- Introductory section
- A. TOURANCHET, F. DERRIENNIC . (1993). Work and aging: an epidemfological approach. (p. 66).
- J. ILMARINEN . (1993). Aging and Working capacity: recommandations of a WHO study group. A review. (p. 66).
- A. KILBOM, W.J.A. GOEDHARD . (1993). Aging, musculoskletal function and health. (p. 67).
- B. OWENS, A. GARG . (1993). Reducing back stress for nursing personnel. (p. 70).
- M. ESTRYN-BEHAR . (1993). Prevention des dorsalgies. (p. 70).
- F. HOFMANN, U. STOESSEL, M. MICHAELIS, M. SCHUMACHER, A. SIEGEL . (1993). Musculoskeletal disorders among health care workers – Epidemiology and prevention. (p. 71).
- E. WIGAEUS . (1993). Can regular physical training prevent musculoskeletal disorders in nursing personnel?. (p. 71).
- M. HAGBERG . (1993). Approaches in back health promotion – interventive strategies and evaluation. (p. 71).
- WAI-ON. PHOON . (1993). Recent successes and failures in occupational health education. (p. 72).
- M.I. MIKHEEV . (1993). Quality assurance of occupational health practice through education. (p. 72).
- K. KOGI . (1993). Training for change at the workplace. (p. 73).
- J. RADFORD . (1993). Innovative methods in occupational health education. (p. 73).
- J. LA DOU . (1993). Environmental health education of occupational health personnel. (p. 73).
- D.K. SEKIMPI . (1993). Occupational health education for developing countries. (p. 73).
- M. CASSITTO, R. GILIOLI, D. CAMERINO . (1993). A neurobehavioral study on manganese neurotoxic effects in a ferro-alloy industry in Italy. (p. 74).
- A. IREGREN . (1993). Subtle neurotoxic effects from manganese exposure in active workers as revealed by psychological performance testing. (p. 74).
- D. MERGLER . (1993). Portrait of nervous system dysfunction among active manganese-exposed workers. (p. 75).
- H. ROELS, R LAUWERYS . (1993). Epidemiologic approach for the assessment of an acceptable exposure level to manganese. (p. 75).
- C. ZENZ, S. DEMETER . (1993). Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome, newer aspects. (p. 76).
- T.L. GUIDOTTI . (1993). Toxic inhalation and pulmonary edema. (p. 76).
- E. CORDASCO, C. ZENZ, S. DEMETER . (1993). Toxic pulmonary edema. (p. 77).
- S. MARKO . (1993). Ventilatory lung function in workers simultaneously exposed to gaseous irritants and dust. (p. 77).
- H.S. LEE . (1993). Serial peak expiratory flow rate monitoring – A useful tool in occupational respiratory epidemiology?. (p. 77).
- C. SALTINI, T. MARKHAM . (1993). Functional basis of genetic susceptibility to the chronic beryllium disease. (p. 77).
- L. ALFREDSSON . (1993). Psychosocial work environment and coronary heart disease -a descriptive background and overview of the area. (p. 78).
- T. KRISTENSEN . (1993). Stress, work and cardiovascular diseases – How should future studies be designed. (p. 78).
- T. THEORELL . (1993). Blood pressure in relation to psychosocial work conditions. Studies of job strain and blood pressure as an illustration of methodological problems. (p. 79).
- A. CHAMOUX . (1993). Stress professionnel et medecine du travail. (p. 79).
- S. ARAKI, N. KAWAKAMI . (1993). Effects of work stress on blood pressure and hemoglobine A1C in Japanese industrial workers. (p. 79).
- P. LEGERON . (1993). Gestion du stress et comportements de type A en milieu professionnel. (p. 79).
- G. NORDBERG . (1993). Biological monitoring of carcinogenic metals – its usefulness in controlling occupational risks. (p. 80).
- SVERRE LANGARD . (1993). Biological monitoring of carcinogenic metals: chromium and nickel. (p. 80).
- R. LAUWERYS, ALFRED BERNARD, HARRY ROELS, JEAN-PIERRE BUCHET . (1993). Biologicai monitoring of exposure to inorganic arsenic and cadmium. (p. 80).
- PAOLO BOFFETTA . (1993). Carcinogenicity and biological monitoring of beryllium, lead and mercury. (p. 81).
- OLOF VESTERBERG, G. NORDBERG, L. GERHARDSSON . (1993). Definition of reference values for toxic metals and other elements in blood and urine – the TRACY project. (p. 81).
- BRUCE A. FOWLER, H. YAMAUCHI, K. TAKAHASHI, M. AKKERMAN, E.A. CONNER . (1993). Biologocal indicators of III-V semiconductors materials. (p. 81).
- J. YOSHINAGA, T. SUZUKI . (1993). Trace elements in human bone: variation associated with presence of chronic disease. (p. 81).
- M. COSTA, P. TONIOLO, A. ZHIICOVICH . (1993). DNA-protein cross-links as indicators of human exposure. (p. 81).
- A. WIDTFELDTA . (1993). Evaluation methods in occupational health nursing services. (p. 82).
- C. EKEBERG . (1993). The impact on the work of the oh nurse of the university course on work organization for OH personel. (p. 82).
- M. ALAGUERO . (1993). Impact de l’infirmiere francaise au sein de lequipe pluridisciplinaire de sante au travail. (p. 83).
- C. KELLEHEAR . (1993). Cost-benefit analysis. (p. 83).
- C. VAN DUIVENBOODEN, V.D. MOLEN . (1993). The diminishing of physical workload in the construction industry by means of a systematic and participatory approach. (p. 84).
- G. ENGHOLM . (1993). Determinants of muscolo-skeletal disorders in Swedish construction workers. (p. 84).
- G. LINKE-KAISER, M. ADELMANN . (1993). Tiler’s musculo-skeletal disorders. (p. 85).
- A. CANTINEAU, M. GAUTHERIE . (1993). Les vibrations dans le B.T.P. exploration par examen chronothermodynamique. (p. 85).
- D. BEAUMANT, M. NOEUVEGLISE, A. TOUBOUL, M.L. VIBERT . (1993). Suivi des effets de la nuisance vibratoire integration de la dimention neurologique. (p. 85).
- P. DONATI, J. BITSCH, PH. BOULANGER, A. BIHORE . (1993). La prevention des mefaits des vibrations principes generaux et campagne de promotion des brise-beton antivibratiles. (p. 85).
- K. KOGI . (1993). Introduction to Mini-Symposium: Improving shift workers’ healt and tolerance to shiftwork: where are the advances?. (p. 88).
- G. COSTA . (1993). The impact of shift and night work on health. (p. 89).
- M. KOLLER, M. FIAIDER . (1993). Occupational health services for shiftworkers. (p. 89).
- P. KNAUTH . (1993). Designing better shift systems. (p. 89).
- A. WEDDERBURN, S. FOLKARD . (1993). Maintaining safety and high performances on shiftwork. (p. 89).
- M. HARMA . (1993). Ageing, physical fitness and shiftwork tolerance. (p. 89).
- B. KNAVE . (1993). Mini-symposium: electromagnetic fields and cancer: an update of recent epidermological and experimental studies – Introduction. (p. 90).
- B. FLODERUS . (1993). Electromagnetic fields and cancer: epidemiological studies. (p. 90).
- B. HOLMBERG . (1993). Electromagnetic fields and cancer: experimental studies. (p. 91).
- M. REPACHOLI . (1993). Electromagnetic fields: risk assessment and TLV’s. (p. 91).
- R. COX . (1993). Electromagnetic fields and cancer: need for action programmes in the workplace?. (p. 91).
- T. NILSSON . (1993). Clinical panorama of symptoms, signs and exposure conditions. (p. 94).
- G. GEMNE . (1993). Tests for vascular symptoms of the hand arm vibration syndrome: methods and epidemiology. (p. 94).
- RODOLFO SARACCI . (1993). Genetics and occupational hazards. (pp. 95 - 99).
- A. BRAMMER . (1993). Tests for sensorineural symptoms of the hand-arm vibration syndrome: methods and epidemiologic results. (p. 95).
- J. STARCK . (1993). Hygienic assessment of hand-arm vibration for the prevention of harmful effects. (p. 95).
- B. SILVERSTEIN . (1993). Mini-Symposium: Intervention studies at the workplace to reduce work-related musculo-skeletal disorders – Introduction. (p. 96).
- J. UVILSON . (1993). Devolving ergonomics – The best way of forming an ergonomics management programme. (p. 96).
- E. VIIKARI-JUNTURA, M. HAKKANEN, A. LEPPANEN . (1993). Effects of work methods improvements and reorganization of work on musculoskletal load and work characteristics in trailer assembly. (p. 97).
- D. STUBBS, P.W. BUCKLE . (1993). The effectiveness of ergonomic interventions in reducing musculoskeletal disorders. (p. 97).
- M. IKEDA . (1993). Mini-Symposium: Biological monitoring of solvent-exposed workers – The scope. (p. 98).
- A. MUTTI, L. PERBELLINI . (1993). Biological monitoring of organic solvents: an overview. (p. 98).
- A. SATO . (1993). Application of toxicokinetic model with special reference to ethanol intake. (p. 99).
- H.W. GOERGENS, E. HALLIER, A. MULLER, K.H. SCHRÖDER, P. JACQUES, G. MOENS, H.M. BOLT . (1993). Biological monitoring of fumigators exposed to methylbromide. (p. 99).
- P. GRANJEAN, G.D. NIELSEN . (1993). Significance of percutaneous absorption for biological monitoring. (p. 99).
- R. TARDIF, S. LAPARE, K. KRISHNAN, J. BRODEUR . (1993). A physiologicaly-based description of the influence of the toxicokinetic interaction between toluene and xylene on their respective biological exposure indices in humans.. (p. 99).
- VERONIQUE DE KEYSER . (1993). Occupational health and reliability of production systems, “acceptable” risk?. (pp. 101 - 111).
- CH. PARIS, S. ARMENGOL, C. MONTAGNIER, J.J. FAURE, J.F. CAILLARD, P. CZERNICHOW . (1993). Exposition a la silice et cancer bronchique une etude de cohorte francaise. (p. 102).
- K.H. JÖCKEL, W. AHRENS, U. BOLM-AUDORFF . (1993). Lung cancer and risk for welding-results from an on-going case – control study. (p. 102).
- P. GUSTAVSSON, T. BELLANDER, L. JOHANSSON, S. SALMONSSON . (1993). Mortality and cancer incidence among Swedish graphite electrode workers. (p. 103).
- L. DE GUIRE, G. THERIAULT, D. CYR . (1993). Malignant melanoma of the skin (MMS) among the workers of a telecommunication industry (TI). A case-control study. (p. 103).
- P. BOFFETTA, F. MERLETTI, G. FERRO, P. PISANI, B. TERRACINI . (1993). Occupational risk factors of oral cancer in Turin, Italy. (p. 103).
- M. LETOURNEUX, C. PARIS, F. DERRIENNIC, C. RAFFAELLI, B. BAZIN, E. MICHEL, JF. CAILLARD . (1993). Mortalite chez des sujets retraites, anciennement exposes a l’amiante: une etude de cohorte française. (p. 103).
- M. SARIC, M. VUKSIC, J. MARELJA . (1993). Can the occurrence of bronchial asthma in potroom workers be prevented?. (p. 104).
- SAY GARK ONG, HO CHEUNG LAU, LAI MING HO, TAI HING LAM . (1993). Relationships between knowledge and attitude of workers exposed to silica dust.. (p. 104).
- A. RASK-ANDERSEN, C.J. LAND, K. ENLUND, A. LUNDIN . (1993). Inhalation fever and respiratory symptoms in the trimming department of Swedish sawmills. (p. 105).
- C. BOULENGUEZ, J.L. EDME, A. SOBASZEK, F. DIEBOLD, M. MEREAU, P. SHIRALI, J.M. HAGUENOER, H. ROBIN . (1993). Enquete respiratoire chez les soudeurs d’acier inoxydable et d’acier doux. (p. 105).
- P.C. CHEN, J.D. WANG, P. DOYLE . (1993). A cross-sectional survey of respiratory health in men employed in a Taiwan steel works.. (p. 105).
- CHAO-QIANG JIANG, CONG KONG, TAI HING LAM, D.C. CHEN, J.M. HE . (1993). Prevalence of byssinosis in Guangzhou, China.. (p. 105).
- FERNANDO SOUSA PINHEIRO, MANUELA CEREJO, MARIA CARLA SANTOS . (1993). Prevention of benzolism: an occupational health approach.. (p. 106).
- M.D. SODEN, J. KEVIN, C. HOECHST, N.C. CHARLOTTE . (1993). An evaluation of chronic methylene chloride exposure. (p. 106).
- C. BRODKIN, W. DANIELL, H. CHECKOWAY, D. ECHEVARRIA, J. JOHNSON, K. WANG, L. ROSENSTOCK . (1993). Detection of occult heiaatotoxicity in tetrachloroethylene exposed workers. (p. 107).
- I. FRANCHINI, E. BERGAMASCHI, A. SMARGIASSI, F. PERAZZOLI, A. MUTTI . (1993). Lymphocyte subpopulations among styrene exposed workers. (p. 107).
- L. FONTANA, M. GAUTHERIE, P. CATILINA, N. FLEURY-DUHAMEL, S. MEYER, A. CHAMOUX . (1993). Evaluation chronothermobiologique informatisee des troubles angio-neurotiques des mains chez des sujets ayant ete exposes au chlorure de vinyle monomere. (p. 107).
- RENE MENDES, PAULO REIS, CLAUDIO SOUSA, JOAO BARBERINO, JOAO GUTEMBERG QUINTAS COSTA . (1993). Some long-term effects of occupational exposure to benzene on workers of petrochemical plants, Camaqari, Bahia, Brazil. (p. 107).
- V. SUBLET, M.R. LUM . (1993). Environmental medicine: training physicians to meet the challenge of the 1990s. (p. 108).
- S. HESSL, G. PRANSKY . (1993). Environmental medicine activities of academic occupational medicine programs in the USA. (p. 108).
- K. SKYBERG, L. HAUGLI, P. WIUM . (1993). Advanced education for occupational health professionals in Norway. (p. 109).
- W. GREAVES, S. SHINDELL . (1993). Academic program in occupational medicine: a distance learning computer-assisted MPH degree program. (p. 109).
- MARIA CECILIA CARDOSO BENATTI . (1993). Occupational health nurse’s education and practice in Brazil. (p. 109).
- J.L. ARNAUDIN, D. FALLIOT, M. GOLDBERG, J. MERY, H. PONS . (1993). De la pratique d’une formation-action. (p. 109).
- P. GOLDBERG, S. DAVID, M.F. LANDRE, R. FUHRER, S. DASSA, M. GOLDBERG . (1993). An epidemiological study of depressive symptomatology and working conditions of prison staff. (p. 110).
- F. LEVENE, E. IMBERNON, G. WARRET, M.C. BLANC, B. DELPY, P. DESOBRY, F. FOUQUET, M.H. GAIILOT, J. MORNETTAS, C. ROITG, C. SAVARY, M. THIEBOT, B. VOGEL, M. GOLDBERG . (1993). Deplacements professionnels en vehicules EDF-GDF et repercussions eventuelles sur l’état de sante physique et psychologique. (p. 110).
- N. LE CHEVANTON, C. MAILLARD, D. RABUSSON-CORVISART, M. FORTIER LAUNOIS, N. FASSINA, G. LAMARRE, C. PASQUIER, D. SCHNELL, G. SOURIAC, C. MONTFORT, F. DERRIENNIC . (1993). Role du choix de la profession et du vecu du travail sur la sante perçue en fonction de l’age et du sexe. (p. 111).
- C. BRISSON, J. MOISAN, C. BLANCHET, M. VEZINA, A. VINET, G.R. DAGENAIS . (1993). Job demand, job decision latitude, family responsabilities and blood pressure. (p. 111).
- D. KOH, H.S. LEE, H.P. CHIA, W. PHOON . (1993). Skin disorders among hand solderers in the electronics industry. (p. 111).
- F. KERAVEL . (1993). Les outils d’analyse de la fiabilite humaine: evolution des besoins, description et synthese dtutilisation pour la medecine du travail. (p. 112).
- A. MESSINEO, S. IAVICOLI, G. FISCON, S. MARCIANO, A. PEZZOLI . (1993). Study about work accidents among workers of an italian street cleaning and refuse collection service. (p. 112).
- TOSHITERU OKUBO . (1993). From health in the job to health in the environment. (pp. 113 - 120).
- M. HORVAT . (1993). Traumatic lower limb amputations caused by farm machines. (p. 113).
- P. VANEL . (1993). Entorses de la cheville dues a des accidents du travail: etude de dossiers sur une annee a la SNCF. (p. 113).
- R. DAUMAS . (1993). Transgression de la consigne: laxisme ou fatalisme?. (p. 113).
- C. CORVALAN, T. DRISCOLL, J. HARISSON . (1993). The role of ethnicity in work-related fatalities in Australia. (p. 113).
- M. POSNIAK . (1993). Thermal degradation products emitted in processing of plasticized poly(vinyl chloride). (p. 114).
- D. SNASHALL . (1993). Oil fires in Kuwait – the impact on human health. (p. 114).
- S. GUIRGUIS, G. LISS . (1993). Long-term health effects among a group of MDA-intoxicated workers. (p. 115).
- A. MAITRE, A. PERDRIX, M. BERODE, S. ROMAZINI, H. SAVOLAINEN, J.M. MALLION . (1993). Validation of urinary hexamethylene diamine (HDA) postshift determination as a biological exposure index to hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI). (p. 115).
- M. NASTERLACK, G. TRIEBIG, O. STELZER . (1993). Changes in liver-enzyme pattern in solvent-exposed workers during a four year period. (p. 115).
- J. CRUZ DE BRITO . (1993). Analyse ergonomique du travail et contamination des femmes dans une usine chimique. (p. 115).
- S. LUSA, V. LOUHEVAARA, M. TULPPO . (1993). Job-related test drill for fire-fighters. (p. 116).
- TH ZOHOUN, H. ROBIN, E.B. FAYOMI, F. KOSSOUOH . (1993). Evaluation de la fonction pulmonaire chez des travailleurs de bois a Cotonou au Benin. (p. 116).
- A. CRINQUAND, Y. IWATSUBO, E. ORLOWSKY, D. JEGADEN, P GALOPIN, C. HUBERT, J.C PAIRON, P. BROCHARD . (1993). Etude de la fonction respiratoire d’une population de sujets exposes aux materiaux composites dans la construction navale. (p. 117).
- H.S. LEE, D. KOH, H.P. CHIA, W.H. PHOON . (1993). Do solderers have chronic impairment of lung function ?. (p. 117).
- DOMYUNG PAEK, JUNG-KEUN CHOI, KYU-CHUL CHUNG . (1993). One-week peak flow measurement for the detection of occupational asthma. (p. 117).
- E. ZUSKIN, J. MUSTAJBEGOVIC, E.N. SCHACHTER . (1993). Respiratory function in wool workers. (p. 117).
- A. ARSENAULT, MARIE-REINE VAN AMERINGEN . (1993). Stress et syndrome d’adaption cognitive:le cas des intervenants en toxicomanie. (p. 120).
- P. ANDRIEU, S. BONENFANT, J.F. CHASTANG, A. CHEVALIER, C. DELATOUR, D. LUCE, J.L. MILLOT, M. NIMSGERN, E. PETIN, M.C. PICOT, F. POLLARD, P. PONT, P. PROY, M.J. QUASTANA, M. SOUQUES, D. VON SECKENDORFF . (1993). Facteurs professionnels des etats anxieux et depressifs dans les enterprises EDF-GDF. (p. 120).
- ERNST GLEICHMANN, HANS-CHRISTIAN SCHUPPE . (1993). Immunotoxicology : immunomodulation, allergy and autoimmunity induced by xenobiotics. (pp. 121 - 126).
- F. BRUNO, C. IPPOLITI, G. COSTANZO, L. RICCI, F. MARULLO, A. MESSINEO . (1993). Stress at work amongst police officers. (p. 121).
- A. TOURANCHET, M.J. SAUREL-CUBIROLLES, M. BOURGINE . (1993). Douleurs periarticulaires et conditions de travail dans les abattoirs de volailles et les conserveries. (p. 122).
- C.H. NYGARD, K. UUSI-RASI, P. OJA, M. PASANEN, H. SIEVANEN, I. VUORI . (1993). Bone density among 30 to 50 year-old female post carriers and office workers. (p. 122).
- K. EKBERG, B. BJÖRKQVIST, P. MALM, B. BJERRE-KIELY . (1993). Rehabilitation of neck and shoulder disorders – a long-term follow up. (p. 123).
- R.N. SEN, S. SAHU . (1993). An ergonomic study to ascertain the suitability of different questionnaire techniques for preselection of Indian shift workers for improvement of occupational health and productivity. (p. 124).
- F. BARBIC, R. FURLAN, F. D’ADDA, E. GENTILE, R SEBASTIANI, M. PAGANI, F. LOMBARDI, P. SEGHIZZI, A. MALLIANI . (1993). Changes induced by shift work on neural control of heart rate. (p. 124).
- KAZUHIRO SAKAI, KAZUTAKA KOGI . (1993). Practical ways to increase off-days and improve job career for shiftworkers. (p. 125).
- K. KURPPA, T. OUSITALO, J. TAKALA, D. GOLD . (1993). Novel approach to manage occupational health and safety information in Asia and the Pacific. (p. 126).
- M. KERR, A. FITZGERALD, A. DOWNIE . (1993). Technology transfer by Northern Telecom’s corporate environmental, health and safety group: an attempt to save the ozone layer. (p. 126).
- KAJ R.-K. HUSMAN, EILA KANKAANPAA . (1993). Financial strategy and evaluation in occupational health. (pp. 127 - 136).
- D. GOLD . (1993). A combination of training and information to foster a reduction of occupational accidents and diseases in Asia and the Pacific. (p. 127).
- D. LAHAYE, P. JACQUES, G. MOENS, B. VIAENE . (1993). Critical assessment of medical data gained via PME performed by the occupational physician. (p. 128).
- J.F. DE WAILLY, A. TILMONT-POTHIN, P. ANDRIATAVY, F. NAVION, J. ONDE REZZI, F. DERRIENNIC . (1993). Influence des conditions de travail, du vecu professionnel, de l’age et du sexe sur la tension arterielle. (p. 128).
- A.M. KAMAL, C. PARIS, I. RAGAZZINI, J.F. CAILLARD . (1993). Post professional health profile of a group of retired men and women. (p. 129).
- R. DUFRESNE, T. VU LUU . (1993). Perte auditive chez les conducteurs de locomotive. (p. 130).
- E. ORLOWSKI, JC. GUICHARD, S. CORDIER, D. LAFON, J.C. PAIORON, P. BROCHARD . (1993). Etude de faisabilite d’un reseau de surveillance des risques professionnels dans certaines activites de travail a la SNCF. (p. 130).
- M. NAKAGAWA, M. TOMITA, M. ODAKA, S. MIZUNO . (1993). Cancer death rates among electrified railway workers. (p. 131).
- G. GIBBS, K. SODEN . (1993). The mortality of workers manufacturing cellulose acetate and triacetate fibers. (p. 132).
- M. VANHOORNE, D. DE BACQUER . (1993). Epidemiological and medico-social study of the toxic effects of occupational exposure to carbon disulphide. (p. 132).
- ZHANYUAN LIU, YUXIANG FAN, XINGYUAN XIAO . (1993). Study on hazard from organic dusts and their preventive measures in petrochemical industry. (p. 133).
- S. PARAT, A. PERDRIX, H. FRICKER, N. PELISSIER, R. GRILLOT . (1993). Biocontamination of the workplace. Critical analysis of international standards or criteria-guides proposed. (p. 134).
- A. TOSSAVAINEN, JUHANI JAAKKOLA . (1993). Levels and trends of chemical exposures in Finland. (p. 134).
- P. GOURDEAU, S. ALLAIRE, A. SOULARD, R PLANTE . (1993). Intervention de sante publique en vue de reduire le niveau d’exposition a l’oxyde de carbone (CO) chez les mecaniciens d’automobile. (p. 135).
- L. LILLIENBERG, A. BUDORF . (1993). Inhalable flour dust in Swedish bakeries. (p. 135).
- B. KAMPMANN, C. PIEKARSKI, P. MORFELD . (1993). Should iso 7933 be used to determine thermal stress?. (p. 135).
- J.D. DOUGHERTY . (1993). Clearence for respirator use. (p. 135).
- H. NORDMAN, O. TUPASELA, M. VANHANEN . (1993). Characterization of enzyme allergens. (p. 136).
- F. MOLLAT, C. BANNEAU, M. BOBE, B. BRIAND, M.N. CARAMANIAN . (1993). Les allergies respiratoires des boulangers-patissiers-premiers resultats d’une etude de prevalence. (p. 136).
- PATRICIA A. STEWART . (1993). Assessing occupational exposures in Epidemiology studies. (pp. 137 - 149).
- M. VANHANEN, H. NORDMAN, O. TUPASELA . (1993). Sensitization to enzymes in the baking industry. (p. 137).
- I. CYNKIER, M. AHMAN, E. SÖDERMAN, B. KOLMODIN-HEDMAN . (1993). The work environment and health of woodwork teachers. (p. 137).
- T. TUOMI, H. HOKKNEN, A. JAUHIAINEN . (1993). Exposure to airborne enzymes and flour dust in bakeries. (p. 137).
- J.D. DEWITTE, S. MORAND, P. COMTOIS, D. GAUTRIN, O. VANDENPLAS, J. L'ARCHEVEQUE, C. LEBLANC, C. TRUDEAU, J.L. MALO . (1993). Exposition allergenique, sensibilisation a IgE et symptomes lies au travail chez les jardiniers municipaux charges de la tonte des pelouses. (p. 137).
- K. KOTSEVA . (1993). Prevalence de l’hypertension arterielle chez les travailleurs d’unites de production de phenol. (p. 138).
- B. FONTAINE, J.M. HAGUENOER, D. HEMON . (1993). Anomalies electrocardiographiques de la conduction (et autres) et exposition professionnelle aux solvants non-halogenes. (p. 138).
- Y. KUSAKA, N. FUJIMURA, S. GOTO . (1993). Hard-metal cardiomyopathy: synergistic effects of lifestyle and exposure to cobalt on the heart?. (p. 139).
- P. FROOM, U. NAVEH, B. MOSCHOVITCH, J. RIBAK . (1993). Blood lead levels and blood pressure in battery plant workers. (p. 139).
- K. SAITO, A. KOYAMA, T. SAITO, M. TAKAKURA . (1993). Comparative studies on blood pressure of the workers in agriculture, forestry and steelworks. (p. 139).
- N. HAMMAR, L. ALFREDSSON, T. THEORELL . (1993). Job strain and incidence of myocardial infarction. (p. 139).
- A. FUJINO, Z. NAMBU, T. HIGASHI, H. KAJI, Y. MORIMOTO, I. TANAKA . (1993). In vitro assay to predict the pathogenicity of fibrous materials. (p. 140).
- E. YANO, P. EVANS, T. ISHIZAKI . (1993). Reactive oxygen metabolites production from human leukocytes by asbestos. (p. 140).
- S. BARNHART, C. BRODKIN, M. THORNQUIST, G. OMENN, L. ROSENSTOCK . (1993). Accelerated loss of ventilatory function among asbestos-exposed subjects. (p. 141).
- M.A. BILLON-GALLAND, L. MARTINON, E. KAUFFER, G. DUFOUR, J. BIGNON, P. BROCHARD . (1993). Fibres minerales synthetiques: evaluation de l’exposition du travailleur lors de travaux d’isolation. (p. 141).
- T. NAKADATE, J. KAGAWA . (1993). Annual decline of lung function in asbestos-exposed workers with and without fibrotic changes in a chest radiogram. (p. 141).
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- KARI KURPPA, DAVID GOLD, TEUVO UUSITALO, JUKKA TAKALA . (1993). Diskette database approach to control 240 priority chemicals in Asia and the Pacific. (p. 418).
- FRANK B. WRIGHT . (1993). A Eurapean Wide Database on Health and Safety laws. (p. 418).
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- LOUIS JAN BLOEMEN . (1993). Use of Occupational Health Data far an Epidemiologic Surveillance System. (p. 424).
- JEAN VALTY, JEAN BERTRAN, ANDRE DARMON . (1993). Les composantes du stress au travail chez les infarctus du myocarde sont-elles differentes de celles des sujets temoins?. (p. 425).
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- E. CATTARUZZA . (1993). La chasse au plomb. (p. 429).
- J.L. PUJADE RENAUD . (1993). Se proteger du plomb, c’est possible. (p. 429).
- S. CREN, F. BARDAT . (1993). Le traitement de surface des metaux. La prevention. (p. 429).
- R. LAMPEN, P. ANDRE-MAZEAUD, E. LEHTO . (1993). Adherons tous a la securite. (p. 430).
- R. CAPRIOLI, J.M. PORST . (1993). L’etude des risques professionnels aux hopitaux de Lyon. (p. 431).
- M. DOMART . (1993). Soignants…risque zero. (p. 431).
- C. DAVID-HAMON, P. CATILINA . (1993). Regard sur ecran. (p. 431).
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- P. TROTOT . (1993). Aspects radiologiques de la pneumocystose, principale complication du SIDA. (p. 433).
- J.J. LAPLANTE . (1993). Le poumon de fermier. (p. 433).
- S. ROBERT . (1993). Ouie pour la vie. (p. 433).
- P. POT, A. DIALLO . (1993). Je suis comme les autres. (p. 434).
- M.F. KUNLIN . (1993). Carre orange. (p. 434).
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- V. KISNAH . (1993). Do yourself a power of good. (p. 435).
- J. ZABIEGA, A. CHERIN, B. CHATELAIN . (1993). Ca s’est passe demain. (p. 436).
- M. FIDALGO-MARTINEZ . (1993). Projet de prevention de la poussiere dans les mines de charbon en couches minces et etroites. (p. 437).
- M.C. HURARD, C. BAUSSARD, C. GRANCHAMP, C. SEIBEL, M. MICOUD . (1993). Le mur du secret. (p. 437).
- M.H. JOUVE, AYMONT D'AUBRAC, BOGGIO, CHELLE, BOTTIER, RAYNAUD, TAINE, VAJA, VESURE . (1993). Travaillons ensemble pour notre sante. (p. 437).
- A. BEN JEMMA . (1993). Spots televises de sensibilisation a la prevention du risque professionnel. (p. 437).
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