et de l’electrocardiographie chez les silicotiques. Abstract. (pp. 119 - 120).
- HENRYK MIERZECKI . (1957). Recent achievements of polish occupational dermatology. Abstract. (p. 126).
- C. CARRIE . (1957). Medical measures to prevent dermatosis caused by a job. Abstract. (p. 127).
- F. BELLUCCI SESSA . (1957). Professional dermatosis by cement. Abstract. (pp. 127 - 128).
- FRITZ M. ANKERMULLER . (1957). The importance at the present time of the faculty of sight and the results up to now gained from industry-examinations with new test methods. Abstract. (pp. 132 - 133).
- A.R. LIND, J.S. WEINER . (1957). Scales of heat stress and their industrial application. Abstract. (p. 135).
- R. DE ROSA, M. FUSCO . (1957). Myocardial adenosintriphosphatasis behaviour in laboratory electrocution. Abstract. (p. 138).
- A. GRANATA, G. SAITTA, A. SACCA . (1957). L’action de quelques substances therapeutiques sur les acides amines soufres des cellules hemathques. Abstract. (pp. 138 - 139).
- G. FRADA . (1957). Accidentes du travail et syndrome du sinus carotidien. Abstract. (p. 141).
- R.W. IAN URQUHART . (1957). Electrical shock and artificial respiration. Abstract. (pp. 142 - 143).
- D.G. ALBERTI . (1957). La protection legislative des maladies professionnelles dans le travail industriel et agricole in Italie. Abstract. (p. 144).
- BOGO KOINUMA . (1957). Study on the absence of industrial laborers in Japan. Abstract. (p. 145).
- GIORGIO A. CHIURCO . (1957). Legal-medical responsibility and oncogenic professional and not professional hazard. Abstract. (p. 147).
- C. VIGAN . (1957). Medecine du travail dans les zones arides. Abstract. (p. 148).
- A. BALMES, P. CAZAMIAN, P. VINCENT . (1957). L’evolution radiologique et le prognostic de la silicose dans les houilleres. Abstract. (p. 152).
- T.A. LLOYD DAVIES . (1957). Occupational health in countries in transition. Abstract. (pp. 152 - 153).
- MANUEL BASELGA-MONTE . (1957). Social mission of the industrial physician. Abstract. (p. 154).
- S. TARA . (1957). La pathologie professionnelle des raffineries de petrole. Abstract. (pp. 157 - 158).
- HUGO FIRMEZA . (1957). Medical aspects of the work in the underground mines and in siderurgy. Abstract. (p. 160).
- P.O.M. MCGIRR . (1957). Industrial medicine in a major airline (see paper pag. 57). Abstract. (p. 492).
- Final section / indexes