- Introductory section
- Jorma Saari . (1990). Interventions fructueuses en sécurité du travail. (pp. 9 - 37).
- René Mendes . (1990). Réalisations en matière de soins de santé primaire pour les travailleurs des pays du tiers monde. (pp. 39 - 67).
- Martin J. Gardner . (1990). Cancer professionnel: mise à jour des connaissances. (pp. 69 - 83).
- Alison D. McDonald . (1990). Travail et grossesse : l’étude de Montréal mise en perspective. (pp. 85 - 103).
- Kenzaburo Tsuchiya . (1990). L’évaluation du risque en santé au travail. (pp. 105 - 147).
- Paul A. Schulte . (1990). Marqueurs biologiques et médecine du travail. (pp. 149 - 177).
- Patrick Sébastien . (1990). Les mystères de la nocivité du quartz. (pp. 179 - 215).
- Alistair Woodward . (1990). Le tabagisme passif en milieu du travail :
un danger imaginaire ou réel pour la santé?. (pp. 217 - 249).
- MARCO MILLETTI, S. ALVERGNA, G. MANCINI, M. BERNARDINI, P. GENNARI . (1990). Alcohol consumption and the industrial environment. Abstract. (p. 24).
- MARTINE ALLAIRE, G. DIONNE, P. ST-MICHEL . (1990). Profil statistique des travailleurs Québécois ayant subi une affection vertébrale en 1987 : un outil de prévention. Abstract. (p. 25).
- BERNARD MAHIEU, M. GUILLARME, F. SCHMITZ, J. PETETIN, P. MENTZER . (1990). À la recherche d’axes de prévention à travers l’étude multidisciplinaire de situations de risques dans les houilleres du bassin de Lorraine (HBL). Abstract. (p. 26).
- DAMIEN LEGER, A. DOMONT, J.P. CHAUVET, J. PROTEAU . (1990). Comparaison coût efficacité de la prévention des accidents de travail français et danois. Abstract. (p. 27).
- FRIEDRICH WILHELM SCHMAHL, L. VON KARSA, B. METZLER, M.P. KORN . (1990). Special aspects of accident prevention in moslem workers in the Ramadan period. Abstract. (p. 28).
- HUI-QING JIN, S. ARAKI, XK. WU, YW. ZHANG, K. YOKOYAMA . (1990). Traffic accident in China: epidemiological studies. Abstract. (p. 29).
- WAI-ON PHOON . (1990). Present status of occupational health education. Abstract. (p. 32).
- C. ANN LOWIS . (1990). Innovations in occupational health nursing education. Abstract. (p. 33).
- MARJAANA SOLNINEN, T. SANTALA . (1990). Health negotiations as a way of improving conditions in the work place. Abstract. (p. 34).
- CHRISTINA EKEBERG . (1990). The course introductory education for OHS became a reinforcement for the need of a collective and joint view on goal, assets and methods for the OHS. Abstract. (p. 35).
- JUHANI LUKKARI, P. FRILANDER . (1990). A worksite health promotion programme as a method of the occupational health professionals. Abstract. (p. 36).
- TEE L. GUIDOTTI . (1990). Clinical facilities for training programs in occupational medicine. Abstract. (p. 37).
- JOSEPH RIBAK, Y. NOY-MAN, I. HENKIN, Y. SHAPIRO . (1990). Using industrial accident simulation as a tool for teaching occupational and environmental medicine. Abstract. (p. 38).
- BARBARA A. SILVERSTEIN, N. MAIZLISH, L. RUDOLPH, K. CUMMINGS, D. REMPEL, K. DERVIN, A. ERVIN . (1990). A model state system for surveillance of work-related carpal tunnel syndrome. Abstract. (p. 39).
- SIDNEY SHINDELL, E. CASSELL . (1990). The applicability of the off-campus mode of graduate instruction in occupational medicine to the needs of developing countries. Abstract. (p. 40).
- ANNETTE JÖRGENSEN, L. ERLANDSSON, H. STERLIND, L. ÖSTERBLOM, G. HULTMAN . (1990). Team-work in Swedish occupational health services. Abstract. (p. 42).
- VIRGINIA HILL SUBLET, M.R. LUM . (1990). Information resources to aid health professionals. Abstract. (p. 43).
- MAVIS GORDON . (1990). Training for health? a comparative study of nurses and police recruits in training. Abstract. (p. 44).
- LEA KATAJARINNE . (1990). Complementary training of occupational health nurses – evaluation of the course programme and the effectiveness of the course. Abstract. (p. 45).
- JOSEPH CASTORINA, L. ROSENSTOCK . (1990). The physician shortage in occupational and environmental medicine. Abstract. (p. 46).
- ELIZABETH CASSELL, V. YOUNG . (1990). MPH program for OM practitioners. Abstract. (p. 47).
- F. DOUGLAS, K. LIDDELL . (1990). Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien. Abstract. (p. 50).
- DAVID WEGMAN, E.A. EISEN, X. HU, S. WOSKIE, R.G. SMITH . (1990). A novel approach to the assessment and evaluation of irritant symptoms for use in epidemiologic studies. Abstract. (p. 51).
- FRANCINE KAUFFMANN, M. HSAIRI, D. BOLIERE, P. BROCHARD . (1990). Job exposure – matrix versus self-reported occupational exposure. Abstract. (p. 52).
- SUSAN POLLACK, P. LANDDGAN, R. MCCONNELL, R. BELVILLE, X. WU, J. SOLOMON . (1990). Epidemiologic studies on the health hazards of child labour. Abstract. (p. 53).
- ETIENNE GUBERAN, M. USEL, J. PUISSANT, L. RAYMOND . (1990). Analyse de la mortalité et de l’incidence du cancer dans une cohorte de chauffeurs du Canton de Genève. Abstract. (p. 54).
- LILIANE BOITEL, A. LECLERC . (1990). Étude des problèmes de santé et des conditions de travail des forces de vente. Abstract. (p. 55).
- FRIEDRICH HOFMANN, D. KÖSTER, H. BERTHOLD . (1990). Hepatitis a: an occupational hazard in food-handling professions?. Abstract. (p. 56).
- PETER MORFELD, B. KAMPMANN, H.J. VAUTRIN, C. PIEKARSKI . (1990). Transition rates and transition probabilities in the multistate disease process of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis in a West German hard coal mine. Abstract. (p. 57).
- RAINER FRENTZEL-BEYME, N. BECKER, J. CHANG-CLAUDE, U. EILBER . (1990). Mortality of stainless steel welders: an extended follow-up from 1983-1989. Abstract. (p. 58).
- ROSEANNE MCNAMEE . (1990). The use of direct and indirect standardization when comparing rates. Abstract. (p. 60).
- MICHAEL JOFFE . (1990). Validity of exposure data derived from interviews with workers. Abstract. (p. 61).
- DAVID KRIEBEL, N.L. SPRINCE . (1990). The use of pharmacologic models to estimate tissue dose in epidemiologic studies relying on reconstruction of past exposure estimates: the case of beryllium. Abstract. (p. 62).
- RIITTA-SISKO KOSKELA, M. KLOCKARS, E. JARVINEN . (1990). Dust exposure and rheumatoid arthritis. Abstract. (p. 63).
- CLAUS PIEKARSKI, P. MORFELD . (1990). Epidemiological investigations and actual aspects of their results in West-German underground coal mining. Abstract. (p. 64).
- LOUISA WONG TOI LING, D. COGGON . (1990). An epidemiological study of occupation – related and other health problems among Hong Kong fishermen and their families. Abstract. (p. 65).
- CATHERINE DOUTRELLOT, M. ROMON, J.L. EDME, S. HAREMZA, M.C. NUTTENS, E. ELOY, P. FRIMAT . (1990). Diabète et travail: un problème, une solution ?. Abstract. (p. 66).
- CHRISTINE JOLY, F. BISSELICHES, D. LAYANI, C. MONTAGNE . (1990). HTA – alcoolisation – position privilégiée du médecin du travail. Abstract. (p. 67).
- AIRDRIE FRANCESCA LONG, V. LOUHEVAARA, C. CARRASCO, C. AICKIN, B. MCPHEE, A. SMITH . (1990). Measuring the reduction of postural and physiological load in manual handling tasks. Abstract. (p. 70).
- TORU ITANI, H. NAKAO, T. OTANI, M. ADACHI, H. AOYAMA . (1990). The effect of keyboard height during word processing work on local muscular load. Abstract. (p. 71).
- ARNE AARAS, GUNNAR HORGEN, H.E. FAGERTHUN, S.E. LARSEN . (1990). Is there a reduction in postural load when wearing progressive lenses during VDT-work over a three month period?. Abstract. (p. 72).
- GHISLAINE TOUGAS, R. ALLARD, J. GRATTON, R. LORANGER, M. TREMBLAY . (1990). Les problèmes musculo-squelettiques chez les policiers patrouilleurs. Abstract. (p. 73).
- LOUIS PATRY, M.-J. COSTA . (1990). Maux de dos et manutentions répétitives. Abstract. (p. 74).
- ELISE LEDOUX, M. LORTIE, M. ROSSIGNOL . (1990). Étude sur la perception des facteurs de pénibilité pour le dos chez un groupe d’assembleurs. Abstract. (p. 75).
- LISE GOULET . (1990). Working conditions in garment industry. Abstract. (p. 76).
- SIRPA LUSA, C-H. NYGARD, A. PELTOMAA, J. ILMARINEN . (1990). Stress and strain in two different types of kitchen work. Abstract. (p. 77).
- CATHERINE BONNIN, J. BELLAGUET, C. LEBAUPAIN, M. AMPHOUX . (1990). Méthode d’approche multidisciplinaire pour réussir l’automatisation du traitement des sols en travaux publics. Abstract. (p. 78).
- JAIR LUZ, T. NAJENSON, M.S. GREEN, S. MELAMED, N. BAR . (1990). The ergonomic stress level (e-s-l) instrument, industrial occupations and absenteeism. Abstract. (p. 80).
- PEG SCHERZINGER, J.A. VANDER DOELEN . (1990). Ergonomic interventions at a paper mill: assessment, recommendations and follow-up. Abstract. (p. 81).
- VALTER KERSIC, S. VERHOVNIK, B. HRASOVEC, S. SUNCIC . (1990). Physical burdens at the work in the textile confection industry and their consequences for the female workers. Abstract. (p. 82).
- GIOVANNI FABRI, A. CASTAGNOLI, P. MARINI BETTOLO, N. CASTELLINO . (1990). Ergonomic survey of workers operating electric forklift trucks: whole body vibrations, postures and “low-back pain”; work fitness standards. Abstract. (p. 83).
- STEPHANIE LONDON, J.D. BOWMAN, E. SOBEL, N.E. PEARCE, D.H. GARABRANT, J.M. PETERS . (1990). Assessment of magnetic and electric field exposures by job category. Abstract. (p. 86).
- MASSIMO BOVENZI, A. ZADINI, A. FRANZINELLI . (1990). Vibration-induced vascular disorders in Italian forestry workers. Abstract. (p. 87).
- RAYMOND BRUCE HOCKING, M. GARSON, L. CAMPBELL, T. MCROBERTS, I. GORDON . (1990). Cytogenetic study of radio-linemen. Abstract. (p. 88).
- MINORU NAKAMOTO, N. HARADA . (1990). Thyrotropin (TSH) response to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) in vibration syndrome patients and age-matched healthy controls. Abstract. (p. 89).
- CHRISTIAN MEYER-BISCH, M. WAYOFF . (1990). Audiométrie de dépistage préventif par balayage fréquentiel automatique – premiers résultats d’une nouvelle technique. Abstract. (p. 90).
- JUKKA STARCK, J. PEKKARINEN, I. PYYKKÖ . (1990). Risk factors in the genesis of sensory neural hearing loss among workers exposed to occupational noise. Abstract. (p. 91).
- RAYMOND HETU, L. GETTY . (1990). The nature of the handicap associated with occupational hearing loss as a major obstacle to prevention and rehabilitation. Abstract. (p. 92).
- CHRISTIANE AGBOKLU, J.C. SAGOT, L. BOITEL . (1990). Approche analytique de la contrainte thermique en Guadeloupe : intérêt de intimation de la norme afnor x 35.204 ou indice de sudation requise. Abstract. (p. 93).
- TIMOTHY P. FINNEGAN . (1990). Climatic illness of soldiers in the united kingdom. Abstract. (p. 94).
- STAFFAN NORLANDER, H. WOS . (1990). Effects of vibration on arm and shoulder muscles. Abstract. (p. 96).
- HIROSHI UNE . (1990). Depressive symptoms among lumberjacks with vibration syndrome. Abstract. (p. 97).
- HENRI-JACQUES SMOLIK, J.CL. PETIOT, PARROT J., J.P. LOBREAU, A. MARIN, F. RAYMOND, B. MAZOYER . (1990). Effets de bruits à caractère impulsionnel sur la fonction cardiovasculaire et sur les potentiels évoqués auditifs précoces chez l’homme: différences interindividuelles liées à l’âge, au sexe et à la personnalité. Abstract. (p. 98).
- MANFRED S. GREEN, K. SCHWARTZ, G. HARARI, T. NAJENSON . (1990). Ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate among workers exposed to industrial noise. Abstract. (p. 99).
- HIDEKI MITO, T. SHIMIZU, T. HORIKAWA, I. HIROSAWA, M. HOSOKAWA . (1990). Effects caused by conditioned chainsaw-noise on woodcutters and considerations for the carrying out personnel reshuffle. Abstract. (p. 100).
- MAILA HIETANEN, P. VON NANDELSTADH . (1990). Health effects of optical radiation associated with laser welding and related processes. Abstract. (p. 101).
- TOMMASO TERRANA, M. BERGONZI, G. MICHELONI, S. ORSINI, P. TRAVAGLINI . (1990). Pituitary -thyroid activity and radio frequencies: a case control study in female workers exposed to high electromagnetic fields. Abstract. (p. 102).
- TAI HING LAM, K.P. YAU . (1990). Dysbaric osteonecrosis in a compressed air tunneling project in Hong Kong. Abstract. (p. 103).
- TAKISE SADAFUMI, S. HORIGUCHI, T. MIKI, K. FUKUMOTO, K. HAYASHI, H. FUKUMURA, S. YOSHIKAWA, H. YAMASHITA . (1990). Study of eye damage due to ultraviolet ray exposure – scanning electron microscopic observation. Abstract. (p. 104).
- A. SERGIO S.R. MIGUEL, M.T.S.D. VASCONCELOS, R.J. MOREIRA, A.A.S.C. MACHADO . (1990). Study on airborne formaldehyde in a chemical plant. Abstract. (p. 106).
- MARCO BLOCCA, A. ASTRUP-JENSEN, T. BELLANDER, J.E. BJERK, M. KOGEVINAS, B. PANNETT, P. PFAFFLI, S. TOLOMEI . (1990). Joint assessment of styrene exposure in six European countries among workers in the reinforced plastics industry. Abstract. (p. 107).
- DENIS BEGIN, M. GERIN, G. PERRAULT . (1990). Étude de l’exposition chimique en imprimerie par l’élaboration d’une matrice emploi-exposition. Abstract. (p. 108).
- HAKAN WESTBERG, P. NAYSTRÖM . (1990). Occupational exposure in the foundry industry using ester cured phenolic resin binders for cores and moulds. Abstract. (p. 109).
- ULRICH BOLM-AUDORFF, B. SPIEGELHALDER, H.-G. BIENFAIT, R. PREUSSMANN . (1990). Exposure to nitrosamines in the metal industry. Abstract. (p. 110).
- DANIEL MICHAUD, G. PERRAULT, M. BARIL . (1990). Caractèrisation de poussières ambiantes en milieu de fonderie. Abstract. (p. 111).
- ERKKI MINNI, S. HOFMAN, S. SIVONEN . (1990). A surface and bulk study of particles in the welding fumes of mild and stainless steels. Abstract. (p. 112).
- PETER JOHN HEWITT, M.G. MADDEN . (1990). Hexavalent chromium formation in welding fume. Abstract. (p. 113).
- ABDELJALIL EL KHOLTI, J.-C. PERNAUT, C. SIVAN, D. CHOUDAT, F. CONSO . (1990). Fonction pulmonaire et exposition aux poussières métalliques. Abstract. (p. 114).
- UTZ DRAEGER, J. MEIJERS, TH. HUSEMOEN . (1990). Exposures to airborne concentrations of mineral wool dust during manufacturing and installation of insulation products. Abstract. (p. 115).
- MICHEL VEZINA, A. NEZZAL, P. POULIN, D. TOURAB, S. GUEROUI, H. LEBDJIRI . (1990). La surveillance médico-environnementale des travailleurs exposés au bruit et aux poussieres dans un complexe sidérurgique. Abstract. (p. 116).
- J. ALTON BURKS, J.G. KOVAC . (1990). Occupational noise in the U.S. mining industry: its impact and control. Abstract. (p. 117).
- PASCAL DENNIS, J.A. VANDER DOELEN, M. OM . (1990). Heat stress exposure of sheriff’s officers during the summer months. Abstract. (p. 118).
- DAVID K.N. LEONG, P.L. PELMEAR . (1990). Ontario working exposure guidelines (WEGs) for chemical and biological agents. Abstract. (p. 120).
- YVETTE BONVALOT, L. ABENHAIM . (1990). Évaluation des normes d’exposition professionnelle à l’aide d’une base de données sur les cancérogènes chimiques. Abstract. (p. 121).
- PENTTI J. KALLIOKOSKI, P. PASANEN, A. NEVALAINEN, P. MARTIKAINEN, M. JANTUNEN, A. ASIKAINEN . (1990). Microbial odors as a cause of olf-load in office ventilation. Abstract. (p. 122).
- ALAIN PERDRIX, S. PARAT, R. GRILLOT, J.M. MALLION . (1990). Air conditioning systems: study of risk factors by the quantification of aerobiocontamination. Abstract. (p. 123).
- DARIUSH AZIMI-GARAKANI . (1990). Short-term radon measurements for occupational health services. Abstract. (p. 124).
- NILS PLATO, S. KRANTZ . (1990). Retrospective exposure assessment of asbestos for car and bus mechanics. Abstract. (p. 125).
- PIRJO HEIKKILA, T. GUSTAFSSON, A. TOSSAVAINEN . (1990). Mineral fibres in office work. Abstract. (p. 126).
- PATRICK N. BREYSSE, P.S.J. LEES, M. CORN . (1990). Review and evaluation of currrent sampling and analytical techniques for airborne man-made mineral fibers. Abstract. (p. 127).
- CHANTAL DION, G. PERRAULT, Y. CLOUTIER . (1990). Échantillonnage et analyses de fibres artificielles dans des chantiers de construction. Abstract. (p. 128).
- MASASHI SUZUKI-YASUMOTO, T. OOBA . (1990). Effectiveness of protective devices of radiation workers against internal contamination in nuclear industry in Japan. Abstract. (p. 129).
- EDOARDO DE ROSA, G.B. BARTOLUCCI, C. CAPRARA, M.A. BREVEGLIERI, C. SALA, G. RAUSA . (1990). Flax and sisal dust: comparison between various sampling methods. Abstract. (p. 130).
- STEPHEN GOMEZ, J.A. DOSMAN . (1990). Airborne diatomaceous earth risk assessment in brewery workers. Abstract. (p. 131).
- YUJI NORITAKE, K. ISAGO, T. SATOH, T. HIGASHI . (1990). Development of a new personal exposure monitoring system for solvents. Abstract. (p. 132).
- LAURI SAARINEN, O. RAATIKAINEN, P.J. KALLIOKOSKI . (1990). Exposure to diisocyanates in Finland. Abstract. (p. 133).
- DIANE LIU, P. QUINLAN, P.D. BLANC, H. BUSHEY . (1990). Concentrations of metal fumes outside and inside the welding helmet. Abstract. (p. 134).
- JAN TENGS KARLSEN, T. TORGRIMSEN . (1990). Personal and background exposure to stainless steel welding fumes. Abstract. (p. 135).
- NANCY E. WILK, D. MOZZON, M. BOULARD, M.M. FINKELSTEIN . (1990). Industrial hygiene studies at two Ontario electric arc steel making plants in conjunction with a lung cancer mortality study of melt shop employees. Abstract. (p. 136).
- LOTHAR WEBER . (1990). Adsorption and desorption kinetics of volatile aromatic solvents onto cotton working textiles. Abstract. (p. 137).
- BRUNO T. LAPLANTE, H.-A. WALLOT, P. DORION . (1990). Diagnostic différentiel du burn-out. Abstract. (p. 140).
- TINA MACKAY, M. JOFFE . (1990). Health of London bus drivers: work experience and the multi-faceted nature of “stress”. Abstract. (p. 141).
- RICHARD HALLOT, C. DE JONGHE, R. CORBEY . (1990). Les hold-up à la régie des postes belges 1984-1989 conséquences pathologiques et mesures préventives. Abstract. (p. 142).
- BERNARD DASSIER, C. BRUY . (1990). Travail et santé mentale dans les professions du bâtiment et des travaux publics en France. Abstract. (p. 143).
- ANDRE BILLETTE, M. CARRIER, M. BERNIER . (1990). Organisation du travail dans la fonction publique et santé mentale: le cas des secrétaires de traitement de textes. Abstract. (p. 144).
- KARL LINDSTRÖM . (1990). Occupational health services and technological change in banking and insurance. Abstract. (p. 145).
- CHANTAL BRISSON, M. VEZINA, A. VINET, C. SHY . (1990). Employment in piecework and utilization of medical care. Abstract. (p. 146).
- GUNN JOHANSSON, J.V. JOHNSON, PETTERSSON . (1990). Work organization and health-related behaviour. Abstract. (p. 147).
- CECILE DE LAUBIER, J.-L. EDME, B. PAMART-DENEAUX, D. DHALLUIN, G. FOMBONNE, P. THOREZ, E. ELOY, P. FRIMAT . (1990). Consommation des psychotropes et influence des conditions de travail: enquête sur 2819 salaries. Abstract. (p. 148).
- GUYLAINE DION, R. TESSIER . (1990). Validité factorielle d’une traduction de l’inventaire de Burnout de Maslach (MBI) auprès d’un échantillon québécois d’éducatrices en garderie. Abstract. (p. 150).
- FRANCOISE DOPPLER, P. GODARD . (1990). Stress, démotivation, mobilité, absentéisme. Abstract. (p. 151).
- NORITO KAWAKAMI, S. ARAKI, T. HARATANI, T. KANEKO, T. MASUMOTO, T. HAYASHI . (1990). Work stress and medical consultation rate in blue collar workers at electrical factory in Japan: a four year prospective follow-up study. Abstract. (p. 152).
- JACOB N. DE LEEUWE, U. HENSCHEL, R. TAVENIER . (1990). Stress assessment in relation to MHPG (3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol). Abstract. (p. 153).
- RICHARD MILLARD . (1990). A comparison of pain and psychosocial distress in predicting reports of functional disability. Abstract. (p. 154).
- SILVANA SALERNO . (1990). New technologies, new organizations and worker’s health: a research on technology innovation and health in tile production. Abstract. (p. 155).
- ROSEMARIE M. BOWLER, D. MERGLER, S. RAUCH, R. HARRISON, J.E. CONE . (1990). Patterns of impairment among former microelectronics workers: personality and mood. Abstract. (p. 156).
- MURAKO SALTO, K. KISHIDA, N. OSUMI . (1990). Health level evaluated by thi by complaining intensity of general fatigue feelings and eyestrain of industrial workers. Abstract. (p. 157).
- JAMES LEIGH, A.J. ROGERS, G. BERRY, D.A. FERGUSON, H.B. MULDER, M. ACKAD . (1990). Relationship between lung asbestos fibre type and concentration and relative risk of mesothelioma. Abstract. (p. 160).
- NICOLAS SANDRET, P. BROCHARD, M. SAUX, G. DUFOUR, J.C. PAIRON, J. BIGNON . (1990). Characterization of occupational exposure among the asbestos related diseases compensated in france. Abstract. (p. 161).
- MARC LETOURNEUX, P. BROCHARD, Y. IWATSUBO, L. FOURNIER, G. DUFOUR, C. RAFFAELLI, F. GALATEAU, J.F. CAILLARD . (1990). Longitudinal study of chrysotile related benign pleural abnormalities in a cohort of retired workers. Abstract. (p. 162).
- EDWARD B. ILGREN, J.C. WAGNER . (1990). Background incidence of mesotheliomas: animal & human evidence. Abstract. (p. 163).
- YVONNE JANSSEN, J. MARSH, M. ABSHER, P. BORM, B. MOSSMAN . (1990). Pulmonary antioxidant enzymes in the pathogenesis of asbestos and silica induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats. Abstract. (p. 164).
- GEROLAMO CHIAPPINO, A. FORNI, G. RIVOLTA, E. NICOLI . (1990). Resistance to asbestos in workers with extremely high alveolar burden. Abstract. (p. 165).
- MARIA ALBIN, L. JOHANSSON, F.D. POOLEY, K. JAKOBSSON, R. ATTEWELL . (1990). Mineral fibers, fibrosis, and asbestos bodies in lung tissue from deceased asbestos-cement workers. Abstract. (p. 166).
- MASAHIRO NAKAZA, T. TODOROKI, T. HIGASHI, Y. NORITAKE . (1990). Asbestos exposure during removal and replacement of asbestos cement roofing and siding materials on buildings. Abstract. (p. 167).
- GARY M. MARSH, P. ENTERLINE, R. STONE, V. HENDERSON . (1990). Mortality among a cohort of u.s. man-made mineral fiber workers: 1985 follow up. Abstract. (p. 168).
- JERROLD L. ABRAHAM . (1990). Asbestosis, talcosis, mesothelioma and non-commercial amphibole asbestos fibers and cleavage fragments in lung tissues of New York state talc miners. Abstract. (p. 170).
- GUY DUFOUR, P. BROCHARD, M.A. GALLAND, J.C. PAIRON, J. BIGNON . (1990). Pleural plaques and asbestos bodies. Abstract. (p. 171).
- TIMO TUOMI . (1990). Fiber concentrations in the lungs of mesothelioma patients. Abstract. (p. 172).
- YUICHI YAMADA, M. ISHIZAKI, R. HONDA, I. TSURITANI, T. KIDO . (1990). Asbestos-related pleural thickening found on the chest x-ray films of Japanese ‘sake’ brewers. Abstract. (p. 173).
- ROBERTO CAPRIOLI, E. ARSUFFI, B. BONZI . (1990). The risk from asbestos in the working process of turning calender rollers in paper manufacturing industries. Abstract. (p. 174).
- PIERRE BONNEAU, M.C. LEBUISSON, L. DORE, C. MONTAGNE . (1990). Suivi médical des personnels exposés aux poussières de fibres de verre dans l’industrie aeronautique. Abstract. (p. 175).
- CHRISTOPHE PARIS, P. CZERNICHOW, J.-J. FAURE, Y. MARET, J.-F. CAILLARD, I. RAGAZZINI . (1990). Cancers des voies aéro-digestives supérieures chez les sujets exposés professionnellement aux fibres minérales artificielles. Abstract. (p. 176).
- JAMES E. LOCKEY, G. LEMASTERS, C. RICE, R. MCKAY, K. HANSEN, P. KHOURY, P. GARTSIDE, J. DIMOS, B. CONKEL, J. LU, L. LEVIN, K. AUSDENMOORE, D. GILES . (1990). An industry-wide pulmonary morbidity cohort study of workers manufacturing refractory ceramic fibers. Abstract. (p. 177).
- MASAJI TABATA, T. NAGAOKA, H. NAKAGAWA, Y. OKUMURA, Y. MORIKAWA, M. SENMA, Y. KITAGAWA, S. KAWANO, A. OKADA . (1990). Anti-collagen antibodies in sera from silicosis. Abstract. (p. 178).
- LOTHAR PACHE, H.-J. WOITOWITZ, H.-J. LANGE, K. ULM, K. RÖDELSPERGER, R.H. WOITOWITZ, R. BUSCH . (1990). Roentgenographic estimation of early asbestosis as a method for recognizing persons with the highest risk for bronchial carcinoma. Abstract. (p. 179).
- OLLI S. MIETTINEN . (1990). Man-made mineral fibers as causes of lung cancer: critical review of the epidemiologic evidence. Abstract. (p. 180).
- PALLE ØRBAEK, M. LINDGREN . (1990). Psychometric function of solvent exposed paint industry workers. A 9-year follow-up. Abstract. (p. 182).
- JACOB HOOISMA, H.H. EMMEN, E.J. JONKMAN . (1990). Subjective symptoms and neurobehavioural functioning in young and older dutch painters. Abstract. (p. 183).
- INGVAR LUNDBERG, A. GUSTAVSSON, G. NISE . (1990). Neuropsychiatric illness among painters – interaction between solvents and alcohol?. Abstract. (p. 184).
- SHUNICHI ARAKI, K. YOKOYAMA, K. MURATA, E. UCHIDA . (1990). Determination of the distribution of nerve conduction velocities in occupational health: assessment of all faster and slower large myelinated nerve fibers. Abstract. (p. 185).
- JONATHAN E. MYERS, I. MACUN . (1990). Acrylamide neuropathy in a South African factory: an epidemiologic investigation. Abstract. (p. 186).
- KATSUYUKI MURATA, S. ARAKI, K. YOKOYAMA . (1990). Application of evoked potentials and r-r interval variability of ecg in occupational medicine. Abstract. (p. 187).
- JAMES E. CONE, R. HARRISON, J. GUERRIERO, R.M. BOWLER, D. MERGLER . (1990). Hyposmia and anosmia among electronics fabrication workers. Abstract. (p. 188).
- DONNA MERGLER, R.M. BOWLER, R. HARRISON, J.E. CONE . (1990). Visual disturbances among former microelectronics workers. Abstract. (p. 189).
- ROB MCCONNELL, M. KEIFER, L. ROSENSTOCK . (1990). Elevated tactile vibration threshold among workers previously poisoned with methamidophos: Leon, Nicaragua. Abstract. (p. 190).
- SWEE CHENG FOO, C.H. NGIM, K.W. BOEY . (1990). Neurobehavioural effects of mercury vapour. Abstract. (p. 191).
- INNOCENTE FRANCHINI, C. FERRONI, L. SELIS, D. FOLLI, F. GAMBERALE, A. IREGREN, A. MUTTI . (1990). A cross-sectional reappraisal of the neurobehavioral and neuroendocrine changes in styrene-exposed workers. Abstract. (p. 192).
- FENGSHENG HE, X. LIU, X. PAN, G. XU, G. FANG, S. ZHANG, S. YANG . (1990). Delayed encephalopathy following acute carbon monoxide poisoning – brain evoked potential and ct scan studies. Abstract. (p. 194).
- MARGIT L. BLEECKER, B.S. SCHWARTZ, D.P. FORD, K.I. BOLLA, R. GILIOLI, M.G. CASSITTO, D. CAMERINO . (1990). International study of the neurobehavioral effects of chronic low level exposure to mixed organic solvents. Abstract. (p. 195).
- ANDREAS SEEBER, E. KIESSWETTER, R.R. VANGALA, M. BLASZKEWICZ, K. GOLKA, H.M. BOLT . (1990). Neurobehavioral effects of experimental exposure to acetone and ethylacetate. Abstract. (p. 196).
- LUCIE BLAIN, P. LACHAPELLE . (1990). Modifications de l’électrorétinogramme et des potentiels oscillatoires suite à une exposition chronique au trichloroéthylène. Abstract. (p. 197).
- CLAUDIO FERRONI, L. SELIS, A. MUTTI, P.P. VESCOVI, D. FOLLI, I. FRANCHINI . (1990). Neurobehavioural performance and endocrine parameters in workers occupationally exposed to tetrachloroethylene (PERC). Abstract. (p. 198).
- ARTO LAINE, V. RIIHIMAKI, A.M. SEPPALAINEN, K.M. SAVOLAINEN, T. SALMI, E. MATIKAINEN . (1990). Immediate and delayed nervous effects by experimental m-xylene inhalation in man. Abstract. (p. 199).
- ESKO MATIKAINEN, L. FORSMAN-GRÖNHOLM, J. JUNTUNEN, P. PFAFFLI . (1990). Low-level occupational styrene exposure and quantitative eeg. Abstract. (p. 200).
- KAZUHITO YOKOYAMA, K. MURATA, S. ARAKI . (1990). Psychological performance and peripheral nerve conduction velocities in workers exposed to low level of styrene. Abstract. (p. 201).
- LISBETH FORSMAN-GRÖNHOLM, J. JUNTUNEN, E. MATIKAINEN, K. TARVAINEN, R. JOLANKI, S-H. LEE, P. PFAFFLI . (1990). Health effects of chemical exposure in fibre reinforced plastics industry. Abstract. (p. 202).
- MAUD HAGMAN, B. BACKSTRÖM, V.P. COLLINS, G. HÖGLUND, L. JOHANSSON, A.C. JOHNSON, G. LINDER, P. NYLEN . (1990). Alterations in retinal morphology and visual function in rats after long term mixed exposure to 2,5-hexanediol and fluorescent light. Abstract. (p. 203).
- BIRGITTA KOLMODIN-HEDMAN, O. MARQVARDSEN, G. LINDEN, N. STJEMBERG . (1990). Neurovegetative symptoms and signs in a population of welders from northern Sweden. Abstract. (p. 204).
- BENGT LÖGDBERG, M. BERLIN, A. SCHUTZ . (1990). Retarded postnatal body growth and neurobehavioural disturbances in monkeys following prenatal lead exposure. Abstract. (p. 205).
- MAITE CARRILLO, J. FRANCHETTE, N. HOBBES . (1990). Rôle de l’infirmière du travail en France. Abstract. (p. 208).
- NOELINE LANKHAAR . (1990). The development of a professional qualification and associated training programme in occupational health nursing. Abstract. (p. 209).
- BERNADINE B. KUCHINSKI . (1990). Research training in occupational health nursing. Abstract. (p. 210).
- M. SUZANNE ARNOLD . (1990). Public relation programs for occupational health nursing. Abstract. (p. 211).
- TOKIKO KATO, S. YAGISHITA, K. KONO . (1990). Survey on actual activity of occupational health care workers in Kanagawa prefecture. Abstract. (p. 212).
- PIRKKO KOMULAINEN . (1990). Occupational health nursing based on self care theory. Abstract. (p. 213).
- KERSTIN RAMBERG . (1990). Description of a model to bring results of health examinations back to construction enterprises and their employees. Abstract. (p. 214).
- BARBARA CRAWFORD . (1990). Occupational health nurses in Canada: achievements and certification. Abstract. (p. 216).
- TAI-CHU PENG, P.-J. CHANG, J.-D. WANG, P.-C. CHEN . (1990). Educational need for an enhanced role of occupational health nurse in Taiwan. Abstract. (p. 217).
- KIRSTI HEINONEN . (1990). Continuity of care in a metal engineering company’s occupational health care realization. Abstract. (p. 218).
- ANN ROSS AUKETT . (1990). Occupational health in a first/third world country (i.e. Southern Africa). Abstract. (p. 219).
- JUDITH M. CAMPBELL . (1990). Occupational rehabilitation (modified alternate duties program) Canada post corporation. Abstract. (p. 220).
- TAKASHI IZUNO, K. YOSHIDA, N. SHIMADA, H. KONDO, H. SAKURAI . (1990). An epidemiological study of health behaviour and health consciousness in smoking cessation programs at worksites. Abstract. (p. 221).
- DIANNE E. ANDERSON . (1990). Effects of blood pressure screening on lifestyle behaviors. Abstract. (p. 222).
- PHILIPPE GIVELET, G. PAILLEREAU . (1990). La médecine du travail en France: un instrument unique de prévention des risques professionnels. Abstract. (p. 224).
- YVETTE DEVILLERS . (1990). Passage d’un service de médecine du travail à un service de santé au travail dans un cadre interentreprises notamment au service de petites entreprises. Abstract. (p. 225).
- ANTOINE BERVAS, M. BLONDET . (1990). La médecine du travail dans les petites et moyennes entreprises: quelles formations pour quels médecins du travail?. Abstract. (p. 226).
- JOAN M. EAKIN . (1990). Leaving it up to the workers: sociological perspective on the occupational health behaviour of small business owners. Abstract. (p. 227).
- ESA RAHKONEN . (1990). Models of occupational health services for small undertakings. Abstract. (p. 228).
- MICHEL BLONDET, P. GIVELET, L. BOITEL . (1990). Recherches en santé et securité du travail dans les petites et moyennes entreprises. Abstract. (p. 229).
- GABRIEL PAILLEREAU, P. GIVELET . (1990). Médecine du travail et pme en France: un système exceptionnel au service des entreprises et de leurs salariés. Abstract. (p. 232).
- MARIE-CATHERINE MOUSSEAU, M. PETITOT . (1990). Intérêt de l’approche ergonomique globale et du travail en équipe: exemple d’une recherche réalisée dans les magasins de marée. Abstract. (p. 233).
- WILLIAM D.O. SAKARI . (1990). Excessive blood lead concentration in workers in small scale lead industries in Nairobi. Abstract. (p. 234).
- EDWARD M. CORDASCO SR., S. DEMETER, E.M. CORDASCO, K. MCCARTHY, P. LUBS, J. CASSIDY . (1990). Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome – newer aspects. Abstract. (p. 236).
- J. CORBETT MCDONALD . (1990). Surveillance of work-related and occupational respiratory disease in the united kingdom: the sword project. Abstract. (p. 237).
- JEAN-LOUIS EDME, C. BOULENGUEZ, P. DAMIEN, F. POLLARD, P. POT, D. FURON . (1990). Variations nycthémérales et saisonnières des paramètres ventilatoires chez le travailleur posté. Abstract. (p. 238).
- JOHN JAMES O'SULLIVAN, J.A. TOMENSON, J.C. EDWARDS, I.P. TAMS, J. WILLIAMS . (1990). The effects on the respiratory system of exposure to five nuisance dusts: cross-sectional study. Abstract. (p. 239).
- OSCAR MAX BACHMANN, J.E. MYERS . (1990). A cross-sectional and longitudinal respiratory epidemiologic survey of grain milling workers. Abstract. (p. 240).
- ULF BENGTSSON, W.T. ULMER . (1990). Lung function analysis of coalminers: an epidemiological long-term study of 615 coal miners in a West German coalmine. Abstract. (p. 241).
- AURORA ARAGON, R. PENA, C. QUINTERO . (1990). Lung disorders in a nationalized multinational gold mine, Mina el Limon, Nicaragua. Abstract. (p. 242).
- AHMAD MOSA BORAN, P. BURGE, M. WHITE, J. MARKS . (1990). Respiratory morbidity study in electroplaters exposed to chromium and nickel. Abstract. (p. 243).
- THOMAS SINKS, J.F. DENG, L. ELLIOTT, D. SMITH, M. SINGAL, L. FINE . (1990). A cross-sectional survey of respiratory conditions at a sintered rare-earth magnet manufacturer. Abstract. (p. 244).
- MICHEL ROSSIGNOL, P. SEGUIN, L. DE GUIRE . (1990). Évaluation d’un programme de surveillance de la santé pulmonaire de 353 travailleuis exposés aux fumées de soudage. Abstract. (p. 245).
- THIERRY MAREZ, J.-L. EDME, C. BOULENGUEZ, J.-M. HAGUENOER . (1990). Étude spirographique chez des personnes exposées au méthacrylate de méthyle. Abstract. (p. 246).
- PATRICK BROCHARD, J. DE PALMAS, C. ARCHAMBAULT, J. BIGNON . (1990). Lung function among reinforced plastic workers. Abstract. (p. 247).
- BODIL PERSSON, A. SELDEN, B. BOMBERGER, M. KARLSSON, O. AXELSON . (1990). Pneumoconiosis among dental technicians. Abstract. (p. 248).
- SARAH MEREDITH, V. TAYLOR, K. SULLIVAN . (1990). Occupational asthma in the united kingdom, 1989. Abstract. (p. 249).
- MARI ANTTI-POIKA, H. NORDMAN, M. KOSKENVUO, J. KAPRIO, M. JALAVA . (1990). Asthma and occupational exposures in identical twins. Abstract. (p. 250).
- CHARLES E. ROSSITER, N. STJEMBERG, G. LINDEN, A. ENGLUND . (1990). Bygghälsan study of construction workers exposed to silica dust and/or asbestos: chest x-ray reading trials. Abstract. (p. 251).
- HOCK SLANG LEE, T.-P. NG . (1990). Diurnal variation (dv) in peak expiratory flow rate (pefr) among workers in the polyvinylchloride (pvc) compounding industry. Abstract. (p. 252).
- VIDAR SØYSETH, J. KONGERUD . (1990). Longitudinal study of bronchial responsiveness among aluminium potroom workers. Abstract. (p. 254).
- GERG LINDEN, N. STJEMBERG, M-C. ANDERSSON, B. KOLMODIN-HEDMAN . (1990). Lung function and chest x-ray findings in workers at a copper smelter in northern Sweden. Abstract. (p. 255).
- MARKO SARIC, J. MARELJA . (1990). Bronchial hyperreactivity in potroom workers after cessation of exposure to upper respiratory tract irritants – a follow up study. Abstract. (p. 256).
- YUKINORI KUSAKA, T. SHIRAKAWA, K. MORIMOTO, N. FUJIMURA . (1990). Chest radiographic appearances, ventilatory function and respiratory symptoms among hard metal grinders: a five-year follow-up study. Abstract. (p. 257).
- ULF LARS HJORTSBERG, P. ØRBAEK, M. JR. ARBORELIUS . (1990). Small airways dysfunction among non smoking shipyard arc welders. Abstract. (p. 258).
- BENOIT NEMERY, G. VERLEDEN, C.P.L. LEWIS, S. VAN LOMMEL, E.K. VERBEKEN, M. DEMEDTS . (1990). Characterization of the pulmonary toxicity of intra-tracheally administered cobalt compounds in hamsters. Abstract. (p. 259).
- DAVID C. CHRISTIANI, D. HASHIMOTO, T. SEITZ, H.A. FELDMAN, K.T. KELSEY . (1990). Respiratory symtoms in printing press workers. Abstract. (p. 260).
- EVA-LENA STJERNSTRÖM, P. MALMBERG . (1990). Lung function in isocyanate-exposed workers. Abstract. (p. 261).
- DOMYUNG PAEK, J. BLANCHARD . (1990). Average deposition fraction of particles for an activity with variable breaths compared to that for an activity with homogeneous breaths. Abstract. (p. 262).
- WAJDY L. HALLOO, P. MENARD, C. LUCAS . (1990). Asbestos disease in carbon electrode manufacturing industry. Abstract. (p. 263).
- CHEN ZHOU, Z.S. HO, Z.L. LIU, L. LIU, J.Z. LOU . (1990). The correlation of chest x-rays and lung function in jute processing workers. Abstract. (p. 264).
- HIDEAKI NAKAGAWA, M. TABATA, Y. MORIKAWA, M. SENMA, Y. OKUMURA, Y. KITAGAWA, Y. YAMADA, S. KAWANO . (1990). Mortality among migrant workers engaged in work exposed to dust. Abstract. (p. 265).
- PIERRE BARTSCH, M.P. HERENG, S. DEMARTEAU . (1990). L’asthme à la farine dans une boulangerie industrielle. Abstract. (p. 266).
- MASAMITSU KIDO, H. OBATA, Y. TAO, I. TANAKA, T. AKIYAMA, T. HIGASHI, Y. BABA . (1990). Effect of trimellitic anhidride (tma) on the airway. Abstract. (p. 267).
- HELEN H. MCDUFFIE, P. PAHWA, J.A. DOSMAN . (1990). Respiratory health status of 3,098 grain workers in Canada studied on two occasions three years apart. Abstract. (p. 268).
- ANNA RASK-ANDERSEN, P. MALMBERG . (1990). Serum lactate dehydrogenase activity in patients with hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Abstract. (p. 269).
- YEMI OWI, P. ORRIS, L. BUCKLEY, D. DAWSON . (1990). Reversible bronchospasm in a group of patients with occupational lung diseases. Abstract. (p. 270).
- EVA HNIZDO, G.K. SLUIS-CREMER . (1990). Relation between emphysema type and exposure to silica dust in South African gold miners. Abstract. (p. 271).
- NILS STJERNBERG, C.E. ROSSITER, A. ENGLUND . (1990). Effect of body mass on radiographic appearances. Abstract. (p. 272).
- DRAGOMIR MARKOVIC, M. FILIPOVIC, S. DODIC . (1990). Expériences dans l’application de la classification internationale radiographique de pneumoconioses (bit 1980) et suggestions pour sa révision. Abstract. (p. 273).
- ERIC P.G. PLUYGERS, P. GOURDIN, P. BALDEWYNS, M. BEAUDUIN . (1990). Evaluation of the cancer risk associated with activities of the chemical industry, at the levels of production, utilization and environmental pollution. Abstract. (p. 276).
- RENATO GILIOLI, M.G. CASSITTO, D. CAMERINO, A. COLOMBI, C. ZOCCHETTI . (1990). Epidemiological study of neurobehavioral effects of long-term low-level exposure to organic solvents. Abstract. (p. 277).
- FRANCOISE CLAVEL, A. LAPLANCHE, J.-C. CONTASSOT, C. LANOUZIERE . (1990). Exposure to vinyl chloride monomer: report on a 8-year follow-up cohort study. Abstract. (p. 278).
- MICHEL VANHOORNE . (1990). Health effects of carbon disulfide in a Belgian viscose rayon factory – preliminary results. Abstract. (p. 279).
- MASAYUKI IKEDA, Y. UCHIDA, K. YAMAOKA, T. KAWAI . (1990). Exposure to benzene and other aromatics in a Japanese petroleum refinery/tank truck loading terminal. Abstract. (p. 280).
- ANTONIO MUTTI, R. ALINOVI, C. BIAGINI, M. GIOVANETTI, I. FRANCHINI, H. ROELS, A. BERNARD, R. LAUWERYS . (1990). Cross-sectional investigation of early renal disturbances in workers occupationally exposed to tetrachloroethylene (perc). Abstract. (p. 281).
- JONG-DAR CHEN, J.-D. WANG, J.P. JANG, Y.Y. CHEN . (1990). Biochemical alterations of the liver and exposure to mixtures of solvents among paint workers. Abstract. (p. 282).
- EDUARD KUSTERS, R. LAUWERYS . (1990). Industrial exposure and biological monitoring of monochlorobenzene. Abstract. (p. 283).
- ROLF W. AHLBERG, J. MAKI-PAAKKANEN, S. OSTERMAN-GOLKAR, P. PFAFFLI, M. SORSA . (1990). Genotoxicity and exposure assessment in manufacturing of 1,3-butadiene. Abstract. (p. 284).
- CHRISTOPHER D. MONEY, M. RACKHAM, E.L. TEASDALE . (1990). The use of generic risk assessment in the harmonization of workplace standards in the pharmaceutical industry. Abstract. (p. 285).
- DANICA PRPIC-MAJIC, L.J. SKENDER, V. KARACIC, T. SOFILIC . (1990). Combined exposure to phenol and heavy metals. Abstract. (p. 286).
- WILLIAM R. WADDELL, M. ROY, S. SIU, P. KENNEDY . (1990). Worker exposure to lead titanate zirconate in an Ontario company. Abstract. (p. 287).
- DENISE PHANEUF, C. VIAU, M. GERIN . (1990). Étude des effets néphrotoxiques de l’exposition professionelle aux carburants d’aviation. Abstract. (p. 290).
- AKIO SATO, K. YAMAGUCHI, T. NAKAJIMA, T. KANEKO . (1990). Occupational trichloroethylene causes pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis?. Abstract. (p. 291).
- MAURIZIO MANNO, M. RUGGE, V. COCHEO . (1990). Double fatal occupational exposure to methylene chloride. Abstract. (p. 292).
- BERNARD CESTIN, J.C. CONTASSOT, R. MILLISCHER, M. BENECH, J.J. FOURNIES . (1990). À propos de 4 cas d’intoxication au chlorure de méthyle (ch3Cl). Abstract. (p. 293).
- ANDRE BURGMEIER, F. PARROT, M. BONOMI, X. POLLET, J.J. FREYSS . (1990). Évaluation des risques majeurs liés au stockage d’acrylonitrile – plans d’intervention d’urgence. Abstract. (p. 294).
- TAKASHI MUTO, H. SAKURAI, K. OMAE, H. MINAGUCHI . (1990). Health profiles of workers exposed to acrylonitrile. Abstract. (p. 295).
- TOSHIAKI HIGASHI, H. SAKURAI, K. OMAE, Y. BABA . (1990). Cross-sectional study of respiratory heart rate variations and symptoms in rayon textile workers. Abstract. (p. 296).
- GARY LISS . (1990). Proportional mortality in a polyester manufacturing facility in Ontario. Abstract. (p. 297).
- ILEN R. DANSE . (1990). Toxic effects observed in workers engaged in contemporary manufacture or use of uncured plastics and related materials. Abstract. (p. 298).
- YEA-QUEY WU, J.-D. WANG . (1990). Abnormal liver function among the employees of pvc polymerization plants. Abstract. (p. 299).
- AKIHISA HARADA, K. HASHIMOTO, J. SAITO, M. HANZAWA . (1990). Studies on structure-activity relationships of aniline derivatives. Abstract. (p. 300).
- BENGT AKESSON, B. STAHLBOM, T. LUNDH, I. FIOREN . (1990). Visual disturbances after exposure to dimethylethylamine (DMEA). Abstract. (p. 301).
- TAKESHI TANIGAWA, S. ARAKI, N. TAMIYA, S. ISHIZU, T. ARAKI . (1990). A decrease in the CD4 positive t-lymphocytes among workers exposed to chromate and aromatic amines. Abstract. (p. 302).
- CHARLES H. HINE, U. DE SILVA . (1990). Lung cancer following exposures to metal working fluids (mwf). Abstract. (p. 303).
- MARY KINOULTY, J.A. TOMENSON, J.L. BONSALL, P. NATKANSKI . (1990). A clinical survey of lung function in paraquat formulation workers. Abstract. (p. 304).
- JULES BRODEUR, S. LAPARE, R. TARDIF . (1990). Ajustement des valeurs limites tolérables des solvants dans l’air (TLV) en fonction de l’allongement des horaires de travail. Abstract. (p. 305).
- MILAN PAVLOVIC, M. ARSENOVIC, DJ. MARKOVIC, S. STEFANOVIC, P. STARCEVIC . (1990). Pulmonary ventilation disorders in fertilized factory workers. Abstract. (p. 306).
- DORDE VUKADINOVIC . (1990). The importance of the anthropometric and functional data for a long-term medical prognosis in construction industry occupations. Abstract. (p. 308).
- PERTTI KIVI . (1990). Owas – analysis of working postures in the construction industry. Abstract. (p. 309).
- BJÖRN OLOF AHLBORG, B. KNAVE, B. PALM, R. WIBOM . (1990). Vision ergonomy in Swedish construction workers. Abstract. (p. 310).
- JOHN A. VANDER DOELEN, G.R. WRIGHT . (1990). An investigation of the physical demands of concrete reinforcement work tasks. Abstract. (p. 311).
- JAN TOILQVIST, G. TOMLING, A. ASKERGREN, N. HALLING, C. HOGSTEDT, B. SALOMON, E. STALFORS, A. SZAMOSI . (1990). Will long-term concrete work increase the risk for silicosis?. Abstract. (p. 312).
- ANDRE SIMPSON, J.-P. VIGNEAULT . (1990). La surdité professionnelle chez les travailleurs du secteur bâtiment et travaux publics, examinés par les D.S.C. et les C.L.S.C. du Québec. Abstract. (p. 313).
- TONY FLETCHER, A. ENGLUND . (1990). Lung cancer attributable to occupation in the Swedish construction industry. Abstract. (p. 314).
- ANDERS ENGLUND, A.C. FLETCHER . (1990). Swedish painters and lung cancer: smoking and time trends. Abstract. (p. 315).
- MONICA MELLGREN, G. ENGHOLM, L. HAJAS, H. LÖWING, J. TOLLQVIST . (1990). Reduced prevalence of noise induced hearing loss in the Swedish construction industry; an effect of preventive measures?. Abstract. (p. 316).
- BARBRO M. OLOFSSON, S. NORLANDER, H. WOS, B.O. AHLBORG . (1990). Female construction painter work loads: a comparison of male and female painters. Abstract. (p. 318).
- EVA STALFORS, A. ASKERGREN . (1990). Occupational history of construction workers: a comparison of occupational history. Abstract. (p. 319).
- PAUL FRIMAT, F. SIX, N. CARLIN, H. LEMIRE, A. FRAISSE . (1990). Élaboration d’un outil d’analyse et d’évaluation des conditions de travail sur les chantiers du B.T.P.. Abstract. (p. 320).
- ALAIN CANTINEAU, M. GONZALEZ, L. GUCEVE, B. POISSON . (1990). Le stress dans les petites entreprises du B.T.P.. Abstract. (p. 321).
- EVA HOLMSTRÖM, J. LINDELL, U. MORITZ . (1990). Low back pain in construction workers – physical and psychosocial risk factors. Abstract. (p. 322).
- CHRISTIAN VERGER, P. LAUNAY, N. CARLIN, F. SIX, P. FRIMAT, A. PELE . (1990). Étude ergonomique de la mise en place de tours d’etaiement. Abstract. (p. 323).
- JUKKA KIVEKAS . (1990). Pneumoconiotic findings in women cleaners at construction sites. Abstract. (p. 324).
- PIERRE POULIN, G. HANDFIELD, J. LEFEBVRE, M. LEGRIS, G. ROUSSEAU, C. LAFORTUNE . (1990). L’exposition au bruit de travailleurs de l’industrie de la construction: charpentiers-menuisiers, opérateurs d’équipements lourds, grutiers, ferrailleurs. Abstract. (p. 325).
- MASAO ABE, T. UEHATA, T. CHIDA, Y. YAMAZAKI . (1990). A study on job stress and health in construction workers. Abstract. (p. 326).
- TUSHAR KANT JOSHI . (1990). Consequences of a tough legislation on health and safety at work in a developing country. Abstract. (p. 328).
- OYEBISI ABIODUN ADELAJA . (1990). Occupational health services in developing countries – Nigeria experience. Abstract. (p. 329).
- TAH-CHEW TAN, L. WONG TOI LING . (1990). Major factors associated with noise induced hearing loss in industrial workers in Hong Kong. Abstract. (p. 330).
- J. LADOU . (1990). Hazardous wastes and developing countries. Abstract. (p. 331).
- KWANG-HO MENG . (1990). Health status of female workers in 5 different types of manufacturing industries in Korea and quantitative analysis of their health risk factors. Abstract. (p. 332).
- MADLYN W. STEIN, M.K. MAIGA . (1990). Development of occupational health services for gold miners in rural West Africa. Abstract. (p. 333).
- ABDELKADER SEMID, M. LARBI . (1990). La surveillance de l’exposition aux ambiances toxiques dans les pays en voie de développement. Abstract. (p. 336).
- MARCO SEGRE . (1990). Ethics in occupational health. Abstract. (p. 337).
- NACIBA KEDDARI, M. BAAMARA, A. BELLABES, H. BOUGUERMOUH . (1990). La femme au travail en milieu urbain algérien: résultats d’une enquête et stratégie appliquée dans la prévention des risques professionels. Abstract. (p. 338).
- JUNG-DER WANG . (1990). Form conjecture and refutation to the documentation of occupational diseases in Taiwan. Abstract. (p. 339).
- CHUL-WHAN CHA, K. KIM, S. CHANG . (1990). A study on the effect of improvement of work environment and segregation in a fluorescent lamp manufacturing factory. Abstract. (p. 340).
- JAMINI KANTA MAHAPATRA . (1990). Health profile of post-forty executives in a steel plant in India. Abstract. (p. 341).
- HOCINE LEBDJIRI, A. NEZZAL, A.Z. NEZZAL, I. NOVAL . (1990). Surveillance du taux de carboxyhémoglobine chez les travailleurs de la cokerie. Abstract. (p. 342).
- SERGE-ANDRE GIRARD, Y. CANTIN, A. NEZZAL, M. VEZINA . (1990). Évaluation d’un programme interuniversitaire de coopération pour l’enseignement en médecine du travail en Algérie. Abstract. (p. 343).
- MUSA K. JINADU, B.A. FAJEWONYOMI . (1990). Occupational health problems in logging industry in Nigeria. Abstract. (p. 344).
- MARKO MUSTAC, T. VUKELIC-BATURIC, V. ZUNIC . (1990). Prognostic value of ventilatory lung function in marine high school students. Abstract. (p. 345).
- MANOLIS KOGEVINAS, K. L'ABBE, P.A. BERTAZZI, H.B. BUENO DE MESQUITA, D. COGGON, L.M. GREEN, E.S. JOHNSON, T. KAUPPINEN, M. LITTORIN, E. LYNGE, J.D. MATHEWS, M. A NEUBERGER, N. PEARCE, P. THOMAS, R. WINKELMANN, R. SARACCI . (1990). The IARC international register of persons exposed to phenoxy herbicides. First results. Abstract. (p. 348).
- SHELIA HOAR ZAHM, D.D. WEISENBURGER, M. WARD, P.A. BABBITT, F.F. HOLMES, C.D. BOYSEN, R.J. ROBEL, R. SAAL, J.B. VAUGHT, A. BLAIR . (1990). Agricultural pesticide use and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the midwestern United States. Abstract. (p. 349).
- KAI MARKUS SAVOLAINEN, P. KURTTIO . (1990). Ethylenethiourea in air and in urine: implications to exposure to ethylenbisdithiocarbamate fungicides. Abstract. (p. 350).
- TOSHIO MATSUSHITA, K. AOYAMA, A. UEDA, F. MANDA, T. UEDA, K. OBAMA, Q. LI, Z. WANG, J. HUANG . (1990). Studies on skin lesions from agricultural chemicals. Abstract. (p. 351).
- MICHAEL O'MALLEY, C. SMITH, R. KRIEGER, S. MARGETICH . (1990). Dermatitis among stone fruit harvesters in Tulare country, California. Abstract. (p. 352).
- ANNE CHERIN, F. DESJEUX, R. LOOSLI, F. CONSO . (1990). Protocole d’évaluation qualitative de la contamination externe par les herbicides lors du désherbage des voies ferrées. Abstract. (p. 353).
- MARCO MARONI, F. LA FERLA . (1990). The international centre for pesticide safety. Abstract. (p. 356).
- SHOU-ZHENG XUE, M. WANG, F. LI, X.Z. JIANG, Z.-J. ZHOU, Y.-I. WANG . (1990). The risk assessment of occupational exposure to chlordimeform. Abstract. (p. 357).
- MARGIT KOLLER, M. KUNDI, M. HAIDER, M. HARMA . (1990). Circadian desynchronisation of permanent night workers in relation to light exposure. Abstract. (p. 360).
- ALEXANDER A.I. WEDDERBURN, M. ROBSON . (1990). Women’s shiftwork affects their partners too (and vice versa). Abstract. (p. 361).
- FUMIO KOBAYASHI, T. WATANABE, K. SUMI, H. FURUI, T. TANAKA, T. NAKAGAWA . (1990). The effect of shiftwork and time of day on the blood pressure in normotensive and hypertensive workers. Abstract. (p. 362).
- NORIO KURUMATANI, S. KOHDA, A. HISASHIGE, S. NAKAGIRI, K. SAKAI, Y. SAITOH, H. AOYAMA, T. MORIYAMA . (1990). Time budget analysis on daily activities of hospital nurses working under three-shift system in Japan. Abstract. (p. 363).
- KAZUKO MORI, K. SAKAI, A. WATANABE . (1990). Urinary catecholamine excretion during work and sleep in morning and night shifts of three-shift workers. Abstract. (p. 364).
- DAVID BAXTER, K. HAHN, S. HOLMES . (1990). The circadian factor in canadian police departments: a chronobiological survey of 22 police department shift systems in Canada. Abstract. (p. 365).
- YUICHIRO ONO, K. MATSUMOTO, S. WATANABE, S. KANEKO, M. MIYAO, T. UEHATA . (1990). Sleep and fatigue of air cabin attendants on long flights 1. Effects of flights and resting conditions on complaints. Abstract. (p. 368).
- KAZUYA MATSUMOTO, Y. ONO, S. WATANABE, S. KANEKO, M. MIYAO, T. UEHATA . (1990). Sleep and fatigue of air cabin attendants on long flights 2. The effects of flights and time differential on sleep. Abstract. (p. 369).
- SYUHEL KANEKO, S. WATANABE, Y. ONO, M. MIYAO, K. MATUMOTO, T. UEHATA . (1990). On fatigue of air cabin attendants in domestic routes. Abstract. (p. 370).
- RENE BOULARD, M. VEZINA, M.A. TELLE-LAMBERTON . (1990). Impacts psychologiques de l’organisation temporelle du travail chez les travailleurs des navires de la garde côtière canadienne. Abstract. (p. 371).
- TARIJA HAKOLA, V. LOUHEVAARA . (1990). Physical stress and strain during the evening and night shifts in manual sorting of postal parcels. Abstract. (p. 372).
- ABDELMALEK NEZZAL, F. BOURAJ, M. BENCHAAR, N. BIKEHIA . (1990). Travail en rythme alterné et effet sur le sommeil chez les travailleurs d’une aciérie. Abstract. (p. 373).
- LEENA PIIKIVI, H. HANNINEN, U. TOLONEN, A. RUOKONEN . (1990). Health effects of low level, long-term exposure to metallic mercury vapour. Abstract. (p. 376).
- OSWALD JAHN, D.H. PETZI, V. MEISINGER, G. CICHINI, J. ZEITLHOFER, E. SCHUSTER . (1990). Mercury intoxication in tunneling underground workers due to an ancient mercury-waste depot. Abstract. (p. 377).
- REIKO KISHI, R. DOI, Y. FUKUCHI, H. SATOH, T. SATOH, A. ONO, F. MORIWAKA, K. TASHIRO, N. TAKAHATA . (1990). Neurobehavioral performances of ex-mercury miners at an average of 18 years after the cessation of chronic exposure to mercury vapor – a case referent study. Abstract. (p. 378).
- KEE-SENG CHIA, C.N. ONG, J. JEYARATNAM, H.Y. ONG . (1990). Renal tubular function of workers with short duration of cadmium exposure. Abstract. (p. 379).
- GUNNAR NORDBERG, T. JIN, M. NORDBERG . (1990). Concentration of cadmium in the kidney cortex giving rise to tubular proteinuria. Abstract. (p. 380).
- HARRY ROELS, R. LAUWERYS, A. BERNARD, J.P. BUCHET, A. VOS, M. OVERSTEYNS . (1990). Functional renal reserve capacity in workers exposed to cadmium: a validation of a previously proposed biological limit value for urinary cadmium. Abstract. (p. 381).
- SANDRO BINASCHI, G. GIARDINA, M.C. BOSSI, G. SARCLETTI, A. REZZONICO . (1990). Cadmium and renal cancer. Abstract. (p. 382).
- ARNE WENNBERG, G. CIZINSKY, M. HAGMAN, A. IREGREN, L. JOHANSSON, G. STRUWE . (1990). Manganese exposure in Swedish steel smelteries – a health hazard to the nervous system. Abstract. (p. 383).
- TSUGUYOSHI SUZUKI, N. MATSUO, J. YOSHINAGA, H. AKAGI . (1990). Comparison of mercury levels in scalp hair with those in brain in contemporary Japanese. Abstract. (p. 384).
- SPOMENKA TELISMAN, P. CVITKOVIC, Z. PAPIC, D. PRPIC-MAJIC . (1990). Semen quality of workers exposed to inorganic lead. Abstract. (p. 385).
- MICHELE MELONI, C. FIORE, P. FRAU, P. CHERCHI, D. CASULA . (1990). Capillarosopic studies in subjects occupationally exposed to lead risk. Abstract. (p. 386).
- YASUSHI KODAMA, I. TANAKA, K. MATSUNO, S. ISHIMATSU, A. HORIE . (1990). Comparative deposition and clearance of various nickel compounds exposed by inhalation in rats. Abstract. (p. 387).
- KAZUO NOMIYAMA, H. NOMIYAMA . (1990). Low protein diet, a factor aggravating chronic toxicities of chemicals. Abstract. (p. 390).
- TADASHI SAKAI, T. ARAKI, K. USHIO . (1990). A simple and rapid method for determining cdpc and cdpe, and lead effects on nucleotide metabolism. Abstract. (p. 391).
- HARUHIKO SAKURAI, M. ONODERA, K. OMAE, M. KAMAKURA, K. HOSODA, T. SATOH, M. NAKAZA . (1990). Relationship between low-level cadmium exposure and renal effects in nickel-cadmium battery workers. Abstract. (p. 392).
- HIROSHI SATOH, R. DOI, R. KISHI, N. TAKAHATA, F. MORIWAKA, K. TASHIRO, Y. FUKUCHI . (1990). Health examination of workers formerly employed at a mercury mine in Hokkaido, Japan. Abstract. (p. 393).
- TOM BURBACHER, N.K. MOTTET, D. SHEN, L. FRIBERG, B. LIND, M. NYLANDER, M. VAHTER . (1990). The distribution of HgCl2 and CH3 HgOH in the brain and kidneys of primates. Abstract. (p. 394).
- MASAYOSHI ICHIBA, K. TOMOKUNI . (1990). Biological monitoring of lead exposure using erythrocyte pyrimidine 5′ -nucleotidase (p5n) test. Abstract. (p. 395).
- KEIKO AOSHIMA, M. KASUYA . (1990). Bone loss related to the degree of cadmium-induced renal tubular disfunction. Abstract. (p. 396).
- HISAO NISHIMURA, N. NISHIMURA, C. TOHYAMA . (1990). Immunohistochemical localization of metallothionein in the reproductive organs of male and female rats. Abstract. (p. 397).
- DAG ELLINGSEN, A. ANDERSEN, T. MØRLAND, H. KJUUS . (1990). Neurophysiological investigation of workers exposed to mercury at a chlor-alkali plant. Abstract. (p. 398).
- NORIKO NISHIMURA, H. NISHIMURA, A. NAKANO, A. GHAFFAR, C. TOHYAMA . (1990). Localization of metallothionein in silver-treated rats and mice. Abstract. (p. 399).
- EVGENIJE HOSOSVSKI, A. VIDAKOVIC, DJ. SUNDERIC . (1990). Kidney injuries due to inhalation of copper dust and fumes. Abstract. (p. 400).
- BRANISLAVA STANISIC, A. VIDAKOVIC, V. MITIC, A. KOSTIC . (1990). Concentration of some plasma proteins during occupational exposure to metals. Abstract. (p. 401).
- A. ROY CHOWDHURY . (1990). Assessment of testicular impairment after methyl mercury treatment in rats. Abstract. (p. 402).
- KEIKO TAKAHASHI, H. YAMAUCHI, Y. YAMAMURA . (1990). Toxicity and metabolism of trimethylarsine. Abstract. (p. 403).
- JUICHIRO MIYAZAWA, H. YUI, Y. OHYA, R. KOBAYASHI . (1990). Toxicology of organic tin compounds: iii variation of serum lipids and enzymes within a week at subacute administration. Abstract. (p. 404).
- VEIKKO LOUHEVAARA, T. HAKOLA, H. OLLILA . (1990). Physical stress and strain during manual sorting of postal parcels. Abstract. (p. 406).
- BERNHARD KAMPMANN, P. MORTELD, C. PIEKARSKI . (1990). Stress and physiological strain atunderground working places during installation and withdrawal of face support in West German hard coal mining. Abstract. (p. 407).
- CLAUDINE DE JONGHE, R. LEONARD, V. DUVIVIER, J.L. CLAISSE, R. HALLOT . (1990). Travail sur pylônes. Abstract. (p. 408).
- KAJ BO VEIERSTED . (1990). The reproducibility of a calibration procedure for repeated electromyographic (emg) recordings. Abstract. (p. 409).
- PHILIPPE MAIRIAUX, J. MALCHAIRE . (1990). Intra-abdominal pressure variation as an index of lumbar stress. Abstract. (p. 410).
- JACQUES MALCHAIRE, P. MAIRIAUX . (1990). Modelling of sweat rate in fluctuating ambient conditions. Abstract. (p. 411).
- JACQUES GARRON, A. GAVAULT, M. BLONDET, J. PINGUET . (1990). Conception et réalisation d’un appareil destiné à l’examen de la fonction visuelle. Abstract. (p. 412).
- TOHRU SAKAI, K. YOSHIDA, H. SAKURAI, H. KONDO . (1990). Visual functional changes by the introduction of visual display terminals. Abstract. (p. 413).
- FRANCO TALAMO, G. BRIATICO-VANGOSA, E. COLOMBO, V. BAREGGI, G. DE SANTI . (1990). The visual fatigue syndrome: evaluation in a group of VDT workers by measuring the refractive power of the eye and by ergoophthalmological tests. Abstract. (p. 414).
- FRANCIS N. DUKES-DOBOS, CLIFFORD M. GROSS . (1990). Establishment of the least stressful conditions for performing a lifting task. Abstract. (p. 416).
- CLAS-HAKAN NYGARD, S. LUSA, V. LOUHEVAARA, M. HARMA . (1990). Effect of a training intervention on firemen’s physical work capacity. Abstract. (p. 417).
- MARTINE GOZLAN-SAVARO, J.C. SAGOT, L. BOITEL . (1990). Validation d’une méthode de mesure du metabolisme de travail en milieu tropical; la méthode de Spitzer et Hettinger. Abstract. (p. 418).
- SIRKKA RISSANEN, J. SMOLANDER, V. LOUHEVAARA . (1990). Metabolic and thermal responses during asbestos removal work – A field study. Abstract. (p. 419).
- MASATOSHI TANAKA . (1990). Effects of combined thermal condition and noise stress on mental performance and physiological functions. Abstract. (p. 420).
- MICHIEL DE LOOZE, H.M. TOUSSAINT, H. BUSMAN, L. KINGMA . (1990). A linked segment model applied to lifting. Abstract. (p. 421).
- MASAO ISHIZAKI, Y. YAMADA, R. HONDA, I. TSURITANI, T. KIDO . (1990). Usefulness of an ambulatory blood pressure monitor, at work. Abstract. (p. 422).
- TAKASHI HORIKAWA, H. MITO, T. SHIMIZU . (1990). Effects on the finger tip temperature concerning the single finger key-touching task. Abstract. (p. 423).
- FRIEDRICH TIEFENBRUNNER, L. CHAREMTANYERAK, M. DIERICH, E. BAUMGARTNER . (1990). Chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood cells of steel workers exposed to diethylamine. Abstract. (p. 426).
- KANEHISA MORIMOTO . (1990). Do the genetic factors affect the sensitivity to the induction of chromosome damage by benzene and its metabolite?. Abstract. (p. 427).
- ANTHONY YARDLEY-JONES, D. ANDERSON, D.P. LOVELL, P.C. JENKINSON . (1990). An analysis of numerous genotoxic end-points in a population occupationally exposed to low levels of benzene – a personal experience. Abstract. (p. 428).
- ØYVIND JELMERT, J.T. KARLSEN, I.C. STRIDSKLEV, I.L. HANSTEEN, S. LANGARD . (1990). Cytogenetic investigation of stainless steel welders. Abstract. (p. 430).
- GINJI ENDO, K. KURODA, A. OKAMOTO, I. KIYOTA, S. HORIGUCHI . (1990). Mutagenicity of arsenic compounds; clastgenicity of dimethylarsenic acid. Abstract. (p. 431).
- PIROUZ SHIRALI, T. MAREZ, C. NISSE, J.-M. HAGUENOER . (1990). Augmentation du nombre d’échanges de chromatides soeurs (sce) au niveau des lymphocytes de personnes exposées au méthacrylate de mithyle (mam). Abstract. (p. 432).
- HIDESUKE SHIMIZU, Y. SUZUKI, J. LI, T. NAGASHIMA, M. NAKAGAWA . (1990). The effects of a magnetic field on the mutagenic activity and micronucleus inducibility by some chemicals. Abstract. (p. 433).
- YUJI SUZUKI, J. LI, H. SHIMIZU, T. NAGASHIMA . (1990). The cytogenetic effects of sodium fluoride. Abstract. (p. 434).
- GUNNAR JR. AHLBORG, L. BODIN . (1990). Tobacco smoke exposure and fetal death among women who worked during pregnancy. Abstract. (p. 436).
- HELENA TASKINEN, P. KYYRÖNEN, K. HEMMINKI . (1990). Spontaneous abortion and laboratory work. Abstract. (p. 437).
- MARJA-LIISA LINDBOHM, M. SALLMEN, M. HIETANEN, H. TASKINEN, M. PEKKARINEN, M. YLIKOSKI, K. HEMMINKI . (1990). Spontaneous abortions and work with video display terminals. Abstract. (p. 438).
- AGATHE CROTEAU, M. VEZINA, R. PLANTE . (1990). Issues de grossesses des travailleuses sur le territoire du dsc du chul – évaluation de l’impact du retrait préventif de la travailleuse enceinte. Abstract. (p. 440).
- JEAN-MARIE HAGUENOER, M. ROMON-ROUSSEAUX, C. FOURRIER-LABRIFFE, P. FRIMAT . (1990). Étude de l’influence du travail et de l’environnement sur le poids de naissance. Abstract. (p. 441).
- KOJI MORI, M. KAIDO, K. FUJISHIRO, N. INOUE . (1990). Testicular toxicity and alterations of glutathione metabolism resulting from chronic inhalation of ethylene oxide in rats. Abstract. (p. 442).
- HENRIK NORDMAN, J. UITTI, J. SAVOLAINEN, L. HALMEPURO . (1990). Allergenic cross-reactivity between fur animals and domestic animals. Abstract. (p. 445).
- ERIK LINDBERG . (1990). Work-related hypersensitivity treated with gamma-linolenic acid: a report of 7 cases. Abstract. (p. 446).
- JAMES NETHERCOTT, D.L. HOLNESS . (1990). Follow-up study of workers with occupational contact dermatitis. Abstract. (p. 447).
- BERNARD DAVID . (1990). Dermatoses dues aux acrylates polyfonctionnels dans la fabrication des polymères radcures – étude des diéthilène glycol diacrylate et tripropylène glycol diacrylate (degda et tpgda). Abstract. (p. 448).
- GERALD RHEAULT, L.-P. DUROCHER . (1990). LE préjudice esthétique: une nouvelle méthode d’évaluation. Abstract. (p. 449).
- NICOLA MAGNAVITA, A. SACCO, N. CASTELLINO . (1990). Morphea and systemic sclerosis in occupational medicine. Abstract. (p. 450).
- PATRICIA DERRIEN, F. GIRAULT, R. MILLISCHER, J.-C. CONTASSOT . (1990). Un cas d’eczema récidivant au tertio butyl p.catechol. Abstract. (p. 452).
- JUN HUANG, X.P. WANG, B.M. CHEN, X.J. ZHOU, A.F. HUANG, L.M. TRO, T. MATSUSHITA . (1990). Experimental study on dose-response relationship of chemical sensitization. Abstract. (p. 453).
- DANIEL M. LEWIS, T.A. BLEDSOE . (1990). Cross-reactivity of laboratory animal allergens: inter and intra species studies. Abstract. (p. 454).
- JUKKA A. UITTI, H. NORDMAN, L. HALMEPURO, J. SAVOLAINEN . (1990). Prevalence of fur animal allergy and respiratory symptoms among furriers and fur farmers. Abstract. (p. 455).
- JUHA LIIRA, M. KOTIMAA, K. HUSMAN . (1990). Respiratory symptoms and microbial exposure in Finnish sawmill workers. Abstract. (p. 456).
- MILICA GOMZI . (1990). Relationship of respiratory disorders and serum immunoglobuline concentration in workers exposed to irritants. Abstract. (p. 457).
- SAY GARK ONG, T.H. LAM, L.M. HO, C.M. WONG . (1990). Byssinosis and textile related respiratory problems in Hong Kong. Abstract. (p. 460).
- STEPHEN A. OLENCHOCK, D.C. CHRISTIANI, T.-T. YE, P.-I. LU . (1990). Airborne dust and endotoxin concentrations in various work environments within two cotton textile mills in the people’s republic of china. Abstract. (p. 461).
- JEAN-DOMINIQUE DEWITTE, G. ROBINET, C. LEROYER, P. PHILIPPON, F. VISCONTI, J. CLAVIER, C. VERGER, J.P. CURTES . (1990). Conséquences sur l’appareil respiratoire, de l’exposition aux poussières de soja: étude des dockers de ports de déchargement. Abstract. (p. 462).
- CHARLES BOULENGUEZ, J.-L. EDME, J.-C. THUILLIER, M.-A. CADIOT, G. QUELQUEJEU, C. HUBERT, D. FURON . (1990). Enquête respiratoire chez les teilleurs de lin. Abstract. (p. 464).
- DAVID AKUBAN OGARAM, D.K. SEKIMPI, E.F. AGABA, M. OKOT NWANG . (1990). The dust profile in coffee processing industry in Uganda. Abstract. (p. 465).
- DEOGRATIAS KAHEERU SEKIMPI, E.F. AGABA, M. OKOT NWANG, D.A. OGARAM . (1990). Respiratory and allergic status assessment of coffee dust exposed workers in Uganda. Abstract. (p. 466).
- LORRAINE CAMERON, J.L. MORRISON, R.M. BRACKBILL, T.M. FRAZIER . (1990). Health status of agricultural workers in the united states. Abstract. (p. 468).
- PAUL D. SIEGEL, S.A. OLENCHOCK, D.S. PRATT, J.J. MAY, D.M. LEWIS, W.G. SORENSON . (1990). Histamine contamination of hay associated with respiratory disease. Abstract. (p. 469).
- MARILYN REDDY . (1990). Respiratory health surveillance and wellness promotion for grain workers. Abstract. (p. 470).
- JACQUES LAVOIE, Y. CORMIER, A. MERIAUX . (1990). La microflore de l’air ambiant des porcheries. Abstract. (p. 471).
- KELLEY J. DONHAM, J.A. MERCHANT, D. LASSISE . (1990). Prevention of respiratory disease in swine workers, through applied epidemiology, education and consultation. Abstract. (p. 472).
- KAJ HUSMAN, P. SUSITAIVAL, I. VOHLONEN, L. HUSMAN, M. HORSMANHEIMO, V. NOTKOLA . (1990). The prevalence, causes and prognosis of hand dermatoses among Finnish farmers – a questionnaire study. Abstract. (p. 473).
- BENGT GUSTAFSSON . (1990). Musculoskeletal problems in Swedish dairy farmers. Abstract. (p. 474).
- ANNUNZIATA FAUSTINI, F. FORASTIERE, L. DI BETTA, M.E. MAGLIOLA, C.A. PERUCCI . (1990). A historical cohort of farmers in central Italy. Abstract. (p. 476).
- PAUL A. DEMERS, L. ROSENSTOCK . (1990). Occupational injuries and illnesses among agricultural workers: a review of workers’ compensation for farm workers in the state of Washington 1982-1986. Abstract. (p. 477).
- ANTTI TOSSAVAINEN, T. SALMI . (1990). Fungal spores in horse stables. Abstract. (p. 478).
- ATSUSHI UEDA, T. UEDA, K. AOYAMA, Q. LI, T. MATSUSHITA, M. TOKUNAGA, Y. KASHIDA, H. FUKUNAGA . (1990). Hypersensitivity pneumonitis among cattle raising farmers in Japan. Abstract. (p. 479).
- DOMINIQUE CHOUDAT, M.-H. MARTIN, J.D. DEWITTE, M. GOEHEN, G. MAILLARD, S. ARAB, P. SAUVAGET, B. DELEMOTTE, F. CONSO . (1990). Manifestations respiratoires et réactivité bronchique chez les éleveurs de porcs et les agriculteurs. Abstract. (p. 480).
- MICHEL GOEHEN, J.C. BELLEC, M.-H. MARTIN, Y. GELARD, Y. COURTAY, B. DELEMOTTE, D. CHOUDAT . (1990). L’exposition au bruit en élevage intensif de porcs – existe-t-il une répercussion auditive?. Abstract. (p. 481).
- JAMES A. DOSMAN, H.H. MCDUFFIE, P. PAHWA, D.J. COTTON, B.L. GRAHAM . (1990). Skin test atopy as determinant of job decision making in workers exposed to grain dust. Abstract. (p. 482).
- MARINA MUSTI, M. SCORZIELLO, D. CAVONE, M. DENICOLO, P. SCARAMOZZINO, A. MANTOVANI . (1990). Information system for the surveillance of zoonosis and risks connected with breedings and related industries. Abstract. (p. 483).
- PETER GERARD WIN SMULDERS . (1990). A comparison of the work and health situation of twelve professional groups in health care institutions in the Netherlands. Abstract. (p. 486).
- HIKMET J. JAMIL, F.A.K. MOHAMMED, W.A. MUSTAQ . (1990). Prevalence of backpain and varicose veins among the nurses in Baghdad city hospitals. Abstract. (p. 487).
- YURIKO IWATSUBO, M.F. ROUXEL, A.M. BARRIQUAND, P. MAMY, C. PATERNOTTE, P. BROCHARD . (1990). Low back pain among day-care center employees. Abstract. (p. 488).
- MYRNA MCGLLL, A. YASSI . (1990). Incidence, determinants and follow-up of accidental exposures to blood and body fluids in health care workers. Abstract. (p. 489).
- LEE WUGOFSKI, K. GROSSINGER, L. REESE, C. ISHIDA . (1990). Utilization of a joint labor-management task force to investigate appropriate handling of infections waste sharps containers. Abstract. (p. 490).
- BERNARD GOUAILLE, D. ABITEBOUL . (1990). Bilan de 7 ans de vaccination contre l’hépatite B à l’assistnce publique – Hôpitaux de Paris. Abstract. (p. 491).
- IAN S. SYMINGTON, A. WINTER . (1990). Comparison of “standard” and “rapid” hepatitis B vaccination schedules in health care workers. Abstract. (p. 492).
- JEAN-FRANCOIS CAILLARD, P. CZERNICHOW, A. LEPOUTRE, J.-J. FAURE, Y. MARET, J. FRENKIEL, I. RAGAZZINI . (1990). Étude coût-avantage de 3 stratégies vaccinales contre l’hépatite virale B en milieu hospitalier. Abstract. (p. 493).
- ANDRE ARSENAULT, M.-R. VAN AMERINGEN, C. LEONARD, S. DOLAN . (1990). The predictive value of work-organization related stressors on markers of hospital wards dysfunction: are the workers running away for their health?. Abstract. (p. 494).
- KIM OLIVER, D. WALLACE, L. WHEELER, O. MALIK, D. MOZZON, E. SULLIVAN . (1990). Exposure to anesthetic vapours/gases and other airborne contaminants at veterinary clinics/hospitals in Ontario. Abstract. (p. 495).
- MICHEI PETITOT, J. LENA, J.J. PERON, A. PERON . (1990). Étude des concentrations de l’atmosphère en produits contenus dans un nouveau procédé de désinfection terminale exempt d’aldéhydes. Abstract. (p. 496).
- MADELEINE ESTRYN-BEHAR, S. HUBERT, N. BONNET . (1990). Le travail des femmes à l’hôpital aux différents horaires: liasons avec la santé et la vie sociale. Abstract. (p. 497).
- RENEE BOURBONNAIS, A. VINET, M. VEZINA . (1990). L’organisation du travail et l’absence pour maladie de longue durée. Abstract. (p. 500).
- BETH ANN SWAN, C.D. CONNOR, F. SHOFER . (1990). A survey of health care workers with needlestick and blood or body fluid exposures. Abstract. (p. 501).
- DENIS LALIBERTE, G. LETOURNEAU . (1990). Étude de séroprévalence des marquers de l’hépatite B réalisée chez une population de techniciens ambulanciers québécois. Abstract. (p. 502).
- TAKEHIRO KADOWAKI, T. TAKATA, K. IMAI, Y. AIZAWA, K. NAKAMURA, K. HASHIMOTO, M. TOMINAGA, H. TATSUMI, M. FURUYA . (1990). A system for disposal of infectious waste in hospitals. Abstract. (p. 503).
- CHRISTIANE TEYSSIER-COTTE, J. MEUDIC, J.M. LAMANT, H.S. BASCIL . (1990). Mobilité rachidienne et lombalgies: compte rendu d’une enquête rétrospective et transversale. Abstract. (p. 504).
- CHRISTINE LEONARD, A. ARSENAULT, M.-R. VAN AMERINGEN, S. DOLAN . (1990). Work-organization related stressors as predictors of the quality of life outside work: empirical evidence of a spillover effect on hospital workers’ psychosocial well-being. Abstract. (p. 505).
- SHIMON DOLAN, A. ARSENAULT, M.-R. VAN AMERINGEN, C. LEONARD . (1990). Test-retest reliability of a stress questionnaire aimed at work-organization related constraints in hospital work: the case of emergency wards and intensive care units. Abstract. (p. 506).
- MARIE REINE VAN AMERINGEN, A. ARSENAULT, C. LEONARD, S. DOLAN . (1990). Stress in emergency wards and intensive care units: effects of feedback and training on workers’ perceptions of problems and level of disenchantment. Abstract. (p. 507).
- BO MODIG . (1990). The importance of psychological and social factors on work presence within nurses in the ages of 30-50 presenting medical symptoms of cervicobrachial occupational disease seen from a biopsychosocial perspective. Abstract. (p. 508).
- DARIA GABORIEAU, A. YASSI, J. ELIAS, I. GILLESPIE . (1990). The noise hazard in a large health care facility. Abstract. (p. 509).
- PAUL D. BLANC, P. KATZ, E. YELIN . (1990). Risk factors for mortality among the working as compared to the non-working elderly. Abstract. (p. 512).
- JUHANI ILMARINEN . (1990). The relationship between physical activity, work and health of aging municipal employees. Abstract. (p. 513).
- DENIS GOBEILLE, L. ABENHAIM, S. SUISSA . (1990). Le rôle de l’âge et de l’ancienneté de compagnie comme facteur de risque des affections vertébrales professionnelles. Abstract. (p. 514).
- IVAN ZRILIC, D. VUKADINOVIC . (1990). The influence of ageing on sick-leave in the construction industry workers with high sick-leave incidence. Abstract. (p. 516).
- HEIKKI AROLA, O. TITOLA, M. LAHDENNIEMI, P. FRILANDER, L. VIITANIEMI, P. LAUNIS . (1990). Can enhanced methods of occupational health care (ohc) postpone the desire of the workers to retire. Abstract. (p. 517).
- FRANCIS DERRIENNIC, B. CASSOU, M. AMPHOUX . (1990). Effets des expositions professionnelles sur la prévalence des déficiences ostéo-articulaires après la retraite. Abstract. (p. 518).
- JUHANI SMOLANDER, J. POLARI, O. KORHONEN . (1990). Physiological strain in greenhouse work: effect of age. Abstract. (p. 519).
- KARL-HEINZ SCHALLER, R. SCHIELE . (1990). Experiences with the antidote 2,3-dimercapto 1-propansulfonic acid for the mobilization of mercury depots in the human organism as a diagnostic tool. Abstract. (p. 522).
- ANDREJS SCHUTZ, M. MOLIN, A. NILSSON, S. SKERFVING, G. SALLSTEN . (1990). Does a mobilization test with sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropane sulfonate reflect the body burden of mercury?. Abstract. (p. 523).
- TOHRU TAKEBAYASHI, H. SAKURAI, K. OMAE, T. SATOH, M. ONODERA, K. HOSODA . (1990). Delta aminolevulinic acid in blood in lead exposed workers. Abstract. (p. 524).
- TED SZAFRANIEC, M. EID, J. CULLEN, F. FATTAL . (1990). Biological monitoring of copper, chromium and arsenic (cca) in a cca umber preservation plant. Abstract. (p. 525).
- VANEE MEISINGER, O. JAHN, W. REPASKI . (1990). Urinary excretion of fluoride, aluminium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, β2-microglobulin in aluminium factory workers and health effects. Abstract. (p. 526).
- AGNETA LÖF, A. COLMSJÖ, B.-O. LUNDMARK, A. NORSTRÖM, A. SATO, E. WIGAEUS HJELM . (1990). Can hippuric acid be used for biological monitoring of toluene exposure. Abstract. (p. 527).
- HANS-WERNER GOERGENS, H. PETER, K. GOLKA, H.M. BOLT, K. HALLIER, E. HALLIER . (1990). Evaluation of biological indicators in humans for monitoring exposure to styrene. Abstract. (p. 528).
- MANFRED PETER KORN, W. GFRÖRER, R. HERZ, I. WODARZ, R. WODARZ, F.W. SCHMAHL . (1990). Metabolism of ethylbenzene in man. Abstract. (p. 529).
- MICHEL SWYSEN, J.-C. AUBRY, A. HEUSE . (1990). Évaluation biologique de l’exposition à certains «white spirits» (stoddard solvent) par l’analyse de divers métabolites isomériques du tri-méthyl benzène. Abstract. (p. 530).
- TOSHIHIKO SATOH, K. OMAE, H. SAKURAI, H. NAKASHIMA, T. TAKEBAYASHI, T. KAWAI, T. HIGASHI . (1990). Involvement of pulmonary ventilation in the determination of exposure to acetone: relationship to urinary excretion of acetone. Abstract. (p. 531).
- RAINER DORNOW, U. KNECHT, H.-J. WOITOWITZ . (1990). Influence of ethanol on the toxicokinetics of n-hexane in humans. Abstract. (p. 532).
- PIRKKO PFAFFLI . (1990). Formic acid – a biological indicator of formaldehyde exposure. Abstract. (p. 533).
- PETER TIKUISIS, D.M. KANE, F. BUICK, T. MCLELLAN . (1990). Co uptake in man under exercise conditions. Abstract. (p. 534).
- CHRISTINA REUTERWALL, L. ARINGER, C.-G. ELINDER, L. JURINGE, J.-O. LEVIN, A. RANNUG . (1990). Assessment of genotoxic exposure among Swedish coke oven workers by different methods of biological monitoring. Abstract. (p. 535).
- TAKASHI KANEKO, K. ENDOH, A. SATO . (1990). Physiological factors affecting biological monitoring of exposure to organic solvent vapors. Abstract. (p. 538).
- ISAO SAITO, E. SHIBATA, J. HUANG, N. HISANAGA, Y. ONO, Y. TAKEUCHI . (1990). Quantitative determination of urinary n-hexane metabolites as an index of n-hexane exposure. Abstract. (p. 539).
- GIOVANNI BATTISTA BARTOLUCCI, E. DE ROSA, G. GORI, S. CECCARELLI, E. CLONFERO, B. SAIA . (1990). Biomonitoring of exposure to n-hexane and risk of neurotoxicity. Abstract. (p. 540).
- TOSHIO KAWAI, K. MIZUNUMA, T. YASUGI, Y. UCHIDA, M. IKEDA . (1990). The most convenient method of urinalysis for 2,5-hexanedione as an indicator of occupational exposure to n-hexane. Abstract. (p. 541).
- ERICH ALBERT POSPISCHIL, E. HUBER, R. JAGER, W. PIRINGER, V. MEISINGER . (1990). Biological monitoring of tank lorry drivers exposed to gasoline vapors. Abstract. (p. 542).
- ANTHONY C. CANTRELL, T.A. KILROE-SMITH, P.J. BECKER, R.L. LANDLESS . (1990). The class of industry affects the relationship between zinc protoporphyrin and blood lead in workers exposed to inorganic lead. Abstract. (p. 543).
- YOKO ENDO ICHIKAWA, A. OKAYAMA, M. YOSHIDA, I. HARA . (1990). Biological monitoring of mboca exposure. Abstract. (p. 544).
- ANNALEE YASSI, M. CHEANG, G. BAWDEN, M. TENENBEIN, T. REDEKOP, J. SPIEGEL . (1990). Assessing the effectiveness of government regulation on occupational lead poisoning in manitoba utilizing a blood lead data bank. Abstract. (p. 545).
- TOR NORSETH, Y. THOMASSEN, I. MARTINSEN . (1990). Stibine exposure and biological monitoring of antimony in the lead industry. Abstract. (p. 546).
- HANS RAITHEL, K.H. SCHALLER . (1990). Biomonitoring of nickel in human pulmonary tissue. Abstract. (p. 547).
- CHRISTIAN AUSECACHE, A. ROUTIER . (1990). Help me – l’informatique au secours de la médicine du travail. Abstract. (p. 550).
- MARIANNE SAUX, M.-F. CRISTOFARI, S. VOLKOFF . (1990). Sumer: une évaluation des risques professionnels par les médecins du travail. Abstract. (p. 551).
- MAURICE AMPHOUX, C. BONNIN, P. VIOT, M. BLAIZOT . (1990). La médecine du travail à la française, cadre de réalisations épidémiologiques originales. Abstract. (p. 552).
- LITA WONG . (1990). Ontario occupational health data base structure. Abstract. (p. 553).
- IB ANDERSEN, M. FLYVHOIM . (1990). Experiences with a national register of chemical substances and products. Abstract. (p. 554).
- PASCAL GUENEL, E. IMBERNON, A. CASAL, M. GOLDBERG . (1990). Constitution d’une base de données sur les expositions professionnelles aux cancérogènes chez des travailleurs du gaz et de l’électricité. Abstract. (p. 555).
- PIERRE-ULRIC CAREAU, A. SIMPSON . (1990). Mise en application d’une banque québécoise de données audiométriques (65 000 dossiers) provenant du dépistage de la surdité professionnelle par laboratoires mobiles. Abstract. (p. 556).
- MAUREEN C. SHAW . (1990). Information in occupational health an safety. Abstract. (p. 557).
- MARC BARIL, G. LAPOINTE, M. PAQUETTE, D. GIROUX, E. BELANGER . (1990). Systéme informatique pour le contrôle des informations en regard des contaminants chimiques. Abstract. (p. 560).
- OLE SVANE, J. ALHO, B. BENGTSSON . (1990). Scandinavian registries of occupational diseases. Abstract. (p. 561).
- HEIKKI NORONEN, J. NYMAN . (1990). Solution for information in Finnish occupational healthcare with isocare system (terho). Abstract. (p. 562).
- JEAN-MARIE MARTIN, P. ROBAUX, J.P. BERTRAND . (1990). Surveillance informatisée des risques professionnels – méthode et réalizations comparées. Abstract. (p. 563).
- MICHEL FALCY, C. VERGER, L. BEAUDOUIN, R. AUDRAN . (1990). Présentation d’un système national de vigilance industrielle et son intégration au niveau régional. Abstract. (p. 564).
- LESLIE MCCARTY . (1990). A data base management system for departments of occupational health and related functions. Abstract. (p. 565).
- ANNE CHEVALIER, C. GODARD, P. GUENEL, B. CALLET, M. GOLDBERG . (1990). Mise en place d’un registre des cancers dans une grande entreprise (électricité de France-gaz de France). Abstract. (p. 566).
- CESARE NAVA, G. CHIAPPINO . (1990). Description of an information system in assessment of occupational allergy. Abstract. (p. 567).
- KARE VOLD, P.A. DRABLØS . (1990). Computer systems for health data. Abstract. (p. 568).
- KNUT SKYBERG, V. SKAUG, B. GYLSETH, J.R. PEDERSEN, O.H. IVERSEN . (1990). Subacute inhalation toxicity of mineral oils, C15-C20 alkylbenzenes and polybutene in male rats. Abstract. (p. 570).
- HIDEYOSHI SUZUKI, S. IWASAKI . (1990). Lasting effects of one-hour exposures to vapors of organic solvents on behavior of eating, drinking and locomotion in mice. Abstract. (p. 571).
- KAZUYA FUJISHIRO, K. MORI, N. INOUE, H. HORI, I. TANAKA . (1990). Chronic inhalation effects of ethylene oxide on hepatic porphyrin-heme metabolism. Abstract. (p. 572).
- MASATO MATSUOKA, H. IGISU, N. INOUE, H. HORI, I. TANAKA . (1990). Inhibition of creatine kinase activity by ethylene oxide. Abstract. (p. 573).
- FUJIO KAYAMA, U. YAMASHITA, T. KAWAMOTO, Y. KODAMA . (1990). Immunotoxicological evaluations of ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (egme)-induced thymic atrophy. Abstract. (p. 574).
- EDWARD SIVAK, E.M. JR. CORDASCO, E.M. SR. CORDASCO, L. FERGUS, D. LASKOWSKI, K. MCCARTHY . (1990). Use of hazardline in clinical practice – newer concepts. Abstract. (p. 575).
- JIONG-LIANG ZHOU, X.J. CAI, Z. ZHONG, Y.H. ZHANG, T.Z. CHEN . (1990). Experimental study on test battery design for chemical liver injury. Abstract. (p. 576).
- BAOXU ZHANG, X. YAXIAN, S. LIU . (1990). Interaction of quartz particles with human erythrocyte membrane proteins. Abstract. (p. 577).
- TJABE SMID, J.N. DE LEEUWE, C.G.M. RUISENDAAL . (1990). Leucocyte counts and smoking habits among spray painters. Abstract. (p. 580).
- YASUHIRO TAKEUCHI, J. HUANG, E. SHIBATA, N. HISANAGA, Y. ONO . (1990). An automated solvent exposure system for small laboratory animals. Abstract. (p. 581).
- TAKESHI HONMA, M. SATO, M. MIYAGAWA . (1990). Effects of organic solvents on plasma lipoproteins of rats. Abstract. (p. 582).
- PER NYLEN, T. EBENDAL, M. ERIKSDOTTER-NILSSON, T. HANSSON, A. HENSCHEN, A.C. JOHNSON, T. KRONEVI, U. KVIST, N.O. SJÖSTRAND, G. HÖGLUND, L. OLSON . (1990). n-hexane causes testicular atrophy and loss of nerve growth factor-immunoreactive germ cell line in rats; toluene and xylene inhibit these effects. Abstract. (p. 583).
- ANN-CHRISTIN JOHNSON, P. NYLEN, E. BORG, G. HÖGLUND . (1990). Toluene induced induced ototoxicity in rats exposed pre- and post-natally. Abstract. (p. 584).
- ENRICO BERGAMASCHI, A. MUTTI, C. BOCCHI, R. ALINOVI, G.M. GHIGGERI, G. OLIVETTI, I. FRANCHINI . (1990). Sex-related differences in the renal effects of tetrachloroethylene (perc) in rats. Abstract. (p. 585).
- KEIKO TERAMOTO, F. WAKITANI, S. HORIGUCHI, H. TANAKA . (1990). Elimination and retantion of tetrahydrofuran in rats after its exposure. Abstract. (p. 586).
- MARTINA PIASEK, K. KOSTIAL . (1990). Comparison of the reproductive success in male and female rats exposed to lead. Abstract. (p. 587).
- HARUHIKO AOYAMA, M. YOSHIDA, Y. YAMAMURA . (1990). Metabolism and excretion of orally and intra-peritoneally administered thallous malonate and thallous sulfate in hamster. Abstract. (p. 588).
- PETAR BULAT, B. STANISIC, M. BOGDANOVIC, V. MITIC . (1990). Concentration of gsh in blood and liver of rats intoxicated with ai and cu. Abstract. (p. 589).
- PAQUERETTE GOLDBERG, M.J. MAME, A. LECLERC, M. GOLDBERG . (1990). Incidence des cancers respiratoires en nouvelle-calédonie en liaison avec l’lndustrie du nickel. Abstract. (p. 592).
- SIN ENG CHIA, K.S. CHIA, W.H. PHOON, H.P. LEE . (1990). Silicotic male Chinese granite quarry workers and lung cancer. Abstract. (p. 593).
- LARS JARUP, C.-G. ELINDER, G. SPANG . (1990). Lung cancer mortality in cadmium exposed battery workers. Abstract. (p. 594).
- PIER ALBERTO BERTAZZI, A.C. PESATORI, C. ZOCCHETTI, D. CONSONNI, C. ANTIOCO, G. MAGAROTTO, C. CLINI . (1990). Increased lung cancer risk among workers engaged in pumping and moving petroleum products. Abstract. (p. 595).
- FRANCO MERLO, M. COSTANTINI, M. CEPPI, G. REGGIARDO . (1990). Lung cancer risk among refractory brick workers. Abstract. (p. 596).
- PETTER KRISTENSEN, A. ANDERSEN . (1990). A cohort study on cancer incidence among children with a father in the printing industry. Abstract. (p. 597).
- EDITH RAFFN, E. LYNGE, B. KORSGAARD . (1990). Incidence of histological types of lung cancer among employees in the asbestos cement industry in Denmark. Abstract. (p. 598).
- ELLEN A. EISEN, P.E. TOLBERT, R.R. MONSON . (1990). Mortality patterns in a cohort of autoworkers exposed to machining fluids. Abstract. (p. 599).
- LORAINE D. MARRETT, K. ISLES, N. KREIGER, L. DODDS, R. HILDITCH . (1990). Occupational cadmium exposure as a risk factor for renal cell carcinoma. Abstract. (p. 600).
- FLEMMING LANDER, E.S. HANSEN, H. HASLE . (1990). A cohort study on cancer incidence among gardeners. Abstract. (p. 601).
- STEIN INGE FANDREM, H. KJUUS, A. ANDERSEN, E. AMLIE . (1990). Cancer incidence among nitrate fertilizer workers. Abstract. (p. 602).
- ELLEN F. HEINEMAN, P.L. COCCO, M. GOMEZ, M. DOSEMECI, P. STEWART, R. HAYES, S. HOAR ZAHM, T. THOMAS, A. BLAIR . (1990). Occupational exposure to chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons and risk of astrocytic brain cancer: a case-control study. Abstract. (p. 603).
- BENGT-GÖRAN SVENSSON, G. NISE, V. ENGLANDER, R. ATTEWELL, S. SKERFVING, T. MÖLLER . (1990). Toluene exposure and tumours. Abstract. (p. 604).
- MIROSLAW J. STASIK . (1990). 4-chloro-o-toluidine: an etiological agent in the induction of bladder cancer and hemorragic cystitis among industrially exposed workers. Abstract. (p. 605).
- KRISTAN A. L'ABBE, L. SIMONATO, A. ANDERSEN, S. BELLI, P. COMBA, G. ENGHOLM, G. FERRO, L. HAGMAR, S. LANGARD, E. LJUNGGREN, I. LUNDBERG, B. MOUNTFIELD, R. PIRASTU, P. THOMAS, R. WINKELMANN, R. SARACCI . (1990). Mortality results from the European multi-centric study of workers employed in the vinyl chloride industry. Abstract. (p. 606).
- LARS HAGMAR, C. REUTERWALL . (1990). An inter-nordic prospective study on peripheral lymphocyte chromosome damage and cancer risk. Abstract. (p. 608).
- KEN'ICHI NAKAMURA, M. TADERA, T. UMEZAWA, A. OHMI, S. SUZUKI, M. KONUMA, S. SHIBATA . (1990). Evaluation of cancer detection programs in selected working populations in Japan. Abstract. (p. 609).
- JAN M.M. MEIJERS, H.T. PLANTEYDT, G.M.H. SWAEN . (1990). Asbestos exposure and pleural mesotheliomas in the Netherlands – trends and geographical patterns 1970-1987. Abstract. (p. 610).
- GUNNAR MOWE, A. ANDERSEN, P. OSVOLL . (1990). Malignant mesothelioma in Norway registered by the cancer registry and notified to the labour inspection between 1960-1987. Abstract. (p. 611).
- HELLE NOORLIND BRAGE, O. AXELSON . (1990). Wood workers potentially exposed to man-made mineral fibers and death from some malignant diseases. Abstract. (p. 612).
- PLINIO CARTA, P.L. COCCO, M.B. MANCA, M. MELE, D. CASULA . (1990). A mortality study among Sardinian silicotic patients. Abstract. (p. 613).
- SVERRE LANGARD, A. ANDERSEN, H.M. SOLLI . (1990). Incidence of cancer among radon exposed niobium mine workers. Abstract. (p. 614).
- MURRAY M. FINKELSTEIN, N. WILK, M. BOULARD, D. MOZZON . (1990). Lung cancer in the melting departments of 2 Ontario steel producers. Abstract. (p. 615).
- KRISTINA JAKOBSSON, R. ATTEWELL, B. HULTGREN, K. SJÖLAND . (1990). Gastrointestinal cancer and lung cancer among cement workers: a case-referent study. Abstract. (p. 616).
- LOUISE DE GUIRE, D. CYR, G. THERIAULT, B. ARMSTRONG, H. ITURRA, S. PROVENCHER, B. CASE . (1990). Malignant melanoma of the skin among workers of a large electrical and electronic products industry 1976-1983 – a mortality study. Abstract. (p. 617).
- KLAUS STAGIS HANSEN . (1990). A cohort study on cancer incidence in welders and other metal workers. Abstract. (p. 618).
- TOM BELLANDER, L. HAGMAR, C. ANDERSSON, K. LINDEN, R. ATTEWELL . (1990). Exposure to nitrate dust and cancer morbidity in a cohort of nitrate fertilizer workers. Abstract. (p. 619).
- KAZUHISA MIYASHITA, K. NISHIMURA, Y. YOSHIDA, M. KURODA, M. MATSUMOTO, K.A. MATSUMOTO, S. TAKEDA, I. HARA . (1990). An epidemiological and clinical study of lung cancer among workers exposed to bis (chloromethyl) ether. Abstract. (p. 620).
- ANGELA CECILIA PESATORI, C. ZOCCHETTI, A. TIRONI, M.T. LANDI, P.A. BERTAZZI . (1990). Mortality among persons aged 1-20 years after accidental exposure to dioxin (tcdd). Abstract. (p. 621).
- PAAVO JAPPINEN, E. PUKKALA . (1990). Cancer incidence of pulp and paper workers exposed to dioxins and other chlorinated compounds formed during chlorine pulp bleaching. Abstract. (p. 622).
- GUN WINGREN, B. PERSSON . (1990). A case-referent study on Swedish pulp mill workers. Abstract. (p. 623).
- ROBERT A. SCHNATTER, G. THERIAULT, A.M. KATZ, F.S. THOMPSON, N. MURRAY, S. JORGENSEN . (1990). An updated retrospective mortality study among operating segments within a petroleum company. Abstract. (p. 624).
- NAOHITO YAMAGUCHI, T. OKUBO . (1990). Synthetic estimation of occupational bladder cancer risks in Japan. Abstract. (p. 625).
- MARTINE HOURS, B. DANANCHE, J. FEVOTTE, C. PALLEN, L. AYZAC, A. BERGERET, J. FABRY . (1990). Cancers de la vessie et risques professionells: résultats d’une étude cas-témoins-lyon – France 1984-1988. Abstract. (p. 626).
- CHRISTER HOGSTEDT, N. PLATO, M. GERHARDSSON, S. NORELL, G. STEINECK . (1990). Benzene, combustion products and urothelial cancer – a case-referent study in Stockholm 1985-1987. Abstract. (p. 627).
- ROBYN ATTEWELL, K. OHLSSON, B. PALSSON . (1990). Sick leave and early retirement among female assembly workers: impact of repetitive work on musculoskeletal disorders. Abstract. (p. 630).
- ROBERT PLANTE, D. LALIBERTE, L. PATRY, S. FORTIN, M.J. COSTA . (1990). Problèmes musculo-squelettiques chez des opératrices de t.e.v. affectées à la saisie de données: une recherche-action. Abstract. (p. 631).
- HILKKA RIIHIMAKI, E. VIIKARI-JUNTURA, T. VIDEMAN, S. TOLA, G. MONETA . (1990). Sciatic pain among machine operators, carpenters and office workers: a three-year follow-up study. Abstract. (p. 632).
- EIRA VIIKARI-JUNTURA, J. VUORI, B.A. SILVERSTEIN, R. KALIMO, E. KUOSMA, T. VIDEMAN . (1990). Predictive value of psychosocial factors for neck, shoulder and low-back pain – a life-long prospective study. Abstract. (p. 633).
- LUCIEN ABENHAIM, S. SUISSA, M. ROSSIGNOL, D. BILODEAU . (1990). Résultats du suivi sur trois ans d’une cohorte de 3000 travailleurs souffrant de maux de dos. Abstract. (p. 634).
- BERNDT STENLUND, I. GOLDIE, M. HAGBERG, C. HOGSTEDT, O. MARIONS . (1990). Radiographic osteoarthrosis in the acromio-clavicular joint in relation to manual work. Abstract. (p. 635).
- MICHAEL FEUERSTEIN, A.S. PAPCIAK . (1990). Cost effective management of pain-related work disability: preliminary observations. Abstract. (p. 636).
- KARI KURPPA, E. VIIKARI-JUNTURA, E. KUOSMA, H. RIIHIMAKI, M. HUUSKONEN, G. MONETA . (1990). Reliability of retrospective questionnaire data on one-year occurrence of epicondylitis or tenosynovitis/peritendinitis. Abstract. (p. 637).
- KERSTIN EKBERG, M. TUVESSON, J. EKLUND, P. ODENRICK, R. ÖRTENGREN . (1990). Evaluation of the effects of psychic demands (stress) on the muscle activity of the two upper trapezius muscles. Abstract. (p. 638).
- ASA KILBOM, G. HAGG, J. SUURKULA . (1990). Work-related neck and upper limb disorders in female electro-mechanical assembly workers. Abstract. (p. 639).
- MARIANNE GERNER-BJÖRKSTEN, D. NORBACK, C. EDLING . (1990). The prevalence of musculoskeletal distress and the relation of distress to smoking habits and infections among a general Swedish population. Abstract. (p. 642).
- SUSAN R. STOCK . (1990). Measurement of functional status in neck and upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders – a new instrument. Abstract. (p. 643).
- ESA-PEKKA TAKALA, E. VIIKARI-JUNTURA . (1990). Natural course of neck and shoulder symptoms of women in light sedentary work. Abstract. (p. 644).
- MATS HAGBERG, I. GOLDIE, C. HOGSTEDT, A. KILBOM, A. AHLBOM, J. EKHOLM, F. GAMBERALE, R. GULLBERG, STOCKHOLM-MUSIC 1 STUDY GROUP . (1990). Plan and operation of the Stockholm-music i study, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. Abstract. (p. 645).
- MAREK SZPALSKI, J.P. JR. HAYEZ, S. POTY, J.P. DEBAIZE . (1990). Évaluaction fonctionnelle dynamique lombaire systématique et identification de l’effort maximal volontaire. Abstract. (p. 646).
- PIERRE CARLIER, M. SZPALSKI, F. VANDERBECKEN . (1990). Évaluation fonctionnelle dynamométrique des lombalgies dans une population de puéricultrices – à propos de 50 cas. Abstract. (p. 647).
- CLERMEONT DIONNE, F. TURCOTTE . (1990). Réadaptation des lombalgies graves: retour au travail et situation professionnelle après 5 ans. Abstract. (p. 648).
- SHIGEKI KODA, A. HISASHIGE, T. OGAWA, S. NAKAGIRI . (1990). Low back pain among metal and engineering workers in Japan. Abstract. (p. 649).
- EVA SVENSSON VINGARD, L. ALFREDSSON, I. GOLDIE, C. HOGSTEDT . (1990). Occupation and osteoarthrosis of the hip and knee. Abstract. (p. 650).
- WIM L.A.M. DE KORT, F.J.H. VAN DIJK . (1990). Pre-employment medical examination: occupational health or public health?. Abstract. (p. 652).
- HEIKKI SOININEN, R. LESKINEN, J. LESKINEN . (1990). The occupational health care of police officers in Finland. Abstract. (p. 653).
- DOMINIQUE FOLLIOT . (1990). Rôle de la médecine du travail dans la surveillance médicale des produits chimiques utilisés à edf-gdf. Abstract. (p. 654).
- ALICE TURCOT, R. MARTIN . (1990). La surveillance sous-régionale de travailleurs exposés au plomb: sa faisabilité et son utilité. Abstract. (p. 655).
- DIANE BERTHELETTE, R. PINEAULT . (1990). Analyse de la productivité des équipes de santé au travail du Québec. Abstract. (p. 656).
- KITTA ROSSI, V. VAARANEN . (1990). Occupational health service in the nordic countries. Abstract. (p. 657).
- AXEL WANNAG . (1990). The occupational health system of Norway. Heterogeneous in structure and growing in man-power, but who defines it’s “right” size?. Abstract. (p. 658).
- JORMA RANTANEN, S. TARKOWSKI . (1990). Survey of occupational health services in Europe. Abstract. (p. 659).
- ROBERT ANDERSON . (1990). Innovative workplace action for health: an overview of developments in the European community. Abstract. (p. 660).
- LOUISE NEMETH DE BIKAL, W-O. PHOON . (1990). Delivering occupational health services to small industries. Abstract. (p. 662).
- ROSE MINGUET, H.-G. SCHLUMBERGER, H. PONS . (1990). Formation en médecine du travail à électricité de France – gaz de France. Abstract. (p. 663).
- FRANCOIS BISSELICHES, C. JOLY, C. MOUSSU, C. MONTAGNE . (1990). Hypertension artérielle: le médecin du travail peut-il être efficace sans prescrire lui-même?. Abstract. (p. 664).
- MARIE-CLAIRE ROURE, J. ALIZIER . (1990). Une expérience de traitement social comme aide à la reprise du travail. Abstract. (p. 665).
- ANNE-MARIE GIARD . (1990). Évaluation précoce de l’athérosclérose aortique dans l’hypercholestérolémie de l’homme d’âge moyen dépistée en médecine du travail. Abstract. (p. 666).
- LESLIE T. STAYNER, A. DANNENBERG, M. THUN . (1990). Cardiovascular mortality among munitions workers exposed to nitroglycerin and dinitrotoluene. Abstract. (p. 668).
- GRACE M. EGELAND, G.A. BURKHART, T.M. SCHNORR, J.M. FAJEN, R.W. HORNUNG, S.T. LEE . (1990). Carbon disulfide exposure and risk factors for ischemic heart disease among textile workers. Abstract. (p. 669).
- BO NETTERSTRØM, T.S. KRISTENSEN, M.T. DAMSGAARD, O. OLSEN, A. SJØL . (1990). Job-strain and cardiovascular risk factor. Abstract. (p. 670).
- PETER LEMKE-GOLIASCH, V. SCHUMANN, U. LAASER . (1990). Work strain and cardiovascular risk factors – results of the German cardiovascular prevention study (gcp). Abstract. (p. 672).
- CYNTHIA ROBINSON, N. LALICH, C. BURNETT, J. SESTITO, T.M. FRAZIER . (1990). Surveillance for acute myocardial infarction mortality in southern textile workers: first step to prevention. Abstract. (p. 673).
- BERNADINE B. KUCHINSKI . (1990). The role of institutes of occupational health in training and education. Abstract. (p. 676).
- JORMA RANTANEN . (1990). Requirements and curricula for specialist training in occupational health in Europe and East Africa. Abstract. (p. 677).
- DAVID C.F. MUIR . (1990). Experience with accreditation and training of occupational health physicians in Canada. Abstract. (p. 678).
- RAGNAR RYLANDER . (1990). Advances in research and the need for continued education. Abstract. (p. 679).
- JOSEPH LADOU . (1990). Integration of environmental medicine into occupational medicine. Abstract. (p. 680).
- M.N. SHENOY . (1990). Indal occupational health service centre, outreach services. Abstract. (p. 682).
- DEOGRATIAS KAHEERU SEKIMPI . (1990). Economic implications of occupational health programmes for developing countries. Abstract. (p. 683).
- KARI KURPPA . (1990). Need for flexible information support systems in solving occupational health problems of developing countries. Abstract. (p. 684).
- A. BROWNE . (1990). Occupational health and safety: a Canadian – Columbian partnership. Abstract. (p. 685).
- BARRY S. LEVY, G. FORGET, T. KJELLSTROM . (1990). Occupational health research in developing countries: recent and current research and recommendations for the future. Abstract. (p. 686).
- INGRID PERSSON, T.J. LARSSON . (1990). 500 permanent disabilities among young workers in Sweden 1984-1985. Abstract. (p. 688).
- BERNARD BRODY, P.C. ROHAN, A. ARSENAULT . (1990). Occupational fatalities in North America: realities and responses 1970-1988. Abstract. (p. 689).
- JAMES LEIGH . (1990). Sprain/strain back injuries in the NSW underground coal mining industry. Abstract. (p. 690).
- JORMA SAARI, S. SALMINEN, K.L. SAARELA . (1990). Organizational factors and severe occupational accidents. Abstract. (p. 691).
- PEKKA ROTO, P. OKSA, J.P. RINNE, A. ZITTING, M. KOSKINEN, M. HUUSKONEN, K. KOSKINEN, J. KIVEKAS, A. TOSSAVAINEN, V. VAARANEN, H. VAINIO . (1990). Occurrence of asbestos related findings among Finnish construction workers. Abstract. (p. 694).
- GÖRAN ENGHOLM . (1990). Asbestos related diseases in Swedish construction workers. Abstract. (p. 695).
- J. LIGTERINGEN, P. VINK . (1990). How to find improvement in occupational load and strain. Abstract. (p. 696).
- CATHERINE BONNIN, M. AMPHOUX, M. BLAIZOT, P. VIOT . (1990). Rôle spécifique de la médecine du travail dans la formation multidisciplinaire en hygiène et sécurité dans le bâtiment et les travaux publics. Abstract. (p. 697).
- BENGT KNAVE . (1990). Solvent neurotoxicity – still of occupational concern. Abstract. (p. 700).
- NICOLA CHERRY . (1990). Does neurobehavioural testing lead to valid conclusions of cns impairment from organic solvent exposure?. Abstract. (p. 701).
- GERHARD TRIEBIG . (1990). Critical review of current literature concerning solvent-induced chronic cns-effects. Abstract. (p. 702).
- ROBERT G. FELDMAN . (1990). Documentation of neurological behavioral impairment: toxic effects or primary neurological disorder?. Abstract. (p. 703).
- GÖSTA GEMNE, I. PYYKKÖ . (1990). Pathophysiological and pathogenic mechanisms in vibration-induced Raynaud’s phenomenon. Abstract. (p. 706).
- AKIRA OKADA, H. NAKAMURA . (1990). Involvement of humoral factors in the hand-arm vibration syndrome. Abstract. (p. 707).
- ANTHONY J. BRAMMER, J.E. PIERCY . (1990). Assessment of the neurological component of the hand-arm vibration syndrome. Abstract. (p. 708).
- JUKKA STARCK, J. PEKKARINEN, I. PYYKKÖ . (1990). Assessment of vibration from impact tools. Abstract. (p. 709).
- YOSHIRO NASU . (1990). A review of the question of hand-arm vibration syndrome as a central nervous system disorder. Abstract. (p. 710).
- MARLIYN WALKER . (1990). Managing for results. Abstract. (p. 713).
- CHERYL KELLEHEAR . (1990). How to get invited to the corporate strategic planning table. Abstract. (p. 714).
- ANNETTE JÖRGENSEN . (1990). Creating changes in the corporate culture. Abstract. (p. 715).
- JEAN BEY . (1990). Raising the profile of occupational health nurses in the corporate structure. Abstract. (p. 716).
- DAVID SAVITZ . (1990). Epidemiologic studies of occupational electromagnetic field exposures and cancer. Abstract. (p. 719).
- ROBIN A.F. COX . (1990). Emf exposure assessment at extremely low frequency (elf). Abstract. (p. 720).
- JEAN CABANES, J. LAMBROZO, LE BARS, BRUGERE, A. PORTET, FARGEIX . (1990). Recherches experimentales sur les champs électromagnétiques: les travaux. Abstract. (p. 720).
- GUNNAR HÖGLUND . (1990). Biological action of electromagnetic fields; some postulated mechanisms of action. Abstract. (p. 722).
- JACQUES DUNNIGAN . (1990). Natural and man-made fibres: present and forseeable use by society. Abstract. (p. 724).
- J. CORBETT MCDONALD . (1990). Known and predictable risks from natural and man-made mineral fibres. Abstract. (p. 725).
- DANIEL BOUIGE . (1990). Asbestos fibre exposure monitoring and control in a multi-fibre working environment. Abstract. (p. 726).
- CHARLES E. ROSSITER . (1990). Mineral fibres: what research is still needed?. Abstract. (p. 727).
- PAUL HEXT . (1990). Toxicology of combustion fumes. Abstract. (p. 730).
- WERNER F. DILLER . (1990). Inhalation of combustion fumes: a challenge to the industrial physician. Abstract. (p. 731).
- CHRISTOPH P. HEIERLI . (1990). Facts and evaluation of impact to population of a big agrochemical warehouse fire. Abstract. (p. 732).
- LEONARD THIBAULT . (1990). Le pompier face à la toxicité. Abstract. (p. 733).
- SHELIA HOAR ZAHM, A. BLAIR . (1990). Work-related health problems among farmers and farm workers – cancer among farmers. Abstract. (p. 736).
- JOHN J. MAY . (1990). Work-related respiratory disease among farmers. Abstract. (p. 737).
- BENGT AXMACHER . (1990). Farming and degenerative joint disease. Abstract. (p. 738).
- KAZUTAKA KOGI . (1990). The ILO’s experience in occupational health in small enterprise. Abstract. (p. 740).
- THOMAS K. NG . (1990). Health for all by the year 2000: the sector of small industries. Abstract. (p. 741).
- G.A. ARESINI . (1990). Health and safety at work in small and medium sized undertakings: the actions of the European Community. Abstract. (p. 742).
- DOMINIQUE MOYEN . (1990). L’éxemple français pour la santé au travail dans les petites entreprises. Abstract. (p. 743).
- MOIRA CHAN-YEUNG . (1990). Evaluation of the usefulness of measurement of bronchial hyperreactivity in occupational epidemiologic studies. Abstract. (p. 746).
- RAGNAR RYLANDER . (1990). Field studies of bronchial reactivity in cotton mill workers and farmers. Abstract. (p. 747).
- KATHERINE M. VENABLES . (1990). Bronchial reactivity, respiratory symptoms and immunological testing in bakery workers. Abstract. (p. 748).
- MATS HAGBERG . (1990). Epidemiology of occupational neck and shoulder disorders. Abstract. (p. 750).
- EIRA VIIKARI-JUNTURA . (1990). Epidemiology of forearm and hand disorders. Abstract. (p. 751).
- THOMAS J. ARMSTRONG . (1990). Analysis of jobs for control of work related musculoskeletal disorders. Abstract. (p. 752).
- BARBARA A. SILVERSTEIN . (1990). Prevention strategies to control work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Abstract. (p. 753).
- Final section / indexes