- Introductory section
- C.A. ADAMS, J.A. BONNELL . (1960). Health and safety considerations at the nuclear power stations of the central electricity generating board. (pp. 93 - 98).
- JOHN J. BLOOMFIELD . (1960). The role of the international cooperation administration in occupational health. (pp. 98 - 101).
- L.E. BURNEY . (1960). Administrative aspects of occupational health in the Americas. (pp. 101 - 104).
- W.H. CRUICKSHANK . (1960). Health supervision and industrial production. (pp. 105 - 106).
- H.T. DAW . (1960). Problems of radioactive internal dose evaluation. (pp. 106 - 110).
- PIETRO DIDONNA . (1960). Concepts sur l’administration de la medecine du travail en Europe. (pp. 110 - 114).
- H.J. DUNSTER . (1960). The need for environmental surveys around reactor stations. (pp. 114 - 118).
- ELLSWORTH S. GRANT . (1960). The U.S. concept of and experience in small-plant health services. (pp. 118 - 120).
- WAYLAND J. JR. HAYES . (1960). International cooperation in relation to the hazard of pesticides. (pp. 120 - 122).
- CARL-ERIC HOLMQUIST, DAVID SODERGREN . (1960). Radiation control of nuclear plants and its influence on the costs of the plant. (pp. 122 - 126).
- ROBERT A. KEHOE . (1960). Tetraethyl lead – the disposition of an international chemical hazard. (pp. 126 - 129).
- HAROLD J. MAGNUSON . (1960). The challenge of small-plant health services. (pp. 129 - 131).
- JAMES MATTHEWS . (1960). Labor’s role in the promotion of health, safety, and welfare. (pp. 131 - 134).
- A. MEIKLEJOHN . (1960). Small-plant services in great britain. (pp. 134 - 138).
- ROBERT MURRAY . (1960). The organization of occupational health services in places of employment – ilo recommendation 112. (pp. 139 - 142).
- ROBERT MURRAY . (1960). The role of the ILO in occupational health. (pp. 142 - 143).
- ROBERT MURRAY . (1960). The work of the ILO in the protection of the worker against ionizing radiations. (pp. 144 - 145).
- GIOVANNI PANCHERI . (1960). Le service de medecine du travail dans les petites enterprises en Italie. (pp. 145 - 146).
- H.G. PARKER, M.D. THAXTER, M.W. BIGGS . (1960). Current status of curium inhalation exposures in humans. (pp. 147 - 150).
- A. LLOYD POTTER . (1960). International cooperation in toricologic research. (pp. 150 - 155).
- RAFAEL RISQUEZ-IRIBARREN . (1960). Occupational health services in Venezuela. (pp. 155 - 158).
- YOSHIMICHI SAKAI . (1960). Administrative concept of occupational health in the orient. (pp. 158 - 162).
- M.O. SHOIB . (1960). Role of who in occupational health. (pp. 162 - 166).
- MILDRED I. WALKER . (1960). Nursing administration in hospital employee health services. (pp. 167 - 169).
- R. LOMAX WELLS . (1960). Small-plant health services. (p. 170).
- . (1960). Small-plant health services – summary. (pp. 170 - 171).
- G. HOYT WHIPPLE . (1960). Surveying for environmental radioactivity – U.S. view. (pp. 171 - 178).
- R. CASTALDI, V. D'ONOFRIO . (1960). Traumatismes et thrombose veineuse. (pp. 181 - 182).
- F.C. DOHAN, EDMUND W. TAYLOR JR., N. HENRY MOSS . (1960). The surgeon’s opinion: a major factor in the prolongation of uncomplicated surgical convalescence. (pp. 182 - 184).
- EARL F. LUTZ . (1960). A practical approach to the tetanus problem. (pp. 184 - 186).
- THOMAS E.A. STOWELL . (1960). Some thoughts and doubts on the etiology of Dupuytren’s contracture. (pp. 186 - 191).
- F. WECHSELBERGER . (1960). Wound infection and its prevention in industry. (pp. 191 - 194).
- MAY M. WILLIAMS . (1960). Surgical dressing techniques – report of nursing research project. (pp. 194 - 197).
- A. AHLMARK, B. AXELSSON, L. FRIBERG, M. PISCATOR . (1960). Further investigations into kidney function and proteinuria in chronic cadmium poisoning. (pp. 201 - 203).
- C. ALBAHARY, A. CAVIGNEAUX . (1960). Problemes poses par la prevention et la reparation des maladies allergiques professionnelles. (pp. 203 - 209).
- C. ALBAHARY, R. TRUHAUT, C. BOUDENE, H. DESOILLE . (1960). Diagnostic et prevention du saturnisme par le versenate de calcium disodique. (pp. 209 - 214).
- NATALIO BAYONET, RAFAEL LAVERGNE . (1960). Respiratory disease of bagasse workers – clinical analysis of 69 cases. (pp. 214 - 217).
- ELSTON L. BELKNAP . (1960). Review of ten years of published experiences of treatment of inorganic lead absorption in the adult with edathamil or calcium sodium edta. (pp. 217 - 226).
- ZOLTAN BERNATH, HERNAN OYANGUREN, SERGIO VILLARROEL . (1960). Dermatitis del litre – enfermedad occupacional endemica en Chile – immunizacion en masa (comunicacion preliminar). (pp. 227 - 230).
- GRACE BISSONNETTE . (1960). The nurse consultant – her contribution to occupational health. (pp. 230 - 232).
- LEWIS H. BRONSTEIN . (1960). Congestive heart failure and employment. (pp. 232 - 237).
- GH. CADARIU, V. CRISAN, GH. CIUHANDU, L. SELES, A. DANKNER . (1960). Contributions to the study of chronic effects of small and medium concentrations of carbon monoxide in the workers of the metallurgical industry. (pp. 237 - 238).
- ELISEO COBO DE BLAS . (1960). La funcion auxiliar sanitaria de la medicina del trabajo en Espana. (pp. 238 - 240).
- FRANCIS I. COLONNA . (1960). Evaluation of a treatment program for alcoholics in industry. (pp. 241 - 242).
- P. DERVILLEE . (1960). Resultats d’une enquete regionale sur les rapports possibles entre le milieu de travail et la production d’ulceres gastro-duodenaux. (pp. 242 - 243).
- PETER J. DINATALE . (1960). Duties and responsibilities of the physician in a small-plant medical department. (pp. 244 - 245).
- K. DROR . (1960). Professional dermatitis in the citrus-canning industry and its prevention. (pp. 245 - 246).
- THELMA J. DURHAM . (1960). The expensive back. (pp. 246 - 249).
- R.E.W. FISHER . (1960). Relationship between molluscum sebaceum and tar molluscum. (pp. 250 - 256).
- SVEN FORSSMAN, B. GILLQUIST, A. HOLM, A. NYSTRÖM, K.G. RIGNER . (1960). Health problems in underground factories. (pp. 257 - 258).
- G.J. FORTUIN . (1960). The snapshot method in sick absence statistics. (pp. 258 - 259).
- G. FRADA, G. GUCCIARDI . (1960). Therapeutic effects in man of associated treatment with acth chlorpromazine and atropine on phosphoric esters poisoning. (pp. 259 - 260).
- MAC ROY GASQUE, CARI S. PLUMB . (1960). Suicide during productive years – an industrial problem. (pp. 260 - 263).
- BERNARD GOLDSTEIN . (1960). Some problems of the doctor and nurse in industry. (pp. 263 - 266).
- DAVID H. GOLDSTEIN, JOYCE N. BENOIT . (1960). A study of the influence of immunization on the clinical course of Asian influenza in an industrial community. (pp. 266 - 270).
- R.F. GUYMER . (1960). An analysis of sickness absenteeism in a bank. (pp. 270 - 275).
- MARGARET S. HARGREAVES . (1960). How to sell management initial or improved industrial medical services. (pp. 275 - 278).
- ERNST HOLSTEIN . (1960). Schädigungen durch oxalsäure und kleesalz bei einwirkung auf die haut. (pp. 278 - 281).
- C.H. HINE, A.G. CHURCHILL, F.R. HOLDEN, S.K. COLLINS, M.K. DUNLAP, S.S. SHERRILL, C.F. BAMBINO, ELLIS D. SOX, E.S. HARRIS . (1960). Survey of occupational health needs in an urban area. (pp. 281 - 283).
- LAWRENCE E. HINKLE JR., NORMAN PLUMMER, L. HOLLAND WHITNEY . (1960). The continuity of patterns of illness and the prediction of future health. (pp. 283 - 288).
- KAZUYA HORIUCHI . (1960). A simple synthetic diagnostic method for lead poysoning. (pp. 288 - 289).
- TOSHI INOUE . (1960). Blood findings among workers using solvents. (pp. 289 - 290).
- G. KAZANTZIS . (1960). Beryllium disease in Britain, with particular reference to an investigation in a nonferrous foundry. (pp. 290 - 298).
- GERALD F. KEATINGE, ARTHUR BOX . (1960). Accident, sickness, and absence records – a comparative study of two matched groups. (pp. 298 - 301).
- E. KING, A.R. THOMPSON . (1960). A field survey to determine the relative significance of tests for industrial lead absorption and poisoning. (pp. 301 - 311).
- RAIMO KIVILUOTO . (1960). Nonoccupational asbestosis. (pp. 311 - 312).
- JUKO KUBOTA . (1960). Occupational toxic anemia. (pp. 313 - 314).
- ROBERT H. MANHEIMER, ROSE GALDMAN, MIRIAM C. BRENNAN, KATRINE R.C. GREENE, PHILIP SUMNER, JOSEPH G. BENTON . (1960). Using a suburban community hospital to provide vocational rehabilitation and placement of the handicapped worker. (pp. 314 - 316).
- FRANZ N. METZNER, JAN LIEBEN . (1960). Respiratory disease associated with beryllium refining and alloy fabrication. (pp. 316 - 319).
- MICHEL MIKAELIAN . (1960). Statisque de la mortalite des travailleurs portuaires de marseille au cours des 13 dernieres annees, nombre, cause du deces, duree du travail et age du decede. Commentaire et conclusions au point de vue medecine preventive. (pp. 320 - 322).
- WILHELM MISKOLCZY . (1960). Malzfieber. (pp. 322 - 324).
- GEORGE E. MORRIS . (1960). Basic chromic sulfate – a trivalent chromic skin sensitizer. (p. 324).
- C.T. NEWNHAM . (1960). Teaching first aid in the railway industry. (pp. 324 - 325).
- LEO NORO . (1960). A review of recent developments in occupational pulmonary diseases other than silicosis. (pp. 326 - 335).
- W. DAGGETT NORWOOD . (1960). Treatment of plutonium deposition in humans with dtpa effectiveness of long-term administration and oral administration. (pp. 335 - 338).
- LJ. PETROVIC, M. STANKOVIC, M. SAVICEVIC, D. POLETI . (1960). Our experiences with CaNa2EDTA. (pp. 338 - 341).
- L. PILAT, B. MOSCOVITI, M. IORGA . (1960). CaNa2EDTA treatment in mercury intoxication. (pp. 341 - 343).
- N. PREDA, G.T. DINISCHIOTU, I.C. RADULESCU, A.M. GEORGESCU . (1960). Clinical categories of industrial plumbism and other occupational poisonings. (pp. 343 - 345).
- S.G. RAINSFORD . (1960). Pathologic aids in the supervision of lead workers. (pp. 345 - 348).
- L. RASETTI, L. PETTINATI, G. SCANSETTI . (1960). Chronic lead naphthenate poisoning-transcutaneous absorption of the compound. (pp. 348 - 349).
- KARL RAUCHER, MINA LEOCA-RADU . (1960). Klinisch-physiologische untersuchungen bei cadmiumelektrolyse. (pp. 349 - 351).
- W. DONALD ROSS, WILLIAM E. POWLES, GEORGE R. ASHMAN, BARBARA AGRANOFF . (1960). Some problems in research in industrial mental health. (pp. 351 - 353).
- C. ROTTA, S. FIANDACA . (1960). On- and off-the-job accidents in a population of workers of a metal-mechanic industry. (pp. 353 - 359).
- G.F. RUBINO, L. RASETTI, G.A. TESO . (1960). The metabolic porphyrin precursor in lead poisoning. (pp. 359 - 361).
- W.A. RYE . (1960). Fluorides and phosphates – clinical observations of employees in phosphate operation. (pp. 361 - 364).
- KARL SCHINDL . (1960). Tularämieerkrankungen in zuckerfabriken in Osterreich. (pp. 364 - 365).
- HEINZ-GUNTHER SCHMIDT . (1960). Präventive werksärztliche massnahmen gegen lösungsmittelintoxikationen. (pp. 365 - 367).
- MARJORIE D. SCHMIDT . (1960). Administration and supervision of multiple nursing services within an industry. (pp. 367 - 368).
- M. STANKOVIC, D. POLETI, LJ. PETROVIC . (1960). Significance of coproporphyrinuria in lead-exposed workers. (pp. 368 - 371).
- EARL C. STEELE . (1960). The rehabilitation program in ontario for occupational injuries. (pp. 371 - 373).
- S.D. STEINER . (1960). Management health examination program in general motors. (pp. 373 - 377).
- KARL-HANS SCHUNCK . (1960). Der einsatz medizinischer komplexbrigaden zur lösung arbeitsmedizinischer aufgaben. (pp. 377 - 378).
- W.F.J.M. THOM . (1960). The incidence of skin disease in the kuwait oil company with particular reference to industrial factors. (pp. 379 - 381).
- JOHN J. THORPE, NEILL K. WEAVER . (1960). Chronic pulmonary disease in an industrial population. (pp. 381 - 387).
- FORTUNATO MARIA TROISI . (1960). Statistical study of correlation between job and mental diseases based on 14,395 new psychiatric cases admitted to hospital. (pp. 387 - 397).
- MELVIN M. UDEL . (1960). The work performance of epileptics in industry. (pp. 397 - 401).
- J. VACHER, J. LUTIER . (1960). Differences entre la medecine du travail industrielle et la medecine du travail en agriculture. (pp. 401 - 402).
- DOROTHY M. WARNOCK . (1960). An industrial nurse in a general hospital occupational health unit. (pp. 402 - 404).
- HELVI WILLMAN . (1960). The industrial nurse and her duties in finland today, in the light of the study done in 1959-1960. (pp. 404 - 405).
- KURT WINTER . (1960). Zum unfallgeschehen in den betrieben in der deutschen demokratischen republik und der einfluss des arbeit’s- und gesundheitsschutzes. (pp. 405 - 410).
- J.S. FELTON . (1960). Health education of the worker. (pp. 413 - 426).
- P.K. GHOSH . (1960). Occupational medicine in the curriculums of medical schools. (pp. 426 - 427).
- A.G. KAMMER . (1960). Commentary on presentation on education and training. (pp. 427 - 428).
- EDNA MAY KLUTAS . (1960). Profile – the industrial nurse in Texas. (pp. 428 - 431).
- A.A. LETAVET . (1960). Education and postgraduate training of industrial physicians in the USSR. (pp. 431 - 433).
- FRANK PRINCI, ROBERT A. KEHOE . (1960). Professional training in industrial health. (pp. 433 - 436).
- R. SARFEH . (1960). The education and training of medical personnel as organized by the national iranian oil company. (pp. 436 - 438).
- WILLIAM A. SAWYER . (1960). Health education applied to management and labor unions. (pp. 438 - 441).
- LESLIE SILVERMAN . (1960). Education and training of industrial hygienists in the western hemisphere. (pp. 441 - 448).
- H. MARJORIE SIMPSON . (1960). Education and training of industrial nurses in various European countries. (pp. 448 - 452).
- ENRICO C. VIGLIANI . (1960). Education and training of industrial physicians in western European countries. (pp. 452 - 457).
- DORIS B. YINGLING . (1960). Education and traning of industrial nurses in the western hemisphere. (pp. 457 - 459).
- HANSON BLATZ . (1960). The evaluation of the dose of medical X-rays versus other types of radiation exposure. (pp. 463 - 465).
- SYLVIA GABOR, M. PATRASCU, G. NADUDVARY, N. BALKANYI . (1960). Recherches concernant la standardisation de la perforation humide a l’eau simple. (pp. 465 - 466).
- WILLIAM B. HARRIS . (1960). Statistical analysis of beryllium concentrations. (pp. 466 - 472).
- W.C. HUEPER, WILLIAM W. PAYNE . (1960). Experimental studies of chromium comfounds their carcinogenicity and their importance for industrial medicine. (pp. 473 - 486).
- E.C. HYATT, H.F. SCHULTE, C.R. JENSEN, R.N. MITCHELL, G.H. FERRAN . (1960). A study of two-stage air samplers designed to stimulate the upper and lower respiratory tract. (pp. 486 - 503).
- ROBERT G. KEENAN . (1960). The case for laboratory analysis following field sampling. (pp. 503 - 506).
- TETSUZO KITAGAWA . (1960). The rapid measurement of toxic gases and vapors. (pp. 506 - 512).
- A.S. LANDRY . (1960). Interlaboratory evaluation of methods in occupational health chemistry – the determination of lead and quartz in latin america. (pp. 512 - 519).
- BURTON J. MOYER . (1960). Radiation fields of high-energy accelerators. (pp. 519 - 522).
- J. PRADEL . (1960). Dangers relatifs aux poussieres de minerai dans les mines d’uranium. (pp. 522 - 531).
- FREDERICK W. SANDS, JULIO CESAR BENITEZ . (1960). Evaluation of the dust exposure in the use of carbon black in a rubber factory in Uruguay. (pp. 531 - 532).
- NAMIO SARUTA . (1960). Effects of air pollution on the health of people of northern Kyushu, Japan. (pp. 532 - 535).
- F.W. SPIERS . (1960). The dose to human populations from external environmental radiation. (pp. 535 - 540).
- HERBERT E. STOKINGER . (1960). Protective mechanisms and tolerance development among air pollutants. (pp. 540 - 544).
- JOHN P. STRANGE, HARRY N. COTABISH . (1960). Toxic and explosive hazard evaluation by physical instrumentation. (pp. 544 - 551).
- PAUL C. TOMPKINS . (1960). The impact of radioactivity on national policies related to public health. (pp. 551 - 553).
- F.E. TUCKER, A.M. PHILLIPS . (1960). Environmental hygiene consideration in the design and operation of a new steel plant. (pp. 553 - 556).
- FREDERICK J. JR. VILES . (1960). Derivation of accidental exposure data from air samples. (pp. 556 - 563).
- GEORGE L. VOELZ . (1960). An eye survey in nuclear reactor workers to detect radiation cataracts. (pp. 564 - 569).
- NEIL WALD, GEORGE E. THOMA . (1960). Radiation accidents in nuclear technology. (pp. 569 - 572).
- M. WASSERMANN . (1960). Tendences actuelles de l’hygiene du travail dans l’agriculture. (pp. 572 - 580).
- J.M. WETHERHOLD, A.L. LINCH, R.C. CHARSHA . (1960). The “UNI-JET air sampler” operating characteristics and applications. (pp. 580 - 585).
- R.M. WHEATLEY . (1960). Radiation hazards of high-energy particle accelerators. (pp. 585 - 587).
- KATHERINE WILLIAMS . (1960). Applications of radiation and radioactive materials – review of progress and future trends. (pp. 587 - 590).
- JOHN D. YODER . (1960). The function of a radioisotope committee in a large research organization. (pp. 590 - 592).
- JOHN F. ZIELINSKI . (1960). Seven-year-experience summaries of beryllium air pollution in a modern alloy foundry. (pp. 592 - 600).
- . (1960). Roundtable discussion – calorimetric gas and vapor detection. (p. 600).
- MORRIS BRAND . (1960). Viewpoints and trends in occupational health as seen by a labor health center administrator. (pp. 603 - 605).
- JAMES A. BROWNLOW, JOHN V. GRIMALDI . (1960). Remarks at the panel discussion of “modern concepts of social responsibility in occupational health”. (pp. 605 - 608).
- JOHN G. HIPPS . (1960). The influence of some socio-economic factors on the management of industrial injuries. (pp. 608 - 610).
- EDWARD J. HOGAN . (1960). Basic principles for precautionary labeling. (pp. 610 - 613).
- IRVIN KLEIN . (1960). The cardiac case in workmen’s compensation. (pp. 613 - 615).
- DANIEL H. KRUGER . (1960). Professional standards and economic status of nurses in the united states. (pp. 615 - 621).
- ISADOR LUBIN . (1960). Social legislation for the atomic age. (pp. 621 - 622).
- ARTHUR W. MOTLEY . (1960). Comments. (pp. 623 - 624).
- THOMAS W. NALE . (1960). The use of range-finding data in the precautionary labeling of hazardous chemicals. (pp. 625 - 628).
- FERNANDO FLORES OLLOQUI . (1960). Servicios medico-sociales en las grandes industrias. (pp. 628 - 631).
- NARCISO PERALES Y HERRERO . (1960). Algunos resultados de la actuacion de los servicios medicos de empresa españoles. (pp. 631 - 632).
- BENITO NOGALES PUERTAS . (1960). Neurosis de renta. (pp. 633 - 634).
- A. LOUISE REEVE . (1960). The care of the young worker. (pp. 634 - 635).
- JOSE S. SANTILLAN, ALFREDO A. GOROSPE . (1960). Tuberculosis a problem of Philippine workmen’s compensation. (pp. 636 - 639).
- LOUIS SCHWARTZ . (1960). Court cases of alleged occupational dermatitis. (pp. 639 - 642).
- THOMAS L. SHIPMAN . (1960). The triumph of preventive medicine in the radiation industry. (pp. 642 - 645).
- RICHARD F. WALSH . (1960). An American trade-union approach to occupational health. (pp. 645 - 648).
- HUBERT W. YOUNT . (1960). The modern concept of social responsibility in occupational health – an insurance viewpoint. (pp. 649 - 650).
- A. AHLMARK, T. BRUCE, A. NYSTRÖM . (1960). Prognostic implications for pneumoconiosis of removal from the dusty environment. (pp. 653 - 656).
- WILLIAM H. ANDERSON, GILBERT L. HAMILTON, BURGIN E. JR. DOSSETT . (1960). A comparison of coal miners exposed to coal dust and those exposed to silica dust. (pp. 656 - 661).
- BERNARD BARHAD, LEONID PETRESCU . (1960). The conioprofessiogram and dust retention in lung, indicators of silicosis hazard. (pp. 661 - 663).
- M. BASELGA-MONTE, S. ESTADELLA-BOTHA, S. QUER-BROSSA, E. FORNELLS MARTINEZ . (1960). Las fracciones proteicas en silicosis simple y complicada. Estudio de las caracteristicas electroforeticas de las gamma globulinas. (pp. 663 - 667).
- WILLIAM L. BAUGHN . (1960). How well do you think you hear?. (pp. 667 - 672).
- FREDERIK H. BONJER . (1960). Hearing loss in industry. (pp. 672 - 675).
- LEOPOLD BREITENECKER . (1960). Historoentgenography a new examination procedure in pneumoconiosis and intoxication by heavy metals. (pp. 675 - 676).
- GH. CADARIU, V. CRISAN, C. URSONIU, GH. MOISE, A. DANKNER, GH. CIUHANDU . (1960). Investigations on the incidence of silicosis in the foundry industry. (pp. 676 - 677).
- GH. CADARIU, C. URSONIU, I. MEILA, A. DANKNER, GH. MOISE, S. BOJIN . (1960). Researches on the influence of industrial vibrations on workers. (pp. 677 - 678).
- E. JR OSBORNE COATES, GEOFFREY L. BRINKMAN, H.J. VAN VALZAH, DUANE L. BLOCK . (1960). Chronic bronchitis and dust e’xposure in an industrial community. (pp. 678 - 679).
- G.T. DINISCHIOTU, L. PILAT, B. NESTORESCU, I.C. RADULESCU, N. MUICA, R. LILLIS, O. CRACIUN . (1960). The effe’ct of prolonged corticoid therapy on fast-course silicosis. (pp. 679 - 681).
- TADEUSZ DUTKIEWICZ . (1960). Absorption of aniline vapors in men. (pp. 681 - 686).
- RENE FABRE, RENE TRUHAUT, SOUHEIL LAHAM . (1960). Recherches toxicologiques sur le tetrachlorure de carbone. (pp. 686 - 692).
- I.G. FRIEDLAND . (1960). Über die Abhängigkeit des verlaufs Mancher Allgemeinerkrankungen von hygienischen Arbeitsverhältnissen. (pp. 692 - 694).
- M. GAULTIER, ET. FOURNIER, CH. GUYOTJEANNIN . (1960). Etude experimentale sur le pouvoir fibrogenique de poussieres et sur certaines modifications biochimiques generales. (pp. 694 - 698).
- ARAM GLORIG, JAMES NIXON . (1960). Hearing loss as a function of age. (pp. 699 - 700).
- C. GRADINA . (1960). Optimum level of artificial lighting. (pp. 700 - 702).
- K. GRIMLUND . (1960). Renal injuries from prolonged abuse of phenacetin at a big heavy industry. (pp. 703 - 707).
- PAUL GROSS, MARIAN L. WESTRICK, JAMES M. MCNERNEY . (1960). The synergistic action of tuberculin with quartz dust: a preliminary report. (pp. 707 - 712).
- R. HINCHCLIFFE, T.S. LITTLER . (1960). Auditory acuity of ex-coal miners. (pp. 712 - 714).
- M. HORVATH, E. FRANTIK, G. FORMANEK, A. MIKISHA . (1960). Methods of physiology of higher nervous activity in evaluation of the threshold and chronic toxicity. (pp. 714 - 721).
- INTERNATIONAL LABOUR OFFICE . (1960). International classification of radiographs of pneumoconiosis. (pp. 721 - 724).
- GEORGES JULLIEN . (1960). Contribution a la prevention des accidents de decompression chez les ouvriers tubiste re’spiration d’oxygene pur au cours de la decompression. (pp. 724 - 726).
- IRENA KESY . (1960). The determination of phtalic anhydride in the air. (pp. 726 - 730).
- CHARLES W. LABELLE, HEINRICH BRIEGER . (1960). Basic physiologic mechanisms in the pulmonary response to inhaled particulates. (pp. 730 - 735).
- SOUHEIL LAHAM . (1960). Comparative metabolism of benzene homologs in the syrian hamster. (pp. 735 - 738).
- AMOUR FISCUS LIBER . (1960). Iron-coated carbon parttculates in the human lung. (pp. 738 - 740).
- O.E. LUND, H. WIELAND . (1960). Experimentelle chronische kohlenoxydvergiftung beim Rhesusaffen. Eine histologische Untersuchung. (pp. 740 - 741).
- R.I. MCCALLUM . (1960). Treatment of progressive massive fibrosis in coal miners. (pp. 741 - 745).
- C.B. MCKERROW . (1960). Change in physiologic function as a measure of disease. (pp. 745 - 749).
- ALFRED MONACO . (1960). La chimioprophylaxie antituberculeuse avec l’isoniazide (methode omodei zorini) dans les silicotiques. (pp. 749 - 753).
- C.S. MORROW, M. KANTOR, L.J. STASKIEL . (1960). Unusual manifestations of silicosis. (pp. 753 - 755).
- GEORGE NADUDVARY, GEORGE SIMU . (1960). Experimental research about bentonite biologic action. (pp. 755 - 757).
- TATSUJI NAMBA . (1960). Oxime therapy for poisoning by alkylphosphate-insecticides. (pp. 757 - 758).
- EDOARDO PAGGI . (1960). Alterazioni morfologiche e biochimiche della cellula epatica in animali intossicati con composti chimici che trovano impiego in talune lavorazioni industriali. (pp. 758 - 767).
- GIOVANNI PANCHERI, ENNIO ZANETTI . (1960). Liparosis-silicosis from pumice dust. (pp. 767 - 768).
- EUGENE P. PENDERGRASS, HENRY P. PENDERGRASS . (1960). Consideration of the significance of the terms “linear exaggeration,” “accentuation of linear markings,” “accentuation of broncho-vascular markings,” and “reticulation of the lung,” as used in the interpretations of chest roentgenograms of workers in dusty trades. (pp. 768 - 769).
- B. PERNIS, E.C. VIGLIANI, G. CAVAGNA, M. FINULLI . (1960). Endogenous pyrogen in the pathogenesis of metal-fume fever. (pp. 770 - 772).
- JOHN ROGAN, STEWART RAE . (1960). Pulmonary disability among coal miners. (pp. 772 - 776).
- P.H. ROSSIER . (1960). La silicose et le probleme fonctionnel respiratoire. (pp. 776 - 780).
- J. SALMOWA, J. PIOTROWSKI . (1960). Attempt at quantitative evaluation of nitrobenzene absorption in experimental conditions. (pp. 780 - 782).
- LESTER D. SCHEEL, ROBERT G. KEENAN, JOHN T. MOUNTAIN, JOHN KOPP, JOHN HOLTZ, RICHARD KILLENS . (1960). The effect of dietary metal ions on carbon disulfide toxicity. (pp. 783 - 785).
- G.W.H. SCHEPERS . (1960). Hepatic cellular gigantism as a manifestation of chemical toxicity. (pp. 786 - 795).
- K. SPETT, F.M. SPIOCH, W. BIELECKA, T. DUTKIEWICZ, B. GWOZDZ, I. NIEBROJ . (1960). The influence of cytochrome in acute carbon monoxide poisoning. (pp. 795 - 798).
- H.J. SYMANSKI . (1960). Stand der Forschung über die industrielle Dinitroglykolvergiftung und ihre Verhütung. (pp. 798 - 800).
- T. SZPAKOWA, J. LINIECKI, D. BRYKALSKI . (1960). The influence of carbon disulfide absorption on the excretion and distribution of administered radiozinc (preliminary report). (pp. 800 - 801).
- K. SZYMCZYKIEWICZ, E. WIECEK . (1960). Effect of fibrous and amorphous asbestos on the collagen content in the lungs of guinea pigs (preliminary report). (pp. 801 - 805).
- RODICA TRIPSA . (1960). The activity of silicates on the evolution of silicosis. (pp. 806 - 810).
- H. VALENTIN . (1960). Ein vergleich von Röntgenbild und Lungenfunktionsanalyse bei 1000 westdeutschen Bergarbeitern. (pp. 810 - 817).
- P. LUIGI VIOLA . (1960). Research on the cycloexane metabolism. (p. 818).
- N. WILLIAMS, A.L. RIEGERT . (1960). Raynaud’s phenomenon of occupational origin in uranium miners. (pp. 819 - 825).
- G. WORTH . (1960). Störungen des C02-austausches bei der silikose. (pp. 826 - 827).
- S. YOSHIMI . (1960). The effect of adenosine triphosphate on pneumoconiosis. (pp. 827 - 828).
- WITOLD ZAHORSKI . (1960). Pneumoconioses dans l’industrie du graphite artificiel. (pp. 828 - 832).
- WILLIAM F. ASHE . (1960). Upper safe limits of industrial thermal stress. (pp. 835 - 839).
- H.S. BELDING, T.F. HATCH, B.A. HERTIG, M.L. RIEDESEL . (1960). Recent developments in understanding of effects of exposure to heat. (pp. 839 - 845).
- C. BERDAN, MARIA PAFNOTE . (1960). Experimental researches on urinary elimination of 17-ketosteroids and in eosinophilia during body adjustment to high temperatures. (pp. 845 - 847).
- FREDERIK H. BONJER . (1960). Physiological aspects of shiftwork. (pp. 848 - 849).
- H.J. BORDES, J.TH.G. ERHARDT, W. ECKHARDT, W. SCHERMERHORN, W. VAN DER VELDEN . (1960). Technical protection measures against heat radiation. (pp. 850 - 857).
- LUCIEN BROUHA, PAUL E., JR. SMITH, MARY E. MAXFIELD, GORDON J. STOPPS . (1960). Effect of environmental temperature on the physiologic cost of muscular work. (pp. 857 - 862).
- J.R. BROWN . (1960). Metabolic scales of energy expenditure in industry. (pp. 862 - 864).
- G.C.E. BURGER . (1960). Ergonomics in occupational health programs. (pp. 864 - 869).
- REUBEN CONRAD . (1960). The design of information. (pp. 869 - 870).
- WILLIAM B. DEICHMANN . (1960). Effects of environmental conditions and interrupted pulsed microwaves of 24,000 megacycles on experimental animals. (pp. 871 - 872).
- J. FORMANEK, R. FISCHER, D. FRANTIKOVA, M. HORVATH . (1960). Effect of work on some physiologic functions of the telephone operator. (pp. 872 - 876).
- B. LAMMERS . (1960). Possibilities and limitations in different working postures. (pp. 876 - 878).
- GUNTHER LEHMANN . (1960). Ermüdung und Erholung im Arbeitsablauf. (pp. 878 - 879).
- WENDELL F. LIENHARD, R.S. MCCLINTOCK, JAMES P. HUGHES . (1960). Appraisal of heat exposures in an aluminum plant. (pp. 879 - 882).
- A.R. LIND . (1960). A physiologic criterion for the determination of environmental limits for everyday industrial work. (pp. 882 - 887).
- ARNE LUNDERVOLD . (1960). Measurement of human reaction to hardness of floor covering. (pp. 887 - 891).
- A.E. MALYSHEVA, A.A. LETAVET . (1960). Radiant heat exchange and its role in industrial hygiene. (pp. 891 - 892).
- SYUKITI MATUOKA . (1960). A scale of calorimetrically equivalent temperature. (pp. 893 - 902).
- R. MICHON . (1960). Le travail feminin a temps reduit. (pp. 902 - 904).
- I. MIHAILA . (1960). Dynamics of work stereotype as a method for the appreciation of the working capacity in continuous flux occupations. (pp. 904 - 908).
- M. MILOX . (1960). Ameliorations apportees a la solution des problemes humains (physiologie, psychologie, securite) par l’etude du travail en langage des communications. (pp. 908 - 911).
- DAVID MINARD, JAMES R. KINGSTON, HUGH D. VAN LIEW . (1960). Heat stress in working spaces of an aircraft carrier. (pp. 911 - 917).
- K. RENKER . (1960). Zur Methodik der Ausarbeitung von Professiogrammen. (pp. 917 - 921).
- H. SCHMIDTKE . (1960). Ermüdungsbekämpfung in der automatisierten Industrie. (pp. 921 - 923).
- C. WYNDHAM . (1960). Job placement and acclimatization to heat of native laborers in south african gold mines. (pp. 924 - 931).
- B.L. VOSBURGH . (1960). Capitalizing on stress. (pp. 931 - 933).
- H. BRANDALEONE, S.E. MILLER . (1960). Medical aspects of motor vehicle accident prevention. (pp. 937 - 939).
- GERALD J. DUFFNER . (1960). Occupational hazards in deep sea diving and compressed air. (pp. 939 - 942).
- GERARD JUIN . (1960). Une nouvelle medecine du travail: la medecine du travail aerien a l’ere des reacteurs. (pp. 942 - 947).
- V. LACHNIT, H. PIETSCHMANN . (1960). Sgot und aldolaseaktivität bei trichloraethylenarbe’itern. (pp. 947 - 950).
- BOSKO MILIJIC . (1960). La maladie du Caisson chez les ouvriers de l’hydrotechnique. (pp. 950 - 951).
- F. MOLFINO . (1960). Bioclimatologie nautique et travail maritime. (p. 952).
- LEMBIT NORVIIT . (1960). Silicosis and tuberculosis. (pp. 952 - 957).
- VIRGILIO D'ONOFRIO, GIUSEPPE PESCE . (1960). Complications otolaryngologiques du mal des caissons. (pp. 958 - 959).
- MARIO ROSSI . (1960). L’action de la haute autorite de la ceca en matiere de recherches sur la traumatologie et la readaptation. (pp. 960 - 961).
- HANS SCHILLER . (1960). Ist Epicondylitis eine Berufskrankheit?. (pp. 961 - 962).
- A. SERATI . (1960). Les affections cardio-vasculaires du personnel des locomotives. (pp. 963 - 965).
- C. VIGAN . (1960). Les criteres medico-psychologiques de l’aptitude des travailleurs au Sahara. (pp. 965 - 971).
- D. ZANNINI . (1960). Embolie gasseuse mortelle apres decompression explosive. (p. 971).
- O. ZORN, P.D. KRUGER . (1960). Probleme der chronischen co-vergiftung. (pp. 971 - 973).
- BENGT AXELSSON, LARS FRIBERG . (1960). On the tolerable limits of me:rcury in the atmosphere and biologic milieus. (pp. 977 - 980).
- HERVEY B. ELKINS . (1960). Allowable limits of benzene in the air and in biologic media. (pp. 981 - 983).
- A.A. LETAVET . (1960). Scientific principles for the establishment of the maximum allowable concentrations of toxic substances in the u. S. S. R.. (pp. 983 - 987).
- J. TEISINGER . (1960). Maximum allowable concentrations of trichlorethylene in air. (pp. 987 - 988).
- CHARLES R. WILLIAMS . (1960). Scientific basis for the establishment of tolerable limits adopted in the United States for the principal industrial toxins. (pp. 988 - 994).
- E.C. VIGLIANI, B. PERNIS, L. BOLIS . (1960). The acute toxic effect of intravenously injected trydimite dust. Abstract. (p. 106). (pp. 817 - 818).
- Final section / indexes